208 research outputs found

    Web bases for sl(3) are not dual canonical

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    We compare two natural bases for the invariant space of a tensor product of irreducible representations of A_2, or sl(3). One basis is the web basis, defined from a skein theