4 research outputs found

    New Platform Technology for Comprehensive Serological Diagnostics of Autoimmune Diseases

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    Antibody assessment is an essential part in the serological diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. However, different diagnostic strategies have been proposed for the work up of sera in particular from patients with systemic autoimmune rheumatic disease (SARD). In general, screening for SARD-associated antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) is followed by confirmatory testing covering different assay techniques. Due to lacking automation, standardization, modern data management, and human bias in IIF screening, this two-stage approach has recently been challenged by multiplex techniques particularly in laboratories with high workload. However, detection of antinuclear antibodies by IIF is still recommended to be the gold standard method for antibody screening in sera from patients with suspected SARD. To address the limitations of IIF and to meet the demand for cost-efficient autoantibody screening, automated IIF methods employing novel pattern recognition algorithms for image analysis have been introduced recently. In this respect, the AKLIDES technology has been the first commercially available platform for automated interpretation of cell-based IIF testing and provides multiplexing by addressable microbead immunoassays for confirmatory testing. This paper gives an overview of recently published studies demonstrating the advantages of this new technology for SARD serology

    Valoración de la técnica de quimioluminiscencia en el diagnóstico de Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico.

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    Introducción: El Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico es el prototipo de enfermedad autoinmune sistémica del tejido conjuntivo. Es una enfermedad crónica inflamatoria de etiología desconocida, que se caracterizada por la producción de autoanticuerpos. Aunque el diagnóstico es clínico, sigue siendo un reto debido a la heterogenicidad de la enfermedad, por lo que el diagnóstico de laboratorio juega un papel importante. Existen múltiples técnicas para la detección de estos anticuerpos. Objetivo: Valorar la posibilidad de la técnica de Quimioluminiscencia como técnica “gold standard” para la detección de anticuerpos anti-dsDNA en el Lupus comparándolo con la técnica de Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta, método tradicional. Material y métodos: Revisión bibliográfica realizada en la base de datos PUBMED y Biblioteca de la Facultad de Medicina (UZ) seleccionado según la disponibilidad de versión completa, publicados entre 2010-2017 y relevancia para el estudio. Además, análisis de una cohorte de 50 muestras provenientes del área del Hospital Clínico Lozano Blesa, cuyo criterio de selección fue considerar sólo aquellas muestras con anti-ANA positivo, para el estudio de anti-dsDNA con las técnicas de Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta y Quimioluminiscencia, y su posterior comparación. Resultados y discusión: Las muestras con resultados positivos para ambas técnicas se podrían dar por buenos independientemente de los valores obtenidos por una u otra técnica. En el grupo de resultados discrepantes, sueros positivos por Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta y negativos por Quimioluminiscencia podrían ser aceptados, mientras que al contrario, sueros negativos por Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta y positivo por Quimioluminiscencia serían cuestionables. Los sueros negativos por ambas técnicas son los mejores resultados desde el punto de vista de una buena correlación, pues si ambas técnicas son negativas se puede decir que no se detectan anticuerpos contra dsDNA. Conclusión: La Quimioluminiscencia no puede sustituir a la Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta para la investigación de anti-dsDNA en el diagnóstico de LES, aunque su empleo resulta útil para discriminar resultados negativos

    Analysis of the image moments sensitivity for the application in pattern recognition problems

