14,743 research outputs found

    Eigenvector Synchronization, Graph Rigidity and the Molecule Problem

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    The graph realization problem has received a great deal of attention in recent years, due to its importance in applications such as wireless sensor networks and structural biology. In this paper, we extend on previous work and propose the 3D-ASAP algorithm, for the graph realization problem in R3\mathbb{R}^3, given a sparse and noisy set of distance measurements. 3D-ASAP is a divide and conquer, non-incremental and non-iterative algorithm, which integrates local distance information into a global structure determination. Our approach starts with identifying, for every node, a subgraph of its 1-hop neighborhood graph, which can be accurately embedded in its own coordinate system. In the noise-free case, the computed coordinates of the sensors in each patch must agree with their global positioning up to some unknown rigid motion, that is, up to translation, rotation and possibly reflection. In other words, to every patch there corresponds an element of the Euclidean group Euc(3) of rigid transformations in R3\mathbb{R}^3, and the goal is to estimate the group elements that will properly align all the patches in a globally consistent way. Furthermore, 3D-ASAP successfully incorporates information specific to the molecule problem in structural biology, in particular information on known substructures and their orientation. In addition, we also propose 3D-SP-ASAP, a faster version of 3D-ASAP, which uses a spectral partitioning algorithm as a preprocessing step for dividing the initial graph into smaller subgraphs. Our extensive numerical simulations show that 3D-ASAP and 3D-SP-ASAP are very robust to high levels of noise in the measured distances and to sparse connectivity in the measurement graph, and compare favorably to similar state-of-the art localization algorithms.Comment: 49 pages, 8 figure

    Magic-State Functional Units: Mapping and Scheduling Multi-Level Distillation Circuits for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Architectures

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    Quantum computers have recently made great strides and are on a long-term path towards useful fault-tolerant computation. A dominant overhead in fault-tolerant quantum computation is the production of high-fidelity encoded qubits, called magic states, which enable reliable error-corrected computation. We present the first detailed designs of hardware functional units that implement space-time optimized magic-state factories for surface code error-corrected machines. Interactions among distant qubits require surface code braids (physical pathways on chip) which must be routed. Magic-state factories are circuits comprised of a complex set of braids that is more difficult to route than quantum circuits considered in previous work [1]. This paper explores the impact of scheduling techniques, such as gate reordering and qubit renaming, and we propose two novel mapping techniques: braid repulsion and dipole moment braid rotation. We combine these techniques with graph partitioning and community detection algorithms, and further introduce a stitching algorithm for mapping subgraphs onto a physical machine. Our results show a factor of 5.64 reduction in space-time volume compared to the best-known previous designs for magic-state factories.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Approximate Computation and Implicit Regularization for Very Large-scale Data Analysis

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    Database theory and database practice are typically the domain of computer scientists who adopt what may be termed an algorithmic perspective on their data. This perspective is very different than the more statistical perspective adopted by statisticians, scientific computers, machine learners, and other who work on what may be broadly termed statistical data analysis. In this article, I will address fundamental aspects of this algorithmic-statistical disconnect, with an eye to bridging the gap between these two very different approaches. A concept that lies at the heart of this disconnect is that of statistical regularization, a notion that has to do with how robust is the output of an algorithm to the noise properties of the input data. Although it is nearly completely absent from computer science, which historically has taken the input data as given and modeled algorithms discretely, regularization in one form or another is central to nearly every application domain that applies algorithms to noisy data. By using several case studies, I will illustrate, both theoretically and empirically, the nonobvious fact that approximate computation, in and of itself, can implicitly lead to statistical regularization. This and other recent work suggests that, by exploiting in a more principled way the statistical properties implicit in worst-case algorithms, one can in many cases satisfy the bicriteria of having algorithms that are scalable to very large-scale databases and that also have good inferential or predictive properties.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS 2012

    Optimal construction of k-nearest neighbor graphs for identifying noisy clusters

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    We study clustering algorithms based on neighborhood graphs on a random sample of data points. The question we ask is how such a graph should be constructed in order to obtain optimal clustering results. Which type of neighborhood graph should one choose, mutual k-nearest neighbor or symmetric k-nearest neighbor? What is the optimal parameter k? In our setting, clusters are defined as connected components of the t-level set of the underlying probability distribution. Clusters are said to be identified in the neighborhood graph if connected components in the graph correspond to the true underlying clusters. Using techniques from random geometric graph theory, we prove bounds on the probability that clusters are identified successfully, both in a noise-free and in a noisy setting. Those bounds lead to several conclusions. First, k has to be chosen surprisingly high (rather of the order n than of the order log n) to maximize the probability of cluster identification. Secondly, the major difference between the mutual and the symmetric k-nearest neighbor graph occurs when one attempts to detect the most significant cluster only.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figure

    Spectral Thresholds in the Bipartite Stochastic Block Model

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    We consider a bipartite stochastic block model on vertex sets V1V_1 and V2V_2, with planted partitions in each, and ask at what densities efficient algorithms can recover the partition of the smaller vertex set. When ∣V2∣≫∣V1∣|V_2| \gg |V_1|, multiple thresholds emerge. We first locate a sharp threshold for detection of the partition, in the sense of the results of \cite{mossel2012stochastic,mossel2013proof} and \cite{massoulie2014community} for the stochastic block model. We then show that at a higher edge density, the singular vectors of the rectangular biadjacency matrix exhibit a localization / delocalization phase transition, giving recovery above the threshold and no recovery below. Nevertheless, we propose a simple spectral algorithm, Diagonal Deletion SVD, which recovers the partition at a nearly optimal edge density. The bipartite stochastic block model studied here was used by \cite{feldman2014algorithm} to give a unified algorithm for recovering planted partitions and assignments in random hypergraphs and random kk-SAT formulae respectively. Our results give the best known bounds for the clause density at which solutions can be found efficiently in these models as well as showing a barrier to further improvement via this reduction to the bipartite block model.Comment: updated version, will appear in COLT 201
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