286 research outputs found

    Simplified Finite-State Predictive Torque Control Strategies for Induction Motor Drives

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    This thesis develops a simplified finite-state predictive torque control (FS-PTC) algorithm based on selected prediction vectors (SPVs). This reduces the number of voltage vectors required to be predicted and the objectives to be controlled. The sign of torque or stator flux deviation and the position of stator flux are used to select the prediction vectors. The proposed SPVs strategy also assists reducing the average switching frequency for a two-level voltage source inverter fed induction motor (IM) drive. As a result, the cost function is simplified, as the frequency term is not required. The proposed SPVs based FS-PTC is also applied to a three-level neutral-point clamped inverter driven IM drive. Using the SPVs strategy reduces the computational burden for the proposed three-level inverter fed drive without affecting the system performance. However, an appropriate weighting factor is required for torque and flux errors in the cost function. This leads to the development of a second simplified FS-PTC which does not require complex torque calculations in the prediction loop and hence tuning effort on the weighting factor. A new reference stator flux vector calculator (RSFVC) with an inner proportional-integral torque regulator is employed to convert the torque and flux amplitude references into an equivalent stator flux reference vector. This stator flux reference is used in the cost function for the flux error calculation. The required processing power for the RSFVC-based FS-PTC is further reduced by combining it with the SPVs strategy. Finally, a speed-sensorless simplified FS-PTC of IM supplied from a 3L-NPC inverter is proposed. The sensorless simplified FS-PTC yields improved torque, flux and speed responses, especially at low-speed. The proposed simplified FS-PTC strategies in terms of computational efficiency, cost function design, torque and flux responses, robustness and average switching frequency are validated through experimental results

    On-line Condition Monitoring, Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Electrical Machines and Power Electronic Converters

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    The objective of this PhD research is to develop robust, and non-intrusive condition monitoring methods for induction motors fed by closed-loop inverters. The flexible energy forms synthesized by these connected power electronic converters greatly enhance the performance and expand the operating region of induction motors. They also significantly alter the fault behavior of these electric machines and complicate the fault detection and protection. The current state of the art in condition monitoring of power-converter-fed electric machines is underdeveloped as compared to the maturing condition monitoring techniques for grid-connected electric machines. This dissertation first investigates the stator turn-to-turn fault modelling for induction motors (IM) fed by a grid directly. A novel and more meaningful model of the motor itself was developed and a comprehensive study of the closed-loop inverter drives was conducted. A direct torque control (DTC) method was selected for controlling IM’s electromagnetic torque and stator flux-linkage amplitude in industrial applications. Additionally, a new driver based on DTC rules, predictive control theory and fuzzy logic inference system for the IM was developed. This novel controller improves the performance of the torque control on the IM as it reduces most of the disadvantages of the classical and predictive DTC drivers. An analytical investigation of the impacts of the stator inter-turn short-circuit of the machine in the controller and its reaction was performed. This research sets a based knowledge and clear foundations of the events happening inside the IM and internally in the DTC when the machine is damaged by a turn fault in the stator. This dissertation also develops a technique for the health monitoring of the induction machine under stator turn failure. The developed technique was based on the monitoring of the off-diagonal term of the sequence component impedance matrix. Its advantages are that it is independent of the IM parameters, it is immune to the sensors’ errors, it requires a small learning stage, compared with NN, and it is not intrusive, robust and online. The research developed in this dissertation represents a significant advance that can be utilized in fault detection and condition monitoring in industrial applications, transportation electrification as well as the utilization of renewable energy microgrids. To conclude, this PhD research focuses on the development of condition monitoring techniques, modelling, and insightful analyses of a specific type of electric machine system. The fundamental ideas behind the proposed condition monitoring technique, model and analysis are quite universal and appeals to a much wider variety of electric machines connected to power electronic converters or drivers. To sum up, this PhD research has a broad beneficial impact on a wide spectrum of power-converter-fed electric machines and is thus of practical importance

    Implementation and Analysis of Direct Torque Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Gallium Nitride based Inverter

