7,898 research outputs found

    On Matching, and Even Rectifying, Dynamical Systems through Koopman Operator Eigenfunctions

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    Matching dynamical systems, through different forms of conjugacies and equivalences, has long been a fundamental concept, and a powerful tool, in the study and classification of nonlinear dynamic behavior (e.g. through normal forms). In this paper we will argue that the use of the Koopman operator and its spectrum is particularly well suited for this endeavor, both in theory, but also especially in view of recent data-driven algorithm developments. We believe, and document through illustrative examples, that this can nontrivially extend the use and applicability of the Koopman spectral theoretical and computational machinery beyond modeling and prediction, towards what can be considered as a systematic discovery of "Cole-Hopf-type" transformations for dynamics.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figure

    Learning curves for Gaussian process regression: Approximations and bounds

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    We consider the problem of calculating learning curves (i.e., average generalization performance) of Gaussian processes used for regression. On the basis of a simple expression for the generalization error, in terms of the eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance function, we derive a number of approximation schemes. We identify where these become exact, and compare with existing bounds on learning curves; the new approximations, which can be used for any input space dimension, generally get substantially closer to the truth. We also study possible improvements to our approximations. Finally, we use a simple exactly solvable learning scenario to show that there are limits of principle on the quality of approximations and bounds expressible solely in terms of the eigenvalue spectrum of the covariance function.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    Spectral Theory of Sparse Non-Hermitian Random Matrices

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    Sparse non-Hermitian random matrices arise in the study of disordered physical systems with asymmetric local interactions, and have applications ranging from neural networks to ecosystem dynamics. The spectral characteristics of these matrices provide crucial information on system stability and susceptibility, however, their study is greatly complicated by the twin challenges of a lack of symmetry and a sparse interaction structure. In this review we provide a concise and systematic introduction to the main tools and results in this field. We show how the spectra of sparse non-Hermitian matrices can be computed via an analogy with infinite dimensional operators obeying certain recursion relations. With reference to three illustrative examples --- adjacency matrices of regular oriented graphs, adjacency matrices of oriented Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi graphs, and adjacency matrices of weighted oriented Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi graphs --- we demonstrate the use of these methods to obtain both analytic and numerical results for the spectrum, the spectral distribution, the location of outlier eigenvalues, and the statistical properties of eigenvectors.Comment: 60 pages, 10 figure

    Eigenvalue Outliers of non-Hermitian Random Matrices with a Local Tree Structure

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    Spectra of sparse non-Hermitian random matrices determine the dynamics of complex processes on graphs. Eigenvalue outliers in the spectrum are of particular interest, since they determine the stationary state and the stability of dynamical processes. We present a general and exact theory for the eigenvalue outliers of random matrices with a local tree structure. For adjacency and Laplacian matrices of oriented random graphs, we derive analytical expressions for the eigenvalue outliers, the first moments of the distribution of eigenvector elements associated with an outlier, the support of the spectral density, and the spectral gap. We show that these spectral observables obey universal expressions, which hold for a broad class of oriented random matrices.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure