1,355 research outputs found

    FFTPL: An Analytic Placement Algorithm Using Fast Fourier Transform for Density Equalization

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    We propose a flat nonlinear placement algorithm FFTPL using fast Fourier transform for density equalization. The placement instance is modeled as an electrostatic system with the analogy of density cost to the potential energy. A well-defined Poisson's equation is proposed for gradient and cost computation. Our placer outperforms state-of-the-art placers with better solution quality and efficiency

    Investigating data throughput and partial dynamic reconfiguration in a commodity FPGA cluster framework

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    There are many computational kernels where parallelism can be exploited in applica- tion specific hardware, yielding significant speedup over a general purpose processor based solution. Commodity cluster computing technologies have been combined with FPGA co- processors, resulting in even greater performance capability through the exploitation of multiple levels of parallelism. One particularly economic solution both in terms of cost and power consumption is to cluster hybrid FPGAs with commodity network intercon- nects. Hybrid FPGAs combine embedded microprocessors with reconfigurable hardware resources on a single chip offering lower power consumption and cost compared to a tra- ditional I/O bus FPGA coprocessor solution. While there is a lot of promise in using com- modity hybrid FPGAs in a cluster configuration, the design flow and performance char- acteristics of such systems are currently a limiting factor to the range of applications that could benefit from such a system. The contribution of this thesis is a framework for clustering commodity FPGAs which integrates high speed DMA data transfers with a flexible FPGA resource sharing scheme enabled through partial reconfiguration. The framework includes an embedded Linux op- erating system, with a custom device driver to manage data transfers and hardware recon- figuration. User space tools for cluster computing including ssh and MPI are deployed allowing tasks to be split among nodes in the cluster. Performance analysis is performed with a homogeneous cluster composed of four Virtex-5 FXT based FPGA boards. The results demonstrate the advantages over previous work in terms of data throughput and reconfiguration, as well as promote future research efforts

    Telemetry downlink interfaces and level-zero processing

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    The technical areas being investigated are as follows: (1) processing of space to ground data frames; (2) parallel architecture performance studies; and (3) parallel programming techniques. Additionally, the University administrative details and the technical liaison between New Mexico State University and Goddard Space Flight Center are addressed

    Adaptive code division multiple access protocol for wireless network-on-chip architectures

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    Massive levels of integration following Moore\u27s Law ushered in a paradigm shift in the way on-chip interconnections were designed. With higher and higher number of cores on the same die traditional bus based interconnections are no longer a scalable communication infrastructure. On-chip networks were proposed enabled a scalable plug-and-play mechanism for interconnecting hundreds of cores on the same chip. Wired interconnects between the cores in a traditional Network-on-Chip (NoC) system, becomes a bottleneck with increase in the number of cores thereby increasing the latency and energy to transmit signals over them. Hence, there has been many alternative emerging interconnect technologies proposed, namely, 3D, photonic and multi-band RF interconnects. Although they provide better connectivity, higher speed and higher bandwidth compared to wired interconnects; they also face challenges with heat dissipation and manufacturing difficulties. On-chip wireless interconnects is one other alternative proposed which doesn\u27t need physical interconnection layout as data travels over the wireless medium. They are integrated into a hybrid NOC architecture consisting of both wired and wireless links, which provides higher bandwidth, lower latency, lesser area overhead and reduced energy dissipation in communication. However, as the bandwidth of the wireless channels is limited, an efficient media access control (MAC) scheme is required to enhance the utilization of the available bandwidth. This thesis proposes using a multiple access mechanism such as Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) to enable multiple transmitter-receiver pairs to send data over the wireless channel simultaneously. It will be shown that such a hybrid wireless NoC with an efficient CDMA based MAC protocol can significantly increase the performance of the system while lowering the energy dissipation in data transfer. In this work it is shown that the wireless NoC with the proposed CDMA based MAC protocol outperformed the wired counterparts and several other wireless architectures proposed in literature in terms of bandwidth and packet energy dissipation. Significant gains were observed in packet energy dissipation and bandwidth even with scaling the system to higher number of cores. Non-uniform traffic simulations showed that the proposed CDMA-WiNoC was consistent in bandwidth across all traffic patterns. It is also shown that the CDMA based MAC scheme does not introduce additional reliability concerns in data transfer over the on-chip wireless interconnects