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    Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) attract considerable attention in various industrial applications, such as electric and hybrid electric vehicles, due to their high efficiency and high-power density. In this thesis, the mathematical model of PMSM and two popular control strategies, field-oriented control (FOC) and direct torque control (DTC), are analyzed and compared. The results demonstrated that the DTC has better dynamic response in comparison to FOC. Moreover, DTC can eliminate the use of position sensor, which will save the cost of the PMSM drive system. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the design and implementation of high-performance DTC for PMSMs with a Gallium Nitride (GaN) based high switching frequency motor drive. First, the characteristics and operation principles of a PMSM are introduced. Then, the mathematical models of a PMSM under different coordinate systems are investigated. Consequently, a PMSM model is developed based on the dq rotating reference frame and implemented in the MATLAB/Simulink for validation. Two advanced PMSM control strategies, FOC and DTC, are investigated and compared in terms of control performance through comprehensive simulation studies and the results demonstrate that DTC has better dynamic performance. Conventional DTC contributes to higher torque ripple in the PMSM due to the limited switching frequency in a conventional semiconductor-based motor drive, which inevitably deteriorates the drive performance. Therefore, this thesis aims to reduce the torque ripple in the DTC based PMSM drive by using the new generation wide bandgap switching devices. More specifically, DTC is improved by using the optimized space vector pulse width modulation strategy and a higher switching frequency contributed by the GaN based motor drive. Finally, the proposed DTC-SVM based PMSM control strategy is implemented on the digital signal processor (DSP) and evaluated on the laboratory GaN based PMSM drive. Both the simulation and experimental results show that the proposed improvement in the DTC can further improve the PMSM drive performance

    Direct Torque Control for Silicon Carbide Motor Drives

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    Direct torque control (DTC) is an extensively used control method for motor drives due to its unique advantages, e.g., the fast dynamic response and the robustness against motor parameters variations, uncertainties, and external disturbances. Using higher switching frequency is generally required by DTC to reduce the torque ripples and decrease stator current total harmonic distortion (THD), which however can lower the drive efficiency. Through the use of the emerging silicon carbide (SiC) devices, which have lower switching losses compared to their silicon counterparts, it is feasible to achieve high efficiency and low torque ripple simultaneously for DTC drives. To overcome the above challenges, a SiC T-type neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter is studied in this work to significantly reduce the torque and flux ripples which also effectively reduce the stator current ripples, while retaining the fast-dynamic response as the conventional DTC. The unbalanced DC-link is an intrinsic issue of the T-type inverter, which may also lead to higher torque ripple. To address this issue, a novel DTC algorithm, which only utilizes the real voltage space vectors and the virtual space vectors (VSVs) that do not contribute to the neutral point current, is proposed to achieve inherent dc-link capacitor voltage balancing without using any DC-link voltage controls or additional DC-link capacitor voltages and/or neutral point current sensors. Both dynamic performance and efficiency are critical for the interior permanent-magnet (IPM) motor drives for transportation applications. It is critical to determine the optimal reference stator flux linkage to improve the efficiency further of DTC drives and maintain the stability of the drive system, which usually obtained by tuning offline and storing in a look-up table or calculated online using machine models and parameters. In this work, the relationship between the stator flux linkage and the magnitude of stator current is analyzed mathematically. Then, based on this relationship, a perturb and observe (P&O) method is proposed to determine the optimal flux for the motor which does not need any prior knowledge of the machine parameters and offline tuning. However, due to the fixed amplitude of the injected signal the P&O algorithm suffers from large oscillations at the steady state conditions. To mitigate the drawback of the P&O method, an adaptive high frequency signal injection based extremum seeking control (ESC) algorithm is proposed to determine the optimal reference flux in real-time, leading to a maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) like approach for DTC drives. The stability analysis and key parameters selection for the proposed ESC algorithm are studied. The proposed method can effectively reduce the motor copper loss and at the same time eliminate the time consuming offline tuning effort. Furthermore, since the ESC is a model-free approach, it is robust against motor parameters variations, which is desirable for IPM motors

    Direct Torque and Predictive Control Strategies in Nine-phase Electric Drives Using Virtual Voltage Vectors

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    One of the main distinctive features of multiphase machines is the appearance of new degrees of freedom ( - voltages/currents) that do not exist in their three-phase counterparts. As a direct consequence, control approaches that apply a single switching state during the sampling period cannot achieve zero average - voltage production. In direct torque control (DTC) this implies that - currents are not regulated, whereas in finite-control-set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) an enhanced - current regulation is feasible only at the expense of disturbing the flux/torque production. Aiming to avoid these shortcomings, this work makes use of the concept of synthetic/virtual voltage vectors (VVs) to nullify/limit the - voltage production in order to improve the current regulation in the secondary planes. Two strategies using two and four virtual voltage vectors (2-VV and 4-VV, respectively) are proposed and compared with the standard case that applies a single switching state. Since standard MPC has the capability to indirectly regulate - currents, the improvements with the inclusion of VVs are expected to be more significant in DTC strategies. Experimental results validate the proposed VVs and confirm the expectations through a detailed performance comparison of standard, 2-VV and 4-VV approaches for DTC and MPC strategies

