5 research outputs found

    Scheduling uncertain orders in the customer–subcontractor context

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    Within the customer–subcontractor negotiation process, the first problem of the subcontractor is to provide the customer with a reliable order lead-time although his workload is partially uncertain. Actually, a part of the subcontractor workload is composed of orders under negotiation which can be either confirmed or cancelled. Fuzzy logic and possibility theory have widely been used in scheduling in order to represent the uncertainty or imprecision of processing times, but the existence of the manufacturing orders is not usually set into question. We suggest a method allowing to take into account the uncertainty of subcontracted orders. This method is consistent with list scheduling: as a consequence, it can be used in many classical schedulers. Its implementation in a scheduler prototype called TAPAS is described. In this article, we focus on the performance of validation tests which show the interest of the method

    A Risk- and Fuzzy Set-Based Methodology for Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration Military Utility Assessment Design

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    The U.S. Department of Defense Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) and derivative, rapid acquisition programs offer timely solutions to critical military needs by assessing the utility of technologies mature enough to be fielded without application of traditional, defense system development processes. Military utility assessments (MUA) are ACTDs\u27 most critical features, but the lack of a standard for identifying assessment criteria tailored to specific demonstrations risks poorly informed acquisition decisions and the military operations those decisions are intended to support. The purpose of this research was to develop and deploy a methodology for identifying measures of effectiveness integral to advanced concept technology demonstration military utility assessment design. Within a context determined by attributes of complex systems, the research observed twin premises that ACTD assessment designs should accommodate: all risks possible when incorporating demonstration prototypes within superior and complex, joint military operations metasystems; and the ambiguities and other of what have been termed “fuzzy” manifestations of the cognition and language with which end-user, military operators craft and express perspectives required to identify measures of effectiveness fundamental to MUA designs. The effort pursued three research questions: (1) How might joint military operations metasystem models guide the identification of ACTD measures of effectiveness? (2) How might be developed and employed joint military metasystem models with which can be identified ACTD measures of effectiveness? (3) How useful might ACTD managers and analysts find the MUA design methodology developed and deployed with this research? The deployed methodology stimulated answers to these research questions by uniquely combining tailored versions of established risk assessment methods with a fuzzy method for resolving small group preferences. The risk assessment methods honored one research premise while enabling the identification and employment of a joint military operations metasystem model suited to MUA design needs of a simulated ACTD. The fuzzy preference method honored the second research premise as it, too, promoted metasystem model employment. The complete methodology was shown to hold favor with a large segment of a community expert in managing and assessing the utility of ACTDs emphasizing critical, joint military service needs

    A knowledge based approach to integration of products, processes and reconfigurable automation resources

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    The success of next generation automotive companies will depend upon their ability to adapt to ever changing market trends thus becoming highly responsive. In the automotive sector, the assembly line design and reconfiguration is an especially critical and extremely complex job. The current research addresses some of the aspects of this activity under the umbrella of a larger ongoing research project called Business Driven Automation (BDA) project. The BDA project aims to carry out complete virtual 3D modeling-based verifications of the assembly line for new or revised products in contrast to the prevalent practice of manual evaluation of effects of product change on physical resources. [Continues.

    A decision support system for income-producing real estate development feasibility analysis and alternative assessment

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    The purpose of this study is to design, develop, and evaluate a prototype scenarioassisted decision support system (DSS) for use in venture and alternative assessment during the predevelopment stage of income-producing real estate development. This research examines theoretical underpinnings and associated advancements related to income-producing real estate development and decision support systems. Particular emphasis was placed on synthesis of relating disciplines?? models and advancements that support design and development of the decision support system. The result of the system design and development are embodied in a prototype scenario-assisted decision support system for income-producing real estate development (DSSVenture). The design and development of the program are documented in this dissertation. Following the design and development stage, the validation of DSSVenture??s data and logic models was conducted based on two case studies from well-known real estate development publications. The system was then tested on a group of graduate students who enrolled in an advanced real estate development course at Texas A&M University to examine whether its facilitation objective had been achieved. Since this research hypothesized that the decision support system would facilitate developers?? decision making during predevelopment stage of income-producing real estate development, three operational variables were tested, namely number of alternatives examined, time to reach decisions, and coefficient of projected net present value variations. The testing results indicate that DSSVenture system significantly enhances comprehensiveness of the decision context by increasing the number of alternatives for developers. Since the use of the system significantly reduces developers?? time to reach decisions, the efficiency of decision making is improved. Finally, the results of the study confirm that the use of DSSVenture system substantially diminishes variation of profit projection among decision makers. Therefore, the facilitation objective is achieved

