33 research outputs found

    A functional interpretation for nonstandard arithmetic

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    We introduce constructive and classical systems for nonstandard arithmetic and show how variants of the functional interpretations due to Goedel and Shoenfield can be used to rewrite proofs performed in these systems into standard ones. These functional interpretations show in particular that our nonstandard systems are conservative extensions of extensional Heyting and Peano arithmetic in all finite types, strengthening earlier results by Moerdijk, Palmgren, Avigad and Helzner. We will also indicate how our rewriting algorithm can be used for term extraction purposes. To conclude the paper, we will point out some open problems and directions for future research and mention some initial results on saturation principles

    The strength of countable saturation

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    We determine the proof-theoretic strength of the principle of countable saturation in the context of the systems for nonstandard arithmetic introduced in our earlier work.Comment: Corrected typos in Lemma 3.4 and the final paragraph of the conclusio

    The Herbrand Topos

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    We define a new topos, the Herbrand topos, inspired by the modified realizability topos and our earlier work on Herbrand realizability. We also introduce the category of Herbrand assemblies and characterise these as the double-negation-separated objects in the Herbrand topos. In addition, we show that the category of sets is included as the category of double-negation-sheaves and prove that the inclusion functor preserves and reflects validity of first-order formulas