7,505 research outputs found

    Weak Fourier-Schur sampling, the hidden subgroup problem, and the quantum collision problem

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    Schur duality decomposes many copies of a quantum state into subspaces labeled by partitions, a decomposition with applications throughout quantum information theory. Here we consider applying Schur duality to the problem of distinguishing coset states in the standard approach to the hidden subgroup problem. We observe that simply measuring the partition (a procedure we call weak Schur sampling) provides very little information about the hidden subgroup. Furthermore, we show that under quite general assumptions, even a combination of weak Fourier sampling and weak Schur sampling fails to identify the hidden subgroup. We also prove tight bounds on how many coset states are required to solve the hidden subgroup problem by weak Schur sampling, and we relate this question to a quantum version of the collision problem.Comment: 21 page

    Variational Theory and Domain Decomposition for Nonlocal Problems

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    In this article we present the first results on domain decomposition methods for nonlocal operators. We present a nonlocal variational formulation for these operators and establish the well-posedness of associated boundary value problems, proving a nonlocal Poincar\'{e} inequality. To determine the conditioning of the discretized operator, we prove a spectral equivalence which leads to a mesh size independent upper bound for the condition number of the stiffness matrix. We then introduce a nonlocal two-domain variational formulation utilizing nonlocal transmission conditions, and prove equivalence with the single-domain formulation. A nonlocal Schur complement is introduced. We establish condition number bounds for the nonlocal stiffness and Schur complement matrices. Supporting numerical experiments demonstrating the conditioning of the nonlocal one- and two-domain problems are presented.Comment: Updated the technical part. In press in Applied Mathematics and Computatio

    Quantum Spectrum Testing

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    In this work, we study the problem of testing properties of the spectrum of a mixed quantum state. Here one is given nn copies of a mixed state ρCd×d\rho\in\mathbb{C}^{d\times d} and the goal is to distinguish whether ρ\rho's spectrum satisfies some property P\mathcal{P} or is at least ϵ\epsilon-far in 1\ell_1-distance from satisfying P\mathcal{P}. This problem was promoted in the survey of Montanaro and de Wolf under the name of testing unitarily invariant properties of mixed states. It is the natural quantum analogue of the classical problem of testing symmetric properties of probability distributions. Here, the hope is for algorithms with subquadratic copy complexity in the dimension dd. This is because the "empirical Young diagram (EYD) algorithm" can estimate the spectrum of a mixed state up to ϵ\epsilon-accuracy using only O~(d2/ϵ2)\widetilde{O}(d^2/\epsilon^2) copies. In this work, we show that given a mixed state ρCd×d\rho\in\mathbb{C}^{d\times d}: (i) Θ(d/ϵ2)\Theta(d/\epsilon^2) copies are necessary and sufficient to test whether ρ\rho is the maximally mixed state, i.e., has spectrum (1d,...,1d)(\frac1d, ..., \frac1d); (ii) Θ(r2/ϵ)\Theta(r^2/\epsilon) copies are necessary and sufficient to test with one-sided error whether ρ\rho has rank rr, i.e., has at most rr nonzero eigenvalues; (iii) Θ~(r2/Δ)\widetilde{\Theta}(r^2/\Delta) copies are necessary and sufficient to distinguish whether ρ\rho is maximally mixed on an rr-dimensional or an (r+Δ)(r+\Delta)-dimensional subspace; and (iv) The EYD algorithm requires Ω(d2/ϵ2)\Omega(d^2/\epsilon^2) copies to estimate the spectrum of ρ\rho up to ϵ\epsilon-accuracy, nearly matching the known upper bound. In addition, we simplify part of the proof of the upper bound. Our techniques involve the asymptotic representation theory of the symmetric group; in particular Kerov's algebra of polynomial functions on Young diagrams.Comment: 70 pages, 6 figure

    Time-parallel iterative solvers for parabolic evolution equations

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    We present original time-parallel algorithms for the solution of the implicit Euler discretization of general linear parabolic evolution equations with time-dependent self-adjoint spatial operators. Motivated by the inf-sup theory of parabolic problems, we show that the standard nonsymmetric time-global system can be equivalently reformulated as an original symmetric saddle-point system that remains inf-sup stable with respect to the same natural parabolic norms. We then propose and analyse an efficient and readily implementable parallel-in-time preconditioner to be used with an inexact Uzawa method. The proposed preconditioner is non-intrusive and easy to implement in practice, and also features the key theoretical advantages of robust spectral bounds, leading to convergence rates that are independent of the number of time-steps, final time, or spatial mesh sizes, and also a theoretical parallel complexity that grows only logarithmically with respect to the number of time-steps. Numerical experiments with large-scale parallel computations show the effectiveness of the method, along with its good weak and strong scaling properties