    Propuesta de arquitectura empresarial en el contexto de colaboración jerárquica para el soporte a la toma de decisiones en situaciones de eventos inesperados

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    [EN] Abstract: Collaborative Networks (CN) should be able to meet two separate objectives: (i) managing the increasing technological complexity of their IS/IT achieving that they generate added value to business processes and, (ii) integrate and coordinate their processes with those of its partners in CN in the search for efficiency and competitiveness to ensure survival in the global market. At the moment that collaborative inter-enterprise systems are implemented, companies that make up these CNs are able to develop joint planning. This prevents inefficiencies that the planning carried out in isolation for each of the chain generates, excessive inventory levels, long cycle or frequent disruptions in the plans. In this sense, collaborative planning allows greater efficiency in planning processes between companies, synchronization and coordination of joint activities and improving customer service. Achieving these objectives in principle independent, it may be possible jointly by using Enterprise Architectures (EA). Which provide concepts, models and tools that enable organizations to meet the challenges posed by the integration of the strategic areas and business processes with IT areas. Although the use of AE is implemented and studied in depth in the individual firm, these concepts can be extended to CN, but research in this area are very limited. It is proposed the concept of Inter-Enterprise Architecture (IEA) that seeks the application of tools and methodologies developed for individual companies, adapting to an environment of collaboration between several companies that make CN, in order to facilitate the integration that the collaborative processes arises in line with IS / IT harmonizing joint processes, reducing risks and redundancies, increasing service and customer responsiveness, reducing technology costs and aligning business process with the IS / IT. In order to limit the scope of the study and address in depth a specific aspect, the focus on this research is the arrival of unexpected events that affect the hierarchical production planning in collaborative environments will. Production planning systems face unexpected events that require non-structured decisions causing re planning deliveries, changes in the amounts committed or modifications of master production schedule. However, difficulties and costs for making these changes and re schedules often have the effect that these planning cannot come to run. And so, potential benefits are lost because organizations do not know how to properly respond to these unexpected events. Therefore, the aim pursued with this thesis is to provide tools to CNs to improve decision making in the management of unexpected events that affect the hierarchical production planning in collaborative environments through the use of enterprise engineering and enterprise architectures. The research project proposes an inter-enterprise architecture consists of: framework, modelling language and methodology.[ES] Resumen: Las Redes de Colaboración (RC) deban ser capaces de cumplir dos objetivos independientes: (i) gestionar la creciente complejidad tecnológica de sus SI/TI logrando que los mismos generen valor añadido a los procesos de negocio, y (ii) integrar y coordinar sus procesos con los de sus socios en la RC en la búsqueda de eficiencia y competitividad que asegure la supervivencia en el mercado global. En el momento en que se implementan sistemas de colaboración inter-empresa que permiten a las entidades que conforman estas RCs desarrollar una planificación conjunta, se evita que la planificación llevada a cabo de forma aislada por cada uno de los eslabones de la cadena conduzca a ineficiencias globales que originan niveles de inventario excesivos, tiempos de ciclo largos o desajustes frecuentes en los planes. En este sentido la planificación colaborativa permite que exista mayor eficiencia en los procesos de planificación entre empresas, sincronización y coordinación de actividades conjuntos y mejora del servicio al cliente. Lograr estos dos objetivos en principio independientes, puede ser posible de forma conjunta gracias al uso de las Arquitecturas Empresariales (AE). Las cuales proporcionan conceptos, modelos e instrumentos que permite a las organizaciones afrontar los retos que representan la integración de las áreas estratégicas y los procesos de negocios con las áreas de TI. Aunque el uso de las AE se ha implementado y estudiado en profundidad en la empresa individual, estos conceptos pueden ser ampliados a RC, sin embargo las investigaciones en esta área son muy limitadas. Se plantea entonces el concepto de Arquitectura Inter-Empresa (AIE) que busca la aplicación de las herramientas y metodologías de AE desarrolladas para la empresa individual, adaptándolas a un entorno de colaboración entre varias empresas que conforman RC, con el objetivo de facilitar la integración de los procesos de colaboración de las empresas en sintonía con sus SI/TI que permitan armonizar los procesos conjuntos, reducir riesgos