691 research outputs found

    Adoption of green innovation practices in SMEs sector: evidence from an emerging economy

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    In developing world, awareness and environmental concerns are forcing small and medium-sized enterprises to adopt green practices. Hence it is important to distinguish the major obstacles/barriers which hinders the adoption of green practices in SMEs. This study utilizes a framework (three-phase) to classify the major barriers/obstacles and solutions to eliminate these obstacles in green innovation adoption. In total, twenty-five barriers and fifteen solutions were recognized through review of existing literature and experts opinions. Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchal Process (AHP) was utilized to rank these barriers and Fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is employed to give appropriate ranks to strategies/solutions to overcome the identified obstacles. The findings of our study revealed that out of six major barriers, legal barriers were the most critical obstacles in green innovation adoption in Pakistani SMEs. Information barriers were the second critical green innovation adoption obstacles/barriers in SMEs, followed by technical-barriers, managerial-barriers, economic-barriers and marketbarriers. These findings will offer insights to SMEs stockholders to overcome and eradicate barriers to green innovation, who intend to adopt green practices instead of conventional ones. Our study analysis will assist SMEs in prioritizing the major factors influencing green innovation adoption

    Three Decades of Fuzzy AHP: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    [EN] For decades, Fuzzy Sets Theory (FST) has been consistently developed, and its use has spread across multiple disciplines. In this process of knowledge transfer, fuzzy applications have experienced great diffusion. Among them, Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (fuzzy AHP) is one of the most widely used methodologies today. This study performs a systematic review following the PRISMA statement and addresses a bibliometric analysis of all articles published on fuzzy AHP in journals indexed in Web of Science, specifically in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). The analyzed database includes 2086 articles published between 1994 and 2022. The results show the thematic clusters, the evolution of the academic conversation and the main collaboration networks. The main contribution of this article is to clarify the research agenda on fuzzy AHP. The results of the study allow academics to detect publication opportunities. In addition, the evidence found allows researchers and academics setting the field¿s agenda to advise the editors of high-impact journals on gaps and new research trends.Castello-Sirvent, F.; Meneses-Eraso, C.; Alonso-Gómez, J.; Peris-Ortiz, M. (2022). Three Decades of Fuzzy AHP: A Bibliometric Analysis. Axioms. 11(10):1-34. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms11100525134111

    Prioritizing Barriers and Strategies Mapping in Business Intelligence Projects Using Fuzzy AHP TOPSIS Framework in Developing Country

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    Business Intelligence (BI) is an essential technology in an increasingly competitive landscape since it helps make decisions more accurately. To achieve an effective BI implementation, the organization must formulate the right strategy to overcome its challenges. This research aimed to develop a framework to map barriers into strategies using qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative approach is driven by interviewing BI experts to validate the barriers and strategies previously obtained. Based on the interview, there are 19 barriers and 9 strategies that could be used. The quantitative approach compiles a priority list of the most significant barriers and the most effective strategies to overcome these barriers using fuzzy AHP TOPSIS, an MCDM method to eliminate inconsistencies during ranking. The results indicate that the lack of collaboration between the IT and BI departments, the BI implementation demands to be done quickly, and low data quality are the main barriers that hinder BI's success. This research also found that business people's involvement in a BI project is the best strategy to overcome the obstacles. The chances of a successful BI implementation will increase by having good cooperation between IT and business units within the company. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-02-010 Full Text: PD


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    This work presents an outline for adopting industry 4.0 enabling technologies, and appropriate strategies are prioritized to implement them. A hybrid fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) approaches are applied to achieve the objectives. The enabling technologies and strategies were identified based on the literature review and expert’s opinions, a total of 26 enabling technologies and eight strategies were identified. Later fuzzy AHP technique is used to rank the enablers and TOPSIS is applied to order the implementation strategies. From 26 enablers, a total of ten enabling technologies were found to be the most effective. Artificial intelligence (AI), top management commitment and support, virtual reality, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems were the top-ranked enablers in the list, whereas edge computing was the least effective enabler. Among the strategies, lean manufacturing, green supply chain and logistics, and integrated and smart manufacturing systems were the top priorities in implementing industry 4.0, while recruiting and managing talents was the least important strategy in the study. The findings from this framework will provide a deep insight to the managers and practitioners of MSMEs to adopt the industry 4.0 technologies in their organizations

    Ranking Knowledge Management Factors in Supply Chain of National Iranian Copper Industries Company Using FAHP Method

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    Knowledge management is considered as one of the most significant competitive resources for any organization such that most believe that the faster the companies acquire knowledge taking into application, the more they are successful in a competitive market. On the other hand, the competition among companies is no more important; instead, the competition among supply chains is highly focused in order to provide the most value to the customer. Research statistical population included 30 individuals of all practitioners and middle management experts in National copper industries company headquarter. The present research used Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to rank knowledge management effective factors in supply chain of national Iranian copper industries company. Research results showed that management factors, knowledge creation, acquisition and production process, knowledge assessment and feedback process, knowledge transformation, sharing and distribution process, organizational culture, knowledge use, application and utilization process as well as employees’ characteristics are in order the most to the least important knowledge management criteria in supply chain of national copper industries company through using FAHP technique

