97,304 research outputs found

    Low-complexity RLS algorithms using dichotomous coordinate descent iterations

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    In this paper, we derive low-complexity recursive least squares (RLS) adaptive filtering algorithms. We express the RLS problem in terms of auxiliary normal equations with respect to increments of the filter weights and apply this approach to the exponentially weighted and sliding window cases to derive new RLS techniques. For solving the auxiliary equations, line search methods are used. We first consider conjugate gradient iterations with a complexity of O(N-2) operations per sample; N being the number of the filter weights. To reduce the complexity and make the algorithms more suitable for finite precision implementation, we propose a new dichotomous coordinate descent (DCD) algorithm and apply it to the auxiliary equations. This results in a transversal RLS adaptive filter with complexity as low as 3N multiplications per sample, which is only slightly higher than the complexity of the least mean squares (LMS) algorithm (2N multiplications). Simulations are used to compare the performance of the proposed algorithms against the classical RLS and known advanced adaptive algorithms. Fixed-point FPGA implementation of the proposed DCD-based RLS algorithm is also discussed and results of such implementation are presented

    Reduced-Rank STAP Schemes for Airborne Radar Based on Switched Joint Interpolation, Decimation and Filtering Algorithm

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    In this paper, we propose a reduced-rank space-time adaptive processing (STAP) technique for airborne phased array radar applications. The proposed STAP method performs dimensionality reduction by using a reduced-rank switched joint interpolation, decimation and filtering algorithm (RR-SJIDF). In this scheme, a multiple-processing-branch (MPB) framework, which contains a set of jointly optimized interpolation, decimation and filtering units, is proposed to adaptively process the observations and suppress jammers and clutter. The output is switched to the branch with the best performance according to the minimum variance criterion. In order to design the decimation unit, we present an optimal decimation scheme and a low-complexity decimation scheme. We also develop two adaptive implementations for the proposed scheme, one based on a recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm and the other on a constrained conjugate gradient (CCG) algorithm. The proposed adaptive algorithms are tested with simulated radar data. The simulation results show that the proposed RR-SJIDF STAP schemes with both the RLS and the CCG algorithms converge at a very fast speed and provide a considerable SINR improvement over the state-of-the-art reduced-rank schemes

    Adaptive Nonlocal Filtering: A Fast Alternative to Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Enhancement

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    The goal of many early visual filtering processes is to remove noise while at the same time sharpening contrast. An historical succession of approaches to this problem, starting with the use of simple derivative and smoothing operators, and the subsequent realization of the relationship between scale-space and the isotropic dfffusion equation, has recently resulted in the development of "geometry-driven" dfffusion. Nonlinear and anisotropic diffusion methods, as well as image-driven nonlinear filtering, have provided improved performance relative to the older isotropic and linear diffusion techniques. These techniques, which either explicitly or implicitly make use of kernels whose shape and center are functions of local image structure are too computationally expensive for use in real-time vision applications. In this paper, we show that results which are largely equivalent to those obtained from geometry-driven diffusion can be achieved by a process which is conceptually separated info two very different functions. The first involves the construction of a vector~field of "offsets", defined on a subset of the original image, at which to apply a filter. The offsets are used to displace filters away from boundaries to prevent edge blurring and destruction. The second is the (straightforward) application of the filter itself. The former function is a kind generalized image skeletonization; the latter is conventional image filtering. This formulation leads to results which are qualitatively similar to contemporary nonlinear diffusion methods, but at computation times that are roughly two orders of magnitude faster; allowing applications of this technique to real-time imaging. An additional advantage of this formulation is that it allows existing filter hardware and software implementations to be applied with no modification, since the offset step reduces to an image pixel permutation, or look-up table operation, after application of the filter
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