y redundancias, aumentar el servicio y respuesta al cliente, reducir costos tecnológicos y alinear el negocio conjunto con los SI/TI. Con el propósito de acotar el ámbito de estudio y abordar en profundidad un aspecto concreto, se pondrá el foco en una problemática específica, la llegada de eventos inesperados que inciden en la planificación jerárquica de la producción en entornos colaborativos. Los sistemas de planificación de la producción se enfrentan a eventos inesperados que obligan a tomar decisiones no programadas provocando por ejemplo, la re planificación de las entregas, cambio en las cantidades comprometidas o modificaciones del plan maestro de producción. Sin embargo, las dificultades y costos que tiene el realizar estos cambios y re planificaciones, en muchas ocasiones tienen como consecuencia que no se lleguen a ejecutar. Y así, potenciales beneficios se pierden porque las organizaciones no saben cómo responder adecuadamente a estos eventos inesperados. Por tanto, el objetivo que se persigue con esta Tesis Doctoral, es proporcionar herramientas a las RC para mejorar de la toma de decisiones en la gestión de eventos inesperados que inciden en la planificación jerárquica de la producción en contextos colaborativos mediante el uso de ingeniería empresaria y arquitecturas empresariales. El proyecto de investigación propone una arquitectura inter-empresarial compuesta por: framework, lenguaje de modelado y metodología.[CA] Resum: Les Xarxes de Col·laboració (XC) han de ser capaços de complir dos objectius independents: (i) gestionar la creixent complexitat tecnològica dels seus SI/TI, aconseguint que els mateixos generen valor afegit als processos de negoci, i (ii) integrar i coordinar els seus processos amb els de els seus socis en la XC en la cerca d'eficiència i competitivitat, assegurant la supervivència en el mercat global. En el moment en què s'implementen sistemes de col·laboracióinter empresa, que permeten a les entitats que conformen aquestes XCs desenvolupar una planificació conjunta, s'evita que la planificació, duta a terme de forma aïllada per cadascun dels socis de la xarxa, conduïnt a ineficiències globals que originen nivells d'inventari excessius, temps de cicle llargs o desajustos freqüents en els plans. En aquest sentit la planificació col·laborativa permet una major eficiència en els processos de planificació entre les empreses, així com una major sincronització i coordinació d'activitats realitzades de forma conjunta i millora del servei al client. Aconseguir aquests dos objectius en principi independents, pot ser possible de forma conjunta gràcies al'ús de les Arquitectures d'Empresa (AE). Les quals proporcionen conceptes, models i instruments que permeten a les organitzacions afrontar els reptes associats a la integració de les àrees estratègiques i els processos de negocis amb les àrees de TI. Encara que l'ús de les AE s'ha implementat i estudiat en profunditat en l'empresa individual, aquests conceptes poden ser ampliats al context de XCs, no obstant açò, les recerques en aquesta àrea són molt limitades. Es planteja, llavors, el concepte Arquitectura Inter-Empresa (AIE) que busca l'aplicació de les eines i metodologies de AE desenvolupades per a l'empresa individual, adaptant-les a un entorn de col·laboració, entre diverses empreses que conformen XC. L'objectiu de AIE es facilitar la integració dels processos col·aboratius de les empreses en sintonia amb els seus SI/TI permetent l'harmonització els processos conjunts, la reducció de riscos i redundàncies, l'augment en el servei i resposta al client, la reducció de costos tecnològics i l'alineació del negoci conjunt amb els SI/TI. Amb el propòsit d'acotar l'àmbit d'estudi i abordar en profunditat un aspecte concret, el present treball es centra en una problemàtica específica, l'arribada d'esdeveniments inesperats que incideixen en la planificació jeràrquica de la producció en entorns col·laboratius. Els sistemes de planificació de la producció s'enfronten a esdeveniments inesperats que obliguen a prendre decisions no programades provocant, per exemple, la replanificació dels lliuraments, el canvi en les quantitats compromeses, o les modificacions del pla mestre de producció. No obstant açò, les dificultats i costos associats a aquests canvis i les replanificacions, en moltes ocasions tenen com a conseqüència que no s'arriben a executar. I així, beneficism potencials es perden, degut a que les organitzacions no saben com respondre adequadament a aquests esdeveniments inesperats. Per tant, l'objectiu que es persegueix amb aquesta Tesi Doctoral, és proporcionar eines a les XC per a millorar de la presa de decisions en la gestió d'esdeveniments inesperats, que incideixen en la planificació jeràrquica de la producció en contextos col·laboratius mitjançant l'ús d'enginyeria empresària i arquitectures empresarials. El projecte de recerca proposa una arquitectura inter-empresarial composta per: un marc, un llenguatge de modelatge i una metodologia.Vargas López, AJ. (2016). Propuesta de arquitectura empresarial en el contexto de colaboración jerárquica para el soporte a la toma de decisiones en situaciones de eventos inesperados [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61489TESI