2 research outputs found

    Multi-cloud Security Mechanisms for Smart Environments

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    Achieving transparency and security awareness in cloud environments is a challenging task. It is even more challenging in multi-cloud environments (where application components are distributed across multiple clouds) owing to its complexity. This complexity open doors to the introduction of threats and makes it difficult to know how the application components are performing and when remedial actions should be taken in the case of an anomaly. Nowadays, many cloud customers are becoming more interested in having a knowledge of their application status, particularly as it relates to the security of the application owing to growing cloud security concerns, which is multi-faceted in multi-cloud environments. This has necessitated the need for adequate visibility and security awareness in multi-cloud environments. However, this is threatened by non-standardization and diverse CSP platforms. This thesis presents a security evaluation framework for multi-cloud applications. It aims to facilitate transparency and security awareness in multi-cloud applications through adequate evaluation of the application components deployed across different clouds as well as the entire multi-cloud application. This will ensure that the health, internal events and performance of the multi-cloud application can be known. As a result of this, the security status and information about the multi-cloud application can be made available to application owners, cloud service providers and application users. This will increase cloud customers’ trust in using multi-clouds and ensure verification of the security status of multi-cloud components at any time desired. The security evaluation framework is based on threat identification and risk analysis, application modelling with ontology, selection of metrics and security controls, application security monitoring, security measurement, decision making and security status visualization

    A Flexible, Modular, Open-Source Implementation of 6LoWPAN

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    6LoWPAN (IPv6 over Low Power Wireless Personal Area Networks) is gaining more and more attraction for the seamless connectivity of embedded devices for the Internet of Things. It can be observed that most of the available solutions are following an open source approach, which significantly leads to a fast development of technologies and of markets. Although the currently available implementations are in a pretty good shape, all of them come with some significant drawbacks. It was therefore decided to start the development of an own implementation, which takes the advantages from the existing solutions, but tries to avoid the drawbacks. This paper discussed the reasoning behind this decision, describes the implementation and its characteristics, as well as the testing results. The given implementation is available as open-source project under [15]