4,936 research outputs found

    A dynamic default revision mechanism for speculative computation

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    In this work a default revision mechanism is introduced into Speculative Computation to manage incomplete information. The default revision is supported by a method for the generation of default constraints based on Bayesian Networks. The method enables the generation of an initial set of defaults which is used to produce the most likely scenarios during the computation, represented by active processes. As facts arrive, the Bayesian Network is used to derive new defaults. The objective with such a new dynamic mechanism is to keep the active processes coherent with arrived facts. This is achieved by changing the initial set of default constraints during the reasoning process in Speculative Computation. A practical example in clinical decision support is described.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A reasoning module for distributed clinical decision support systems

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    One of the main challenges in distributed clinical decision support systems is to ensure that the flow of information is kept. The failure of one or more components should not bring down an entire system. Moreover, it should not impair any decision processes that are taking place in a functioning component. This work describes a decision module that is capable of managing states of incomplete information which result from the failure of communication between components or delays in making the information available. The framework is also capable of generating scenarios for situations in which there are information gaps. The proposal is described through an example about colon cancer staging.This work is part-funded by ERDF-European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028980 and project scope UID/CEC/00319/2013. The work of Tiago Oliveira is supported by a FCT grant with the reference SFRH/BD/85291/2012.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A speculative computation approach for conflict styles assessment with incomplete information

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    Thispaperanalysesawaytocopewithincompleteinformation,namely information regarding the conflict style used by parties. This analysis is important because it enables us to develop a more accurate and informed conflict style classification method to promote better strategies. To develop this proposal, an experiment using a combination of Bayesian Networks with Speculative Computation is depicted. Thus, in this work, was firstly identified and applied a set of methods for classifying conflict styles with incomplete information; secondly, the approach was validating opposing data collected from a web-based negotiationgame.Fromtheexperimentoutcomes,wecanconcludedthatitispossibleto copewithincompleteinformationbyproducingvalidconflictstyledefaultvalues and, particularly, to anticipate competing postures through the dynamic generation of recommendations for a conflict manager. The findings suggest that this approach is suitable for handling incomplete information in this context and can be applied in a viable and feasible way.This work has been supported by COMPETE:POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Orientation system based on speculative computation and trajectory mining

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    Assistive technologies help users with disabilities (physical, sensory, intellectual) to perform tasks that were difficult or impossible to execute. Thus, the user autonomy is increased through this technology. Although some adaptation of the user might be needed, the effort should be minimum in order to use devices that convey assistive functionalities. In cognitive disabilities a common diminished capacity is orientation, which is crucial for the autonomy of an individual. There are several research works that tackle this problem, however they are essentially concerned with user guidance and application interface (display of information). The work presented herein aims to overcome these systems through a framework of Speculative Computation, which adds a prediction feature for the next move of the user. With an anticipation feature and a trajectory mining module the user is guided through a preferred path receiving anticipated alerts before a possible shift in the wrong direction.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT Fundaçãao para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013. The work of João Ramos is supported by a doctoral the FCT grant SFRH/BD/89530/2012. The work of Tiago Oliveira is also supported by the FCT grant with the reference SFRH/BD/85291/2012info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An orientation method with prediction and anticipation features

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    Nowadays, progress is constant and inherent to a living society. This may occur in different arenas, namely in mathematical evaluation and healthcare. Assistive technologies are a topic under this evolution, being extremely important in helping users with diminished capabilities (physical, sensory, intellectual). These technologies assist people in tasks that were difficult or impossible to execute. A common diminished task is orientation, which is crucial for the user autonomy. The adaptation to such technologies should require the minimum effort possible in order to enable the person to use devices that convey assistive functionalities. There are several solutions that help a human being to travel between two different locations, however their authors are essentially concerned with the guidance method, giving special attention to the user interface. The CogHelper system aims to overcome these systems by applying a framework of Speculative Computation, which adds a prediction feature for the next user movement giving an anticipation ability to the system. Thus, an alert is triggered before the user turn towards an incorrect path. The travelling path is also adjusted to the user preferences through a trajectory mining module.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013. The work of João Ramos is supported by a doctoral the FCT grant SFRH/BD/89530/2012. The work of Tiago Oliveira is also supported by the FCT grant with the reference SFRH/BD/85291/2012info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Clinical decision support: Knowledge representation and uncertainty management