    Integrating Industry 4.0 and Total Productive Maintenance for Global Sustainability

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    The integration of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and industry 4.0 (I4.0) is an emerging model, and the global pressure of various stakeholders raises scepticism of any emerging model towards providing sustainability. Therefore, this research aims to identify and rank the potential significant drivers of an integrated model of I4.0 and TPM to guide manufacturing enterprises towards sustainability. This research follows a four-phase methodology including literature review and expert opinion to select the sustainability indicators and I4.0 integrated TPM key drivers, followed by employing the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach for weight determination of sustainability indicators. The research then deploys the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to prioritise the I4.0 integrated TPM key drivers based on their effect on various sustainability indicators. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to check the robustness of the TOPSIS. The findings establish the top five most influential key drivers of an I4.0 integrated TPM system, which include Top management support, Formal I4.0 adoption program, Mid-management involvement and support, Solid TPM baseline knowledge, and High engagement of the production team. These top drives can lead manufacturing firms towards sustainability. The digitalisation of shop floor practices, such as TPM could be adapted by shop floor managers and policymakers of manufacturing companies to deliver sustainability-oriented outcomes. In addition, this research may aid decision-makers in the manufacturing sector in identifying the most important drivers of Industry 4.0 and TPM, which will assist them in more effectively implementing an integrated system of Industry 4.0 and TPM to practice sustainability. The scope of TPM applicability is wide, and the current research is limited to manufacturing companies. Therefore, there is a huge scope for developing and testing the integrated system of Industry 4.0 and TPM in other industrial settings, such as the textile, food and aerospace industries. This research makes a first-of-its-kind effort to examine how an I4.0 integrated TPM model affects manufacturing companies' sustainability and how such effects might be maximised

    Gestão de Recursos Finitos em Empresas

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    The present work has as goal aiding decision makers, researchers, enterprises and practitioners by developing a proper literature review as a base for comparison among multiple-criteria decision making methods in finite resources management according to each of the most important areas of a business environment. Efficient resource management decision making in companies impacts its value creation capability and, therefore, its competitiveness and ultimate success. The methodology for paper research follows the PRISMA flow diagram, for correct paper filtrations according to the set of criteria stablished in alignment with the thesis goal. The papers included in the study are any that employ multiple-criteria decision making methods in their pure forms, in combination with each other forming hybrids, or in combination with other mathematical techniques for solving decision making problems across five major areas of a company’s body. The five major areas are: (1) Supply Chain Management and Logistics; (2) Environmental Management; (3) Business and Marketing Management; (4) Design, Engineering and Manufacturing Systems; and (5) Human Resources Management. The 204 final papers are presented separated by their corresponding application areas, ordered by number of citations, which is used as a measure of their scientific community relevance. They are also classified by, author, nationality, journal, year, type of research and methods used. All collected data is used for quantitative statistical analysis, with which is possible to collect more in-depth information on the literature research. Focused comments on the main methods are also present in this work, with observations made on the many applications and variations each of them had throughout the articles in the research. The AHP and TOPSIS approaches, either with their fuzzy set variations are by far the most popular methods in the referred applications. However, besides them other 51 MCDM or other mathematical techniques are employed in many different combinations and approaches, bringing a very interesting diversity to the study that is very useful for it to be used as a base for comparison among methods. A total number of 111 journals and authors and co-authors of 41 nationalities are involved in the publications between 2012 and 2018, with more than half of papers coming from either India, Turkey or Iran. Many other results are obtained, bringing the readers different perspectives on the subject. This paper contributes to the body of knowledge with a great and insightful overview on MCDM methods application in aiding in challenges part of a business environment, so that companies can better manage their resources and be more prosperous. It is a vast database that allows many comparisons and evaluations, offering more analysis than the standard literature review articles.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo auxiliar os tomadores de decisão, pesquisadores e profissionais, ao desenvolver uma revisão bibliográfica adequada como base para comparação entre os métodos de decisão multicritério na gestão de recursos finitos de acordo com cada uma das áreas mais importantes de um ambiente de negócios. A tomada eficiente de decisões de gestão de recursos nas empresas afeta sua capacidade de criação de valor e, portanto, sua competitividade e sucesso finais. A metodologia da investigação baseou-se na metodologia PRISMA, para a correta filtração das publicações de acordo com o conjunto de critérios estabelecidos, em alinhamento com o objetivo da tese. Os artigos incluídos no estudo são aqueles que apresentam métodos de decisão com critérios múltiplos em suas formas puras, em combinação uns com os outros ao formar híbridos, ou com outras técnicas matemáticas para resolver problemas em cinco áreas principais das empresas. As cinco áreas são: (1) Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos e Logística; (2) Gestão Ambiental; (3) Gestão de Negócios e Marketing; (4) Sistemas de Projeto, Engenharia e Manufatura; e (5) Gestão de Recursos Humanos. Os 204 artigos finais são apresentados de acordo com as áreas de aplicação correspondentes, ordenadas por número de citações, que são usadas como uma medida de sua relevância na comunidade científica. Eles são, ainda, classificados por autor, nacionalidade, revista, ano, tipo de pesquisa e métodos utilizados. Todos os dados coletados são utilizados para análise estatística quantitativa, com a qual é possível recolher informações mais aprofundadas sobre a pesquisa bibliográfica. São realizados comentários sobre os principais métodos e as maneiras que foram apresentados ao longo do estudo de todos os artigos durante a pesquisa. As abordagens AHP e TOPSIS, com suas variações em conjuntos difusos ou fuzzy, são de longe os métodos mais populares nas aplicações referidas. No entanto, além destes, outros 51 MCDM e outras técnicas são utilizadas em muitas combinações e abordagens, trazendo uma diversidade muito interessante para o estudo, servindo de base para comparação dos métodos. Um total de 111 revistas e autores e coautores de 41 nacionalidades estão envolvidos nas publicações entre 2012 e 2018, com mais de metade dos artigos provenientes da Índia, Turquia ou Irão. Estes e outros resultados levam aos leitores diferentes perspectivas sobre o assunto. Este documento contribui para o estado da arte, com um conhecimento geral excelente e perspicaz sobre a aplicação de métodos MCDM para ajudar nos desafios de um ambiente de negócios, para que as empresas possam melhor gerenciar seus recursos e serem mais prósperas. É um vasto banco de dados que permite muitas comparações e avaliações, oferecendo mais análises do que os artigos de revisão de literatura padrão

