5 research outputs found

    Accelerating Parallel Verification via Complementary Property Partitioning and Strategy Exploration

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    Industrial hardware verification tasks often require checking a large number of properties within a testbench. Verification tools often utilize parallelism in their solving orchestration to improve scalability, either in portfolio mode where different solver strategies run concurrently, or in partitioning mode where disjoint property subsets are verified independently. While most tools focus solely upon reducing end-to-end walltime, reducing overall CPU-time is a comparably-important goal influencing power consumption, competition for available machines, and IT costs. Portfolio approaches often degrade into highly-redundant work across processes, where similar strategies address properties in nearly-identical order. Partitioning should take property affinity into account, atomically verifying high-affinity properties to minimize redundant work of applying identical strategies on individual properties with nearly-identical logic cones. In this paper, we improve multi-property parallel verification with respect to both wall- and CPU-time. We extend affinity-based partitioning to guarantee complete utilization of available processes, with provable partition quality. We propose methods to minimize redundant computation, and dynamically optimize work distribution. We deploy our techniques in a sequential redundancy removal framework, using localization to solve non-inductive properties. Our techniques offer a median 2.4× speedup yielding 18.1% more property solves, as demonstrated by extensive experiments

    A graph-labeling approach for efficient cone-of-influence computation in model-checking problems with multiple properties

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    In order to make model checking applicable to realistic problems, simplification techniques are essential. Models may be simplified eliminating the variables that do not appear in the cone-of-influence (COI) of the properties under verification. Efficient COI computation is thus required. Algorithms based on depth-first visits may become cumbersome when they must be applied several times; for instance, when multiple properties must be verified on the same model. An alternative is to resort to graph-labeling methods, trading-off time for memory. Modeling the problem in terms of graphs, this paper develops a technique based on bitmaps that keeps the amount of memory needed within acceptable limits. The paper also describes a portfolio of optimizations of the original algorithm that allow even more reductions in memory usage. Experimental results show that the basic algorithm and its optimized versions perform very well on standard benchmark circuits used in the model-checking communit