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    Programa Doutoral em Engenharia BiomédicaDecision-making in clinical practice is faced with many challenges due to the inherent risks of being a health care professional. From medical error to undesired variations in clinical practice, the mitigation of these issues seems to be tightly connected to the adherence to Clinical Practice Guidelines as evidence-based recommendations The deployment of Clinical Practice Guidelines in computational systems for clinical decision support has the potential to positively impact health care. However, current approaches to Computer-Interpretable Guidelines evidence a set of issues that leave them wanting. These issues are related with the lack of expressiveness of their underlying models, the complexity of knowledge acquisition with their tools, the absence of support to the clinical decision making process, and the style of communication of Clinical Decision Support Systems implementing Computer-Interpretable Guidelines. Such issues pose as obstacles that prevent these systems from showing properties like modularity, flexibility, adaptability, and interactivity. All these properties reflect the concept of living guidelines. The purpose of this doctoral thesis is, thus, to provide a framework that enables the expression of these properties. The modularity property is conferred by the ontological definition of Computer-Interpretable Guidelines and the assistance in guideline acquisition provided by an editing tool, allowing for the management of multiple knowledge patterns that can be reused. Flexibility is provided by the representation primitives defined in the ontology, meaning that the model is adjustable to guidelines from different categories and specialities. On to adaptability, this property is conferred by mechanisms of Speculative Computation, which allow the Decision Support System to not only reason with incomplete information but to adapt to changes of state, such as suddenly knowing the missing information. The solution proposed for interactivity consists in embedding Computer-Interpretable Guideline advice directly into the daily life of health care professionals and provide a set of reminders and notifications that help them to keep track of their tasks and responsibilities. All these solutions make the CompGuide framework for the expression of Clinical Decision Support Systems based on Computer-Interpretable Guidelines.A tomada de decisão na prática clínica enfrenta inúmeros desafios devido aos riscos inerentes a ser um profissional de saúde. Desde o erro medico até às variações indesejadas da prática clínica, a atenuação destes problemas parece estar intimamente ligada à adesão a Protocolos Clínicos, uma vez que estes são recomendações baseadas na evidencia. A operacionalização de Protocolos Clínicos em sistemas computacionais para apoio à decisão clínica apresenta o potencial de ter um impacto positivo nos cuidados de saúde. Contudo, as abordagens atuais a Protocolos Clínicos Interpretáveis por Maquinas evidenciam um conjunto de problemas que as deixa a desejar. Estes problemas estão relacionados com a falta de expressividade dos modelos que lhes estão subjacentes, a complexidade da aquisição de conhecimento utilizando as suas ferramentas, a ausência de suporte ao processo de decisão clínica e o estilo de comunicação dos Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão Clínica que implementam Protocolos Clínicos Interpretáveis por Maquinas. Tais problemas constituem obstáculos que impedem estes sistemas de apresentarem propriedades como modularidade, flexibilidade, adaptabilidade e interatividade. Todas estas propriedades refletem o conceito de living guidelines. O propósito desta tese de doutoramento é, portanto, o de fornecer uma estrutura que possibilite a expressão destas propriedades. A modularidade é conferida pela definição ontológica dos Protocolos Clínicos Interpretáveis por Maquinas e pela assistência na aquisição de protocolos fornecida por uma ferramenta de edição, permitindo assim a gestão de múltiplos padrões de conhecimento que podem ser reutilizados. A flexibilidade é atribuída pelas primitivas de representação definidas na ontologia, o que significa que o modelo é ajustável a protocolos de diferentes categorias e especialidades. Quanto à adaptabilidade, esta é conferida por mecanismos de Computação Especulativa que permitem ao Sistema de Apoio à Decisão não só raciocinar com informação incompleta, mas também adaptar-se a mudanças de estado, como subitamente tomar conhecimento da informação em falta. A solução proposta para a interatividade consiste em incorporar as recomendações dos Protocolos Clínicos Interpretáveis por Maquinas diretamente no dia a dia dos profissionais de saúde e fornecer um conjunto de lembretes e notificações que os auxiliam a rastrear as suas tarefas e responsabilidades. Todas estas soluções constituem a estrutura CompGuide para a expressão de Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão Clínica baseados em Protocolos Clínicos Interpretáveis por Máquinas.The work of the PhD candidate Tiago José Martins Oliveira is supported by a grant from FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) with the reference SFRH/BD/85291/ 2012