4 research outputs found

    A Multimodal Problem for Competitive Coevolution

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    Coevolutionary algorithms are a special kind of evolutionary algorithm with advantages in solving certain specific kinds of problems. In particular, competitive coevolutionary algorithms can be used to study problems in which two sides compete against each other and must choose a suitable strategy. Often these problems are multimodal - there is more than one strong strategy for each side. In this paper, we introduce a scalable multimodal test problem for competitive coevolution, and use it to investigate the effectiveness of some common coevolutionary algorithm enhancement techniques

    A framework for generating tunable test functions for multimodal optimization

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    Multimodal function optimization, where the aim is to locate more than one solution, has attracted growing interest especially in the evolutionary computing research community. To evaluate experimentally the strengths and weaknesses of multimodal optimization algorithms, it is important to use test functions representing different characteristics and various levels of difficulty. The available selection of multimodal test problems is, however, rather limited and no general framework exists. This paper describes an attempt to construct a software framework which includes a variety of easily tunable test functions. The aim is to provide a general and easily expandable environment for testing different methods of multimodal optimization. Several function families with different characteristics are included. The framework implements new parameterizable function families for generating desired landscapes. Additionally the framework implements a selection of well known test functions from the literature, which can be rotated and stretched. The software module can easily be imported to any optimization algorithm implementation compatible with the C programming language. As an application example, 8 optimization approaches are compared by their ability to locate several global optima over a set of 16 functions with different properties generated by the proposed module. The effects of function regularity, dimensionality and number of local optima on the performance of different algorithms are studied

    Structural optimization using evolutionary multimodal and bilevel optimization techniques

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    This research aims to investigate the multimodal properties of structural optimization using techniques from the field of evolutionary computation, specifically niching and bilevel techniques. Truss design is a well-known structural optimization problem which has important practical applications in many fields. Truss design problems are typically multimodal by nature, meaning that it offers multiple equally good design solutions with respect to the topology and/or sizes of the members, but they are evaluated to have similar or equally good objective function values. From a practical standpoint, it is desirable to find as many alternative designs as possible, rather than finding a single design, as often practiced. Niching is an intuitive way of finding multiple optimal solutions in a single optimization run. Literature shows that existing niching methods are largely designed for handling continuous optimization problems. There does not exist a well-studied niching method for constrained discrete optimization problems like truss design problems. In addition, there are no well-defined multimodal discrete benchmark problems that can be used to evaluate the reliability and robustness of such a niching method. This thesis fills the identified research gaps by means of five major contributions. In the first contribution, we design a test suite for producing a diverse set of challenging multimodal discrete benchmark problems, which can be used for evaluating the discrete niching methods. In the second contribution, we develop a binary speciation-based PSO (B-SPSO) niching method using the concept of speciation in nature along with the binary PSO (BPSO). The results show that the proposed multimodal discrete benchmark problems are useful for the evaluation of the discrete niching methods like B-SPSO. In light of this study, a time-varying transfer function based binary PSO (TVT-BPSO) is developed for the B-SPSO which is the third contribution of this thesis. We propose this TVT-BPSO for maintaining a better balance between exploration/exploitation during the search process of the BPSO. The results show that the TVT-BPSO outperforms the state-of-the-art discrete optimization methods on the large-scale 0-1 knapsack problems. The fourth contribution is to consider and formulate the truss design problem as a bilevel optimization problem. With this new formulation, truss topology can be optimized in the upper level, at the same time the size of that truss topology can be optimized in the lower level. The proposed bilevel formulation is a precursor to the development of a bilevel niching method (Bi-NM) which constitutes the fifth contribution of this thesis. The proposed Bi-NM method performs niching at the upper level and a local search at the lower level to further refine the solutions. Extensive empirical studies are carried out to examine the accuracy, robustness, and efficiency of the proposed bilevel niching method in finding multiple topologies and their size solutions. Our results confirm that the proposed bilevel niching method is superior in all these three aspects over the state-of-the-art methods on several low to high-dimensional truss design problems