3,170 research outputs found

    Pilot Study of The Efficacy of Computer Aided Instruction as a Supplemental Teaching Instrument for Dialysis Patients

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    This pilot study examined the feasibility of computer aided instruction (CAI) as supplemental interactive nutrition education for patients requiring chronic dialysis. The CAI prototype was developed using Gagne\u27s Model of Instructional Design and the Theory of Planned Behavior. Forty-two patients were enlisted from a chronic dialysis clinic and assigned randomly to either treatment or comparison group. All subjects completed pre- and post-test questionnaires regarding their phosphorus-rich food consumption habits. Each group received the usual phosphorus control education adjunct to the monthly lab review. The experimental group also received supplemental education by CAI. Serum phosphorus lab results were assessed for change after use of the CAI. Near significance was observed between the study group\u27s phosphorus lab results difference means, t = 1.79, df= 40, p = .08. Comparison of pre-test and post-test data assessed changes in the dependent variables, attitude, perceived control, intent and behavior. The differences for the behavioral dependent variables means were not significant as determined by t-tests. The CAI was well accepted (m = 1.47 ± 0.95) by the subjects without respect to gender or age. Interactive CAI nutrition education was acceptable. Replication with a larger sample would allow opportunity to determine the significance of differences

    Intelligent assistive technology devices for persons with dementia : a scoping review

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    Assistive technology with context-aware computing and artificial intelligence capabilities can be applied to address cognitive and communication impairments experienced by persons with dementia (PwD). This research aims to provide an overview of current literature regarding characteristics of intelligent assistive technology devices (IATDs) for cognitive and communicative impairments of PwD as well as of the areas of impairment addressed by the IATDS. A multi-faceted systematic search strategy involving three electronic database platforms, two electronic databases and three electronic journals yielded records produced over the past decade. Predefined criteria were applied for inclusion and data extraction. Data was thematically analysed and synthesised. This review demonstrates that the bulk of research involving IATDs over the past decade has focused on cognitive impairments of PwD and has not yet evolved past the conceptual or prototype stages of development. A summary of commercially available IATDs for PwD is provided at the end of this review. This research concluded that IATDs for PwD primarily focus on social robots, especially PARO, and that they address cognitive impairments of attention and affect, as well as social-pragmatic communicative impairments. Few IATDs address the linguistic impairments experienced by PwD. Future research should involve collaboration between computer engineering and health practitioners to address the identified gaps and to contribute to evidence-based decision making for PwD.Mini Dissertation (MAAC)--University of Pretoria, 2019.Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC)MAACUnrestricte

    A Feasibility Study of Using Headspace for Mindfulness Among Individuals Undergoing Surgical Repair of the Rotator Cuff

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    Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) have been found to help reduce psychological distress and pain in chronic musculoskeletal conditions. However, very limited evidence exists determining the impact of mindfulness on psychological distress and pain in acute musculoskeletal conditions including rotator cuff tears. Among individuals undergoing surgical repair of a rotator cuff tear, it is not clear how mindfulness may be combined with usual care, given the requirement of intense training as part of frequently used MBI protocols. The purpose of the present study was to determine if it was feasible to combine Headspace, a mobile application for mindfulness training that can be used anytime and anywhere, with the usual treatment for a single-tendon rotator cuff repair. One individual was recruited to use Headspace for three weeks, from two weeks before to one week after their rotator cuff surgery. Feasibility of using Headspace was measured in terms of satisfaction in using Headspace and changes in mindfulness across three time points (2 weeks before surgery, 1 week before surgery, and 1 week after surgery). Regarding satisfaction with using Headspace, four main themes emerged including the improved ability to focus and concentrate, manage pain, cope with life stressors and the ability to use the application anytime and anywhere. Regarding mindfulness, scores increased on one facet and decreased in the four other facets of FFMQ-SF. In addition, the participant reported becoming more mindful but still needed more practice with mindfulness. Based on our findings, we concluded that Headspace is an appropriate intervention to include in the treatment of rotator cuff repairs and can lead to the improved ability to concentrate, focus, manage pain, and cope with life stressors. However, given the short duration of the study, it is not clear how Headspace impacted mindfulness. Future studies should be conducted over a longer duration of time to examine the impact of Headspace on a person’s mindfulness from pre-surgery to the end of rehabilitation

