1 research outputs found

    A Hexagonal Adaptive Antenna Array Concept For Wireless Communication Applications

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    This work describes the adaptive antenna array concept with seven patch elements in a hexagonal arrangement. With this structure it is possible to configure the radiation pattern to obtain directional patterns with high directivity and gain. The software IE3D, from ZELAND, was used to optimize and analyze the antenna array for applications at 1.9GHz. The return loss results and radiation pattern simulations indicate that this hexagonal array can be applied to the next generation of wireless communication. ©2002 IEEE.1247249Herscovici, N., Chistodoulou, C., El Zooghby, A., Potentials of smart antennas in cdma systems and uplink improvements (2001) IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 5 (43), pp. 172-177. , OctoberLiberti, J.C., Rappaport Jr., T.S., (1999) Smart Antennas for Wireless Communications IS-95 and Third Generation CDMA Applications, , Prentice Hall PTRMurch, R.D., Letaief, K.B., Antenna systems for broadband wireless acess (2002) IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 76-83. , AprilTrastoy, A., Ares, F., Moreno, E., Phase-only control antenna sum and shaped patterns null pertubation (2001) IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 43 (6), pp. 45-54. , DecemberMonot, J.-J., Thibault, J., Chevalier, P., Pipon, F., Mayrargue, S., Levy, A., A fully programmable prototype for the experimentation of the sdma concept and use of smart antennas for umts and gsm/dcs1800 networks (1997) Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2, pp. 534-538. , Octobc