2 research outputs found


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    Malas (Pty) Ltd, a retail and distribution company, has been engaged in the tyre industry for over three decades specializing in the supply of wheels and tyre products together with related services to the South African market. Due to the increase in export and domestic sales of automobiles, the South African tyre market is expected to witness phenomenal growth over the next couple of years. The service centre, the Malas Drivestyle Centre houses a large and sophisticated workshop where its services are rendered. Currently it seems as if it is operating at full capacity, however, there is a great concern regarding the number of vehicles serviced per day. Management is of the opinion that maintaining current methods is hindering the company's ability to be able to satisfy the additional demand in order to remain competitive within the industry. The entire service system is constrained by the activities of the Workshop thus, this project focuses on a capacity analysis of the Workshop. The analysis will identify and aim to remove bottlenecks present in the system as well as provide an efficient manner of re-allocating resources to ensure system performance and the throughput rate is improved. After an investigation of Industrial Engineering tools, techniques and skills to solve capacity constrained systems was conducted, Simulation Modelling was selected as it is the best tool to accurately represent a real life complex system. The current As-Is model was modelled by the simulation, thus activities and resources were required to be analyzed in detail to construct the model as well as data analysis of real system data from the companies WMS system. Scenarios were generated using OptQuest with the primary objective to maximize profit. Profit is a surrogate measure for the throughput rate. OptQuest automatically generates optimal scenarios with alternative resource configurations. Using the SMORE plots in Simio, the best performing alternatives which are statistically significantly similar to each other were identified. These alternatives were recommended to Malas as a manner of planning and re-allocating their resources. By implementing this, not only is profits maximized but utilization of resources is inherently improved by the model. As a result the inefficiencies such as long queues and delays will be improved which results in increased customer satisfaction. The project aims to deliver a model to the firm to act as a decision support system to aid in strategic future plans. Thus it is highly recommended to implement this solution to ensure the long term objectives of Malas are achieved.Thesis (B Eng. (Industrial and Systems Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2012

    Desarrollo y evaluaci贸n de un sistema m贸vil de ayuda a la decisi贸n m茅dica en el campo de la oftalmolog铆a

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    Hoy en d铆a es tal el impacto que tiene el uso de dispositivos m贸viles como smartphones y tablets en nuestras vidas que es dif铆cil imaginar tener que prescindir de ellos. Estos terminales han favorecido el desarrollo de multitud de aplicaciones m贸viles, pero el inmenso 茅xito de las apps se debe al f谩cil manejo de estas. Pr谩cticamente cualquier persona es capaz de manejarlas, independientemente del nivel de sus conocimientos sobre tecnolog铆a. Es tal la confianza que las personas depositamos sobre estas herramientas software que hasta les encomendamos nuestra salud. Cada vez aparecen m谩s aplicaciones relacionadas con la salud y con h谩bitos de vida saludables. Y ya no s贸lo eso, sino que el personal m茅dico cada d铆a est谩 m谩s compenetrado con sistemas de mSalud o eHealth. Los profesionales sanitarios son conscientes del potencial que ofrecen las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y la Comunicaci贸n (TIC), y no dudan en aprovecharlas. La aplicaci贸n de las TIC en la medicina tiene vital importancia en la mejora de la atenci贸n primaria, puesto que en zonas rurales o de dif铆cil acceso, con pocos recursos econ贸micos, no es viable ofrecer una atenci贸n m茅dica especializada. Una buena atenci贸n primaria es la base de un mejor sistema sanitario. Tomar una buena decisi贸n a tiempo por parte del m茅dico de atenci贸n primaria podr铆a tener una repercusi贸n enorme. Con objeto de facilitar la tarea de diagn贸stico, surgen los sistemas de ayuda a la toma de decisiones m茅dicas, los cuales ofrecen asesoramiento y adem谩s refrescan los conocimientos del m茅dico, en una profesi贸n donde se sigue aprendiendo d铆a a d铆a. La aplicaci贸n de estos sistemas en enfermedades que son causa frecuente de visita a la consulta m茅dica como son las patolog铆as oftalmol贸gicas, que adem谩s afectan directamente a la calidad de vida, tiene a煤n mayor importancia. El objetivo de este proyecto es el desarrollo de OphthalDSS, una aplicaci贸n m贸vil para el sistema operativo Android que implemente uno de estos sistemas, teniendo como referencia una versi贸n anterior denominada DeSSEaDo, para lo cual se analizar谩 previamente el estado del arte de los sistemas de ayuda a la toma de decisiones m茅dicas en el campo de la oftalmolog铆a, concretamente para enfermedades del segmento anterior del ojo.Grado en Ingenier铆a de Tecnolog铆as de Telecomunicaci贸