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    Momenti slike su numerički deskriptori koji sadrže informaciju o svojstvima invarijantnim na translaciju, rotaciju, promjenu skale i neke oblike distorzije, a njihova analiza je jedna od metoda koje se često koriste pri analizi slika i raspoznavanju uzoraka. U okviru ove radnje razvijeni su algoritmi za računanje geometrijskih, Legendreovih, Zernikeovih, Fourier – Mellinovih te tri tipa Fourier – Jacobijevih momenata, kao i iz njih definiranih invarijanti slike u programskom jeziku MatLab uz rješavanje inverznog problema rekonstrukcije početnog ulaza. Za sve tipove momenata osim najjednostavnijih geometrijskih definirani su vektori osjetljivosti na rotaciju i promjenu skale čije su komponente oni članovi skupa koji nose značajnije informacije o ulaznoj slici. Primjenom novih deskriptora na klasifikaciju rukom pisanih slova i identifikacijskih fotografija osoba pokazano je da je relevantna informacija o ulazu na taj način sačuvana, a njihov je izračun znatno brži i jednostavniji uz zadržanu sposobnost jednoznačnog raspoznavanja uzoraka. Korištenjem momenata slike i vektora osjetljivosti analizirani su znakovi s dvaju glagoljskih spomenika te utvrđeno postojanje mješavine znakova trokutastog i okruglog modela glagoljice. Metoda je primijenjena i na klasifikaciju tragova puzanja ličinki mutanata vinske mušice za potrebe proučavanja odgovora živčanog sustava na različite podražaje.Image moments are numerical descriptors invariant to translation, rotation, change of scale and some types of image distortion and their analysis is one of the most often used methods in image processing and pattern recognition. In this work, algorithms for calculation of geometric, Legendre, Zernike, Fourier – Mellin and three types of Fourier – Jacobi moments were implemented in MatLab. Hu's, affine and blur invariants were also obtained as well as inverse problem of input image reconstruction solved. For each type of image moments exept geometric ones the set of sensitivity vectors for rotation and scale were defined. Their components are those image moments which describe more important features of the input image. These new descriptors were applied for classification of handwritten letters and identifying personal photos. It was shown that the process of such descriptor calculation is much faster and simpler while preserving all the relevant information about input image. Using this method, the signs carved in two glagolitic inscriptions were analyzed and the mixture of triangular and round glagolitic letters found. The method was also applied to classification of the mutant fruit fly larvae crawling trails which is needed in studying responses of the nervous system to different stimuli

    Analysis of the image moments sensitivity for the application in pattern recognition problems

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    Momenti slike su numerički deskriptori koji sadrže informaciju o svojstvima invarijantnim na translaciju, rotaciju, promjenu skale i neke oblike distorzije, a njihova analiza je jedna od metoda koje se često koriste pri analizi slika i raspoznavanju uzoraka. U okviru ove radnje razvijeni su algoritmi za računanje geometrijskih, Legendreovih, Zernikeovih, Fourier – Mellinovih te tri tipa Fourier – Jacobijevih momenata, kao i iz njih definiranih invarijanti slike u programskom jeziku MatLab uz rješavanje inverznog problema rekonstrukcije početnog ulaza. Za sve tipove momenata osim najjednostavnijih geometrijskih definirani su vektori osjetljivosti na rotaciju i promjenu skale čije su komponente oni članovi skupa koji nose značajnije informacije o ulaznoj slici. Primjenom novih deskriptora na klasifikaciju rukom pisanih slova i identifikacijskih fotografija osoba pokazano je da je relevantna informacija o ulazu na taj način sačuvana, a njihov je izračun znatno brži i jednostavniji uz zadržanu sposobnost jednoznačnog raspoznavanja uzoraka. Korištenjem momenata slike i vektora osjetljivosti analizirani su znakovi s dvaju glagoljskih spomenika te utvrđeno postojanje mješavine znakova trokutastog i okruglog modela glagoljice. Metoda je primijenjena i na klasifikaciju tragova puzanja ličinki mutanata vinske mušice za potrebe proučavanja odgovora živčanog sustava na različite podražaje.Image moments are numerical descriptors invariant to translation, rotation, change of scale and some types of image distortion and their analysis is one of the most often used methods in image processing and pattern recognition. In this work, algorithms for calculation of geometric, Legendre, Zernike, Fourier – Mellin and three types of Fourier – Jacobi moments were implemented in MatLab. Hu's, affine and blur invariants were also obtained as well as inverse problem of input image reconstruction solved. For each type of image moments exept geometric ones the set of sensitivity vectors for rotation and scale were defined. Their components are those image moments which describe more important features of the input image. These new descriptors were applied for classification of handwritten letters and identifying personal photos. It was shown that the process of such descriptor calculation is much faster and simpler while preserving all the relevant information about input image. Using this method, the signs carved in two glagolitic inscriptions were analyzed and the mixture of triangular and round glagolitic letters found. The method was also applied to classification of the mutant fruit fly larvae crawling trails which is needed in studying responses of the nervous system to different stimuli