    Field programmable gate array hardware in the loop validation of fuzzy direct torque control for induction machine drive

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    Introduction. Currently, the direct torque control is very popular in industry and is of great interest to scientists in the variable speed drive of asynchronous machines. This technique provides decoupling between torque control and flux without the need to use pulse width modulation or coordinate transformation. Nevertheless, this command presents two major importunities: the switching frequency is highly variable on the one hand, and on the other hand, the amplitude of the torque and stator flux ripples remain poorly controlled throughout the considered operating speed range. The novelty of this article proposes improvements in performance of direct torque control of asynchronous machines by development of a fuzzy direct torque control algorithm. This latter makes it possible to provide solutions to the major problems of this control technique, namely: torque ripples, flux ripples, and failure to control switching frequency. Purpose. The emergence of this method has given rise to various works whose objective is to show its performance, or to provide solutions to its limitations. Indeed, this work consists in validation of a fuzzy direct torque control architecture implemented on the ML402 development kit (based on the Xilinx Virtex-4 type field programmable gate array circuit), through hardware description language (VHDL) and Xilinx generator system. The obtained results showed the robustness of the control and sensorless in front of load and parameters variation of induction motor control. The research directions of the model were determined for the subsequent implementation of results with simulation samples.Вступ. В даний час пряме управління моментом дуже популярне в промисловості і викликає великий інтерес у вчених у галузі частотно-регульованого приводу асинхронних машин. Цей метод забезпечує розв'язку між керуванням моментом, що крутить, і магнітним потоком без необхідності використання широтно-імпульсної модуляції або перетворення координат. Тим не менш, ця команда представляє дві основні незручності: з одного боку, частота комутації сильно варіюється, а з іншого боку, амплітуда пульсацій моменту і потоку статора залишається погано контрольованою у всьому діапазоні робочих швидкостей. Новизна цієї статті пропонує поліпшення характеристик прямого керування моментом, що крутить, асинхронних машин шляхом розробки нечіткого алгоритму прямого управління моментом, що крутить. Останнє дозволяє вирішити основні проблеми цього методу управління, а саме: пульсації моменту, що крутить, пульсації потоку і нездатність контролювати частоту перемикання. Мета. Поява цього методу породило різні роботи, метою яких є показати його ефективність чи запропонувати рішення стосовно його обмежень. Дійсно, ця робота полягає у перевірці нечіткої архітектури прямого управління моментом, що крутить, реалізованої в наборі для розробки ML402 (на основі схеми Xilinx Virtex-4 з програмованою користувачем вентильною матрицею), за допомогою мови опису обладнання (VHDL) та генераторної системи Xilinx. Отримані результати показали робастність керування та безсенсорного керування при зміні навантаження та параметрів керування асинхронним двигуном. Визначено напрями дослідження моделі для подальшої реалізації результатів на імітаційних вибірках

    High-performance motor drives

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    This article reviews the present state and trends in the development of key parts of controlled induction motor drive systems: converter topologies, modulation methods, as well as control and estimation techniques. Two- and multilevel voltage-source converters, current-source converters, and direct converters are described. The main part of all the produced electric energy is used to feed electric motors, and the conversion of electrical power into mechanical power involves motors ranges from less than 1 W up to several dozen megawatts

    Torque Control

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    This book is the result of inspirations and contributions from many researchers, a collection of 9 works, which are, in majority, focalised around the Direct Torque Control and may be comprised of three sections: different techniques for the control of asynchronous motors and double feed or double star induction machines, oriented approach of recent developments relating to the control of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors, and special controller design and torque control of switched reluctance machine

    Advances in Rotating Electric Machines

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    It is difficult to imagine a modern society without rotating electric machines. Their use has been increasing not only in the traditional fields of application but also in more contemporary fields, including renewable energy conversion systems, electric aircraft, aerospace, electric vehicles, unmanned propulsion systems, robotics, etc. This has contributed to advances in the materials, design methodologies, modeling tools, and manufacturing processes of current electric machines, which are characterized by high compactness, low weight, high power density, high torque density, and high reliability. On the other hand, the growing use of electric machines and drives in more critical applications has pushed forward the research in the area of condition monitoring and fault tolerance, leading to the development of more reliable diagnostic techniques and more fault-tolerant machines. This book presents and disseminates the most recent advances related to the theory, design, modeling, application, control, and condition monitoring of all types of rotating electric machines