    Examining the role of digitalization and technological innovation in promoting sustainable natural resource exploitation

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    In the era of technological advancement, the potential of digitalization and technical innovation to revolutionize sustainable resource exploitation has become a focal point. The promises of reduced environmental impact, heightened efficiency, and improved socio-economic outcomes underscore the transformative power that digitalization holds for resource management. To this extent, the fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and fuzzy VIsekriterijumsko KOmpromisno Rangiranje (VIKOR) methods are used to examine challenges and come up with possible solutions for the mining sector in Pakistan to adopt digital transformation. The study identifies several key challenges, sub-challenges, and strategies, giving readers a thorough grasp of digital transformation. These challenges and sub-challenges are evaluated and ranked according to their relative weights using the fuzzy AHP approach. The fuzzy VIKOR method is applied to determine strategies that can help overcome these challenges and promote digitalization and technological innovation in the sustainable exploitation of natural resources. The results of fuzzy AHP show that policy and regulation, infrastructure, and human capital are key challenges. The findings of fuzzy VIKOR indicate that robust policy development, investment in Research and Development (R&D), and leveraging global trends and partnerships are key strategies to overcome the challenges. These findings provide valuable insights for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners, offering new perspectives on integrating digital technology into the natural resource sector to foster sustainable development

    Combining Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Methods with Building Information Modelling (BIM): A Review

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    Integrating building information to support decision-making has been a key challenge in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. The synergy of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is expected to improve information integration and decision-making. The aim of this paper is to identify strategies to improve the synergy between MCDM and BIM. From the earliest literature (2009) to the present, this study examines 45 articles combining MCDM with BIM. We find that the five major application domains are sustainability, retrofit, supplier selection, safety, and constructability. Five established strategies for improving the synergy between MCDM and BIM were discussed and can be used as a benchmark for evaluating the application of decision techniques in practice. This study points out gaps of combining MCDM and BIM in the current literature. It also sheds new light into combining MCDM with BIM for practitioners, as to promote integrated decision-making

    Assessing solutions to overcome Quality 4.0 barriers: a decision-making framework

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    Purpose The industrial revolution changed the market landscape significantly in all industrial sectors. It has a noteworthy impact on enhancing the quality of goods and services. The quality aspect is of utmost concern and determines the success or failure of any product. Therefore, the presented study analyses the key barriers and solutions of Quality 4.0. Design/methodology/approach Twenty barriers and fifteen solutions were identified using a literature review and investigated using a hybrid approach. Barrier weights were evaluated with the help of the fuzzy AHP method. Furthermore, the computed weights were used to perform computations in the next step using fuzzy-TOPSIS to prioritize the ranking of identified solutions. Findings The research results show that “Lack of applying advanced analytics to uncover Quality 4.0 initiatives” and “Lack of integrating data from various sources across the organization” are the topmost barriers. Furthermore, “Implement a leadership development program focused on Quality 4.0” and “Cross-departmental peer learning environment” are the topmost solutions. Practical implications Managers and industrialists can benefit from Quality 4.0 through improved decision-making, process efficiency, supply chain collaboration, agile quality management, enhanced customer experience and a culture of continuous improvement. This results in better quality, operational effectiveness and a competitive edge. Originality/value The solutions need to be mapped with barriers to adopting Quality 4.0. Furthermore, the research results involve novelty by prioritizing the solutions to overcome the anticipated barriers