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    A differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) investigation of the deformation affecting the coastal reclaimed areas of the Shangai megacity

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    Geom谩tica aplicada al an谩lisis de riesgos geol贸gicos

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    Tesis por compendio de publicaciones[ES]Esta Tesis Doctoral se ha realizado mediante el formato de compendio de art铆culos, con objetivos claramente diferenciados y concatenados entre s铆 con el fin de ampliar el conocimiento sobre la implementaci贸n de nuevas metodolog铆as en Geom谩tica Aplicada utilizando informaci贸n de uso p煤blico para la gesti贸n de la peligrosidad natural en la reducci贸n del Riesgo Geol贸gico. Se ha puesto 茅nfasis en hacer conocer a la comunidad los beneficios de analizar los riesgos geol贸gicos con anticipaci贸n para identificarlos espacialmente y establecer correcciones estructurales como criterio de prevenci贸n, lo que implica elaborar previamente mapas de zonas susceptibles a movimientos en masa, inundaciones, erosi贸n h铆drica, mapas sismo-tect贸nicos-volc谩nicos y de problemas geot茅cnicos, a partir de la Geom谩tica Aplicada (Teledetecci贸n, Sistemas de Informaci贸n Geogr谩fica y Modelaci贸n Num茅rica) e informaci贸n espacial georeferenciada. Se desarrollan en esta Tesis cinco m茅todos geom谩ticos aplicados a la reducci贸n del riesgo geol贸gico, validados mediante su aplicaci贸n en diferentes riesgos geol贸gicos de varias regiones de Ecuador[EN][EN]This Doctoral Thesis has been carried out through the compendium format of articles, with clearly differentiated and concatenated objectives in order to expand knowledge on the implementation of new methodologies in Applied Geomatics using information of public use for the management of natural hazard in the reduction of Geological Risk. Emphasis has been placed on making the community aware of the benefits of analyzing geological risks in advance to spatially identify them and establish structural corrections as a prevention criterion, which implies preparing previously maps of areas susceptible to mass movements, floods, water erosion, Earthquake-tectonic-volcanic maps and geotechnical problems, from Applied Geomatics (Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems and Numerical Modeling) and georeferenced spatial information. Five geomatic methods applied to the reduction of geological risk are developed in this thesis, validated by their application to different geological risks in various regions of Ecuador