2 research outputs found

    An Efficient High-Dimensional Gene Selection Approach based on Binary Horse Herd Optimization Algorithm for Biological Data Classification

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    The Horse Herd Optimization Algorithm (HOA) is a new meta-heuristic algorithm based on the behaviors of horses at different ages. The HOA was introduced recently to solve complex and high-dimensional problems. This paper proposes a binary version of the Horse Herd Optimization Algorithm (BHOA) in order to solve discrete problems and select prominent feature subsets. Moreover, this study provides a novel hybrid feature selection framework based on the BHOA and a minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance (MRMR) filter method. This hybrid feature selection, which is more computationally efficient, produces a beneficial subset of relevant and informative features. Since feature selection is a binary problem, we have applied a new Transfer Function (TF), called X-shape TF, which transforms continuous problems into binary search spaces. Furthermore, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) is utilized to examine the efficiency of the proposed method on ten microarray datasets, namely Lymphoma, Prostate, Brain-1, DLBCL, SRBCT, Leukemia, Ovarian, Colon, Lung, and MLL. In comparison to other state-of-the-art, such as the Gray Wolf (GW), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Genetic Algorithm (GA), the proposed hybrid method (MRMR-BHOA) demonstrates superior performance in terms of accuracy and minimum selected features. Also, experimental results prove that the X-Shaped BHOA approach outperforms others methods

    A Probabilistic Multi-Objective Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Gene Selection

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    Microarray technology is widely used to report gene expression data. The inclusion of many features and few samples is one of the characteristic features of this platform. In order to define significant genes for a particular disease, the problem of high-dimensionality microarray data should be overcome. The Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm is a successful meta-heuristic algorithm that solves optimization problems effectively. In this paper, we propose a hybrid gene selection method for discriminatively selecting genes. We propose a new probabilistic binary Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm, namely PrBABC, that is hybridized with three different filter methods. The proposed method is applied to nine microarray datasets in order to detect distinctive genes for classifying cancer data. Results are compared with other wellknown meta-heuristic algorithms: Binary Differential Evolution Algorithm (BinDE), Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (BinPSO), and Genetic Algorithm (GA), as well as with other methods in the literature. Experimental results show that the probabilistic self-adaptive learning strategy integrated into the employed-bee phase can boost classification accuracy with a minimal number of genes