    A personalized support tool for the training of mindful walking: The mobile “MindfulWalk” application

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    Digital health prevention is a trend that becomes increasingly important in various domains. Health insurers crave for effective methods that can be offered to their customers. Moreover, smart mobile devices pose many advantages as they can be easily used in everyday life without being burdensome. Taking these advantages into account, completely new applications become possible. This thesis presents an application that is intended to support users to walk mindfully. It is a mobile personalized tool that senses the walking speed and provides haptic feedback thereof. The procedure of mindful walking, the technical prototype as well as preliminary study results are presented and discussed. The reported user experience and the study result indicate promising perspectives for a tool that supports a mindful walking behavior. Altogether, the use of modern smart mobile device sensors paves the way for useful mobile application in the context of health prevention in particular and health care in general

    Digest of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (Spring 1996)

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    The Spring 1996 issue of the Digest of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine includes the following articles: President’s Perspective Primary Care Research College Board Profile PCOM Students Show their Diversity Alumni Board Profile Capital Campaign Developments Spring Convention Highlights Class Acts PCOM Merchandise Coming Eventshttps://digitalcommons.pcom.edu/digest/1166/thumbnail.jp

    Digest of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (Spring 1996)

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    The Spring 1996 issue of the Digest of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine includes the following articles: President’s Perspective Primary Care Research College Board Profile PCOM Students Show their Diversity Alumni Board Profile Capital Campaign Developments Spring Convention Highlights Class Acts PCOM Merchandise Coming Eventshttps://digitalcommons.pcom.edu/digest/1166/thumbnail.jp

    Differences in patient satisfaction between osteopathic and allopathic physicians

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    The two types of physicians in the United States healthcare system differ based on the type of medical education they receive. The first type train at allopathic medical schools and upon completion, students are awarded their Doctorate of Medicine and are then known as MDs. The second, less known type of medical education is that of osteopathy. Students that go to osteopathic medical schools earn a degree of Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, and are thus considered DOs. This literature review analyzed public satisfaction with MDs or DOs since there are fundamental differences in the core philosophies of the two. It also answers whether this translates into better clinical outcomes and a more positive prognosis for the patient. The purpose of this study was to find any noticeable differences that translated into actual practice and discuss the implications they may have for the future of healthcare. Although no conclusion could be made, based on findings discussed throughout this paper, one may speculate that patients are more satisfied with a DO as opposed to an MD. Furthermore, as a patients' satisfaction is indicative of their health related quality of life, it is possible that patients that visit DO physicians would most likely have a better health related quality of life

    Factors affecting accuracy and fusion rate in lumbosacral fusion surgery - a preclinical and clinical study

