6 research outputs found


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    As a consequence of the increasing interest in Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) and the complex nature of such systems, the need for a thorough evaluation framework has become necessary. The current evaluation frameworks suffer from limitations in assessment because they are either confined to evaluation of a specific type of CVE or they focus on a restricted aspect of CVE. This paper presents a framework for THorough Evaluation of COllaborative viRtual Environment (THE CORE). The proposed framework is structured in a four-layered architecture to assure evaluation of the multi-faceted aspects comprising a CVE. The layers evaluate the application usability, tool usability, companion interaction and collaboration outcome. Within each layer, key evaluation tools and factors are provided. In addition, the framework is designed to be generic to be suitable for different types of CVEs. In order to validate the proposed framework, a case study was conducted involving development and evaluation of a 3D CVE. The case study found the four-layered framework to be useful for evaluating both the technical and behavioural aspects of the 3D CVE. As future work, the generality of the framework will be further tested on different types of CVE, potentially leading to modifications and extensions

    Pustaka Data dan Visualisasi Citra 3D untuk Kurator Museum Digital

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    Implementasi pustaka data museum untuk objek pindaian 3D koleksi biasanya akan menggunakan penampil embedded viewer dan file objek 3D tersendiri yang terpisah dalam folder tersendiri dari database website, dimana antarmuka situs akan memanggil database untuk mencari listing dari file di dalam database, yang akan dipanggil dan akan di-forward ke antarmuka untuk ditampilkan menggunakan embedded viewer. Prosedur ini dapat memiliki komplikasi tertentu, semisal besarnya wilayah penyimpanan yang dialokasikan untuk file objek 3D dan kemungkinan kesalahan dalam pendataan file. Pada tugas akhir ini akan diajukan implementasi penyimpanan file berformat OBJ dan MTL dalam database secara langsung yang dapat diakses oleh viewer. ========================================================== Data library implementations in museums for 3D visualization of scanned collections usually will use an embedded viewer, which calls a separate object file in its own folder separate from the website database, where the site interface will call the database to look for the file listing and directory inside before being forwarded to the viewer to be displayed to the user. This approach may have its own drawbacks, such as size of storage occupied by the separate object files and problems in registrating each file listing. This project aims to implement a storage system of object files formatted as .OBJ and .MTL files directly inside the database to be called by the viewer

    A dynamic three-dimensional network visualization program for integration into cyberciege and other network visualization scenarios

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    Detailed information and intellectual understanding of a network's topology and vulnerabilities is invaluable to better securing computer networks. Network protocol analyzers and intrusion detection systems can provide this additional information. In particular, game-based trainers, such as CyberCIEGE, have been shown to improve the level of training and understanding of network security professionals. This thesis' objective is to enhance these applications by developing NTAV3D, or, Network Topology and Attack Visualizer (Three Dimensional). NTAV3D is a tool that displays network topology, vulnerabilities, and attacks in an interactive, three dimensional environment. This augments the design and gameplay of CyberCIEGE by increasing gameplayer interaction and data display. Additionally, NTAV3D can be expanded to provide this capability to network analysis and intrusion detection tools. Furthermore, NTAV3D expands on ideas and results from related work of the best ways to visualize network topology, vulnerabilities, and attacks. NTAV3D was created using open-source software technologies including Xj3D, X3D, Java, and XML. It is also one of the first applications to be built with only the Xj3D toolkit. Therefore, the development process allowed evaluation of these technologies, resulting in recommendations for future improvements.http://archive.org/details/adynamicthreedim109453384US Navy (USN) authors.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    A Web-based Statistical Analysis Framework

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    Statistical software packages have been used for decades to perform statistical analyses. Recently, the emergence of the Internet has expanded the potential for these packages. However, none of the existing packages have fully realized the collaborative potential of the Internet. This medium, which is beginning to gain acceptance as a software development platform, allows people who might otherwise be separated by organizational or geographic barriers to come together and tackle complex issues using commonly available data sets, analysis tools and communications tools. Interestingly, there has been little work towards solving this problem in a generally applicable way. Rather, systems in this area have tended to focus on particular data sets, industries, or user groups. The Web-based statistical analysis model described in this thesis fills this gap. It includes a statistical analysis engine, data set management tools, an analysis storage framework and a communication component to facilitate information dissemination. Furthermore, its focus on enabling users with little statistical training to perform basic data analysis means that users of all skill levels will be able to take advantage of its capabilities. The value of the system is shown both through a rigorous analysis of the system’s structure and through a detailed case study conducted with the tobacco control community

    A Framework for Interactive Web-Based Visualization

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    As the power of end user web browsers increases, the delivery of sophisticated visualizations of information via the web becomes possible. However no technology exists that offers the kind of interactions that a stand-alone application can deliver. Technologies such as Java3D, VRML, X3D and SVG incorporate powerful rendering capabilities but make it difficult to interact with the underlying source data. Other technologies such as SMIL can also offer synchronization but then lack this rendering context. We present a framework within which these technologies can be evaluated