1 research outputs found

    Modeling and response time analysis of drone mission and control software

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    RESUMEN: En 2018, como parte del congreso ECRTS (30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems) se organizó el WATERS (9th Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems), en el que se planteó un challenge industrial. El challenge consiste en aportar una solución, tanto hardware como software, del diseño de un dron. Basándose en un caso de uso del proyecto industrial europeo RESACC sobre certificación aeronáutica. El dron se diseñó para transportar paquetes de hasta 10 Kg y debe ser capaz de volar de manera autónoma o por control remoto. Como se quiere proporcionar una mayor fiabilidad y disponibilidad, el dron tiene redundado todos sus componentes, aumentando así la complejidad de su arquitectura. Esta arquitectura debe cumplir ciertos requisitos de tiempo para poder realizar las operaciones de control del dispositivo y de la misión. El objetivo del TFM es responder parcialmente a este challenge, modelando y realizando un análisis temporal de extremo a extremo del sistema teniendo en cuenta las especificaciones que se han proporcionado. A la hora de realizar el modelado, se utilizará la política de planificación por prioridades fijas. Recientemente se ha desarrollado un método de cálculo de tiempos de respuesta, más preciso que los anteriores, que puede ser aplicable al análisis del software de este dron. Esta técnica se ha incorporado a la herramienta de modelado y análisis MAST desarrollada por el grupo ISTR de la UC. Por lo tanto, se propondrá una batería de test para MAST con el objetivo de contrastar los resultados de la técnica de análisis nueva con la ya existente.ABSTRACT: In 2018, as a part of the 30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), the 9th Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (WATERS) was organized, and an industrial challenge was proposed. The challenge consist on getting a solution, both hardware and software, for the design of a drone. Based on a use case from RESSAC European industrial project on aeronautical certification. The drone was designed to transport packages of up to 10 kg and must be able to fly autonomously or by remote control. One of his objectives is to provide greater reliability and availability, and for that, the drone has all its components redundant (increasing the complexity of its architecture). This architecture must guarantee certain timing requirements in order to perform device and mission control operations. The objective of this TFM is to address partially to this challenge, modeling and performing an end-to-end timing analysis of the system taking into account the specifications that have been provided. The fixed priority scheduling policy will be used for this model. Recently a response time analysis method has been developed, it is more precise than the previous ones, and it can be applicable to the analysis of the software of this drone. This technique has been implemented into the MAST tool, developed by the ISTR group of the UC. Therefore, a benchmark battery for MAST will be proposed in order to contrast the results of the new analysis technique with the existing one.Máster en Ingeniería Informátic