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    Lumbosacral fusion surgery is indicated in symptomatic degenerative lumbosacral disorder, when the origin of pain is demonstrated to lie within the restricted number of functional spinal units and when the pain is refractory to the conservative treatment, to eliminate painful motion of the spinal units. Inaccurate placement of pedicle screws may cause neurological symptoms, and result in early hardware failure and return of spinal instability symptoms. All spinal instrumentation eventually fails without solid bony fusion, and the presence of symptomatic bony non-union at least a year after fusion surgery is defined as pseudoarthrosis. Bioactive glasses (BAGs) are synthetic, biocompatible, osteoconductive and osteostimulative materials with angiogenic and antibacterial properties, able to bond to bone. In a study of 147 patients and 837 pedicle screws placed due to degenerative lumbosacral spine disorder, 14.3 % breached the pedicle. New neurological symptoms corresponding to the breach were observed in 25.9 % of patients with pedicle breach, and 89.2 % of the symptomatic breaches were either medially or inferiorly. A preclinical controlled study of novel BAG S53P4 putty showed good biocompatibility, slightly higher intramedullary ossification of putty group compared to the control group, and that the binder agent did not disturb formation of new bone in vivo. The interbody fusion rate was 95.8 % with BAG S53P4 putty as bone graft expander with autograft in clinical lumbosacral interbody fusion, indicating at least as good interbody fusion results as the presently used materials. One early operative subsidence remaining unchanged over the study period was observed with putty.Lannerangan luudutusleikkausten tarkkuuteen ja luutumiseen vaikuttavat tekijÀt Lannerangan luudutusleikkaus voidaan tehdÀ oireisessa lannerangan rappeumasairaudessa, kun kivun syyn on osoitettu sijaitsevan rajallisessa mÀÀrÀssÀ selkÀrangan toiminnallisia yksikköjÀ ja kun kipu ei vÀhene leikkauksettomilla hoidoilla. Leikkauksella voidaan poistaa kipua tuottava selkÀrangan toiminnallisten yksikköjen liike. EpÀtarkka pedikkeliruuvien asettaminen voi aiheuttaa neurologisia oireita ja johtaa nopeaan kiinnitysosien irtoamiseen ja rangan epÀtukevuusoireiden palaamiseen. Suuri osa selkÀrangan kiinnityslaitteista irtoaa lopulta, jollei luutumista kiinnitettyjen kohtien vÀlillÀ tapahdu. Vuoden kuluttua luudutusleikkauksesta oireista luutumatonta kiinnityskohtaa nimitetÀÀn pseudoartroosiksi. Bioaktiiviset lasit ovat synteettisiÀ, bioyhteensopivia, osteokonduktiivisia ja osteostimulatiivisia materiaaleja, joilla on angiogeenisiÀ ja antibakteerisia ominaisuuksia, ja ne voivat sitoutua suoraan luuhun. 147 potilaalle lannerangan rappeumasairauden vuoksi asetetut 837 pedikkeliruuvia kÀsittÀvÀn tutkimuksen mukaan 14.3 % ruuveista rikkoi luisen pedikkelin seinÀmÀn. 25.9 %:lla potilaista, joilla ruuvi lÀpÀisi pedikkelin seinÀmÀn, ilmeni uusia neurologisia oireita, ja 89.2 %:lla oireisista potilaista pedikkeliruuvi lÀpÀisi pedikkelin seinÀmÀn mediaalisesti tai inferiorisesti. PrekliinisessÀ kontrolloidussa tutkimuksessa uudenlainen bioaktiivisesta lasista valmistettu S53P4 luunkorviketahna todettiin bioyhteensopivaksi, ja sen avulla saavutettiin hieman vertailuryhmÀÀ parempi luutuminen luuydinontelossa. Tahnan sidosaineen ei elÀinkokeessa todettu hÀiritsevÀn luun muodostumista. KliinisessÀ tutkimuksessa saavutettiin 95.8 %:n luutuminen kÀytettÀessÀ S53P4 biolasitahnaa yhdessÀ oman luun kanssa lannerangan nikamasolmujen vÀlisessÀ luudutuksessa. Siten yhdessÀ oman luun kanssa kÀytettÀessÀ S53P4 biolasitahnalla saadaan aikaan vÀhintÀÀn yhtÀ hyvÀ nikamasolmujen vÀlinen luutuminen kuin nykyisin kÀytettÀvillÀ synteettisillÀ luunkorvikkeilla. Tutkimuksessa todettiin yksi leikkauksen yhteydessÀ tapahtunut nikamasolmujen vÀlisen implantin pÀÀtelevyyn painuminen, jonka suuruus ei muuttunut seurantakuvantamisissa
