24,750 research outputs found

    Overview of Random Forest Methodology and Practical Guidance with Emphasis on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

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    The Random Forest (RF) algorithm by Leo Breiman has become a standard data analysis tool in bioinformatics. It has shown excellent performance in settings where the number of variables is much larger than the number of observations, can cope with complex interaction structures as well as highly correlated variables and returns measures of variable importance. This paper synthesizes ten years of RF development with emphasis on applications to bioinformatics and computational biology. Special attention is given to practical aspects such as the selection of parameters, available RF implementations, and important pitfalls and biases of RF and its variable importance measures (VIMs). The paper surveys recent developments of the methodology relevant to bioinformatics as well as some representative examples of RF applications in this context and possible directions for future research

    An Introduction to Recursive Partitioning: Rationale, Application and Characteristics of Classification and Regression Trees, Bagging and Random Forests

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    Recursive partitioning methods have become popular and widely used tools for nonparametric regression and classification in many scientific fields. Especially random forests, that can deal with large numbers of predictor variables even in the presence of complex interactions, have been applied successfully in genetics, clinical medicine and bioinformatics within the past few years. High dimensional problems are common not only in genetics, but also in some areas of psychological research, where only few subjects can be measured due to time or cost constraints, yet a large amount of data is generated for each subject. Random forests have been shown to achieve a high prediction accuracy in such applications, and provide descriptive variable importance measures reflecting the impact of each variable in both main effects and interactions. The aim of this work is to introduce the principles of the standard recursive partitioning methods as well as recent methodological improvements, to illustrate their usage for low and high dimensional data exploration, but also to point out limitations of the methods and potential pitfalls in their practical application. Application of the methods is illustrated using freely available implementations in the R system for statistical computing

    Stable variable selection for right censored data: comparison of methods

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    The instability in the selection of models is a major concern with data sets containing a large number of covariates. This paper deals with variable selection methodology in the case of high-dimensional problems where the response variable can be right censored. We focuse on new stable variable selection methods based on bootstrap for two methodologies: the Cox proportional hazard model and survival trees. As far as the Cox model is concerned, we investigate the bootstrapping applied to two variable selection techniques: the stepwise algorithm based on the AIC criterion and the L1-penalization of Lasso. Regarding survival trees, we review two methodologies: the bootstrap node-level stabilization and random survival forests. We apply these different approaches to two real data sets. We compare the methods on the prediction error rate based on the Harrell concordance index and the relevance of the interpretation of the corresponding selected models. The aim is to find a compromise between a good prediction performance and ease to interpretation for clinicians. Results suggest that in the case of a small number of individuals, a bootstrapping adapted to L1-penalization in the Cox model or a bootstrap node-level stabilization in survival trees give a good alternative to the random survival forest methodology, known to give the smallest prediction error rate but difficult to interprete by non-statisticians. In a clinical perspective, the complementarity between the methods based on the Cox model and those based on survival trees would permit to built reliable models easy to interprete by the clinician.Comment: nombre de pages : 29 nombre de tableaux : 2 nombre de figures :

    A sparse regulatory network of copy-number driven expression reveals putative breast cancer oncogenes

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    The influence of DNA cis-regulatory elements on a gene's expression has been intensively studied. However, little is known about expressions driven by trans-acting DNA hotspots. DNA hotspots harboring copy number aberrations are recognized to be important in cancer as they influence multiple genes on a global scale. The challenge in detecting trans-effects is mainly due to the computational difficulty in detecting weak and sparse trans-acting signals amidst co-occuring passenger events. We propose an integrative approach to learn a sparse interaction network of DNA copy-number regions with their downstream targets in a breast cancer dataset. Information from this network helps distinguish copy-number driven from copy-number independent expression changes on a global scale. Our result further delineates cis- and trans-effects in a breast cancer dataset, for which important oncogenes such as ESR1 and ERBB2 appear to be highly copy-number dependent. Further, our model is shown to be efficient and in terms of goodness of fit no worse than other state-of the art predictors and network reconstruction models using both simulated and real data.Comment: Accepted at IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM 2010

    Variable selection for BART: An application to gene regulation

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    We consider the task of discovering gene regulatory networks, which are defined as sets of genes and the corresponding transcription factors which regulate their expression levels. This can be viewed as a variable selection problem, potentially with high dimensionality. Variable selection is especially challenging in high-dimensional settings, where it is difficult to detect subtle individual effects and interactions between predictors. Bayesian Additive Regression Trees [BART, Ann. Appl. Stat. 4 (2010) 266-298] provides a novel nonparametric alternative to parametric regression approaches, such as the lasso or stepwise regression, especially when the number of relevant predictors is sparse relative to the total number of available predictors and the fundamental relationships are nonlinear. We develop a principled permutation-based inferential approach for determining when the effect of a selected predictor is likely to be real. Going further, we adapt the BART procedure to incorporate informed prior information about variable importance. We present simulations demonstrating that our method compares favorably to existing parametric and nonparametric procedures in a variety of data settings. To demonstrate the potential of our approach in a biological context, we apply it to the task of inferring the gene regulatory network in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). We find that our BART-based procedure is best able to recover the subset of covariates with the largest signal compared to other variable selection methods. The methods developed in this work are readily available in the R package bartMachine.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOAS755 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org