4 research outputs found

    A New Estimator of Intrinsic Dimension Based on the Multipoint Morisita Index

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    The size of datasets has been increasing rapidly both in terms of number of variables and number of events. As a result, the empty space phenomenon and the curse of dimensionality complicate the extraction of useful information. But, in general, data lie on non-linear manifolds of much lower dimension than that of the spaces in which they are embedded. In many pattern recognition tasks, learning these manifolds is a key issue and it requires the knowledge of their true intrinsic dimension. This paper introduces a new estimator of intrinsic dimension based on the multipoint Morisita index. It is applied to both synthetic and real datasets of varying complexities and comparisons with other existing estimators are carried out. The proposed estimator turns out to be fairly robust to sample size and noise, unaffected by edge effects, able to handle large datasets and computationally efficient

    AMIC:An Adaptive Information Theoretic Method to Identify Multi-Scale Temporal Correlations in Big Time Series Data

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    Analysis Of Large Scale Climate Data: How Well Climate Change Models And Data From Real Sensor Networks Agree?

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    Research on global warming and climate changes has attracted a huge attention of the scientific community and of the media in general, mainly due to the social and economic impacts they pose over the entire planet. Climate change simulation models have been developed and improved to provide reliable data, which are employed to forecast effects of increasing emissions of greenhouse gases on a future global climate. The data generated by each model simulation amount to Terabytes of data, and demand fast and scalable methods to process them. In this context, we propose a new process of analysis aimed at discriminating between the temporal behavior of the data generated by climate models and the real climate observations gathered from groundbased meteorological station networks. Our approach combines fractal data analysis and the monitoring of real and model-generated data streams to detect deviations on the intrinsic correlation among the time series defined by different climate variables. Our measurements were made using series from a regional climate model and the corresponding real data from a network of sensors from meteorological stations existing in the analyzed region. The results show that our approach can correctly discriminate the data either as real or as simulated, even when statistical tests fail. Those results suggest that there is still room for improvement of the state-of-the-art climate change models, and that the fractalbased concepts may contribute for their improvement, besides being a fast, parallelizable, and scalable approach.517526Comite Gestor da Internet no Brazil (CGI.BR),Nucleo de Informatcao e Coordenacao do Ponto BR (NIC.BR),BR PETROBRAS,Banco do Brasil,MicrosoftAhlgren, P., Jarneving, B., Rousseau, R., Requirements for a cocitation similarity measure, with special reference to pearson's correlation coefficient (2003) Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54 (6), pp. 550-560Alves, L.M., Marengo, J.A., Assessment of regional seasonal predictability using the PRECIS regional climate modeling system over south america (2010) Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 100, pp. 337-350Ambrizzi, T.E.A., Cenarios regionalizados de clima no brasil para o seculo xxi: Projecoes de clima usando tres modelos regionais: Relatorio 3 (2007) Technical Report, MMA, , BrasiliaAssad, E.D., Pinto, H.S., Zullo, J.J., Impacts of global warming in the brazilian agroclimatic risk zoning (2007) A Contribution to Understanding the Regional Impacts of Global Change in South America, pp. 175-182. , Sao Paulo, Brazil, Instituto de Estudos Avancados da USPBaioco, G.B., Traina, A.J.M., Traina, C., Mamcost: Global and local estimates leading to robust cost estimation of similarity queries (2007) SSDBM 2007, pp. 6-16. , Ban, Canada, ACM PressBarbara, D., Chen, P., Fractal mining - self similarity-based clustering and its applications (2010) Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, pp. 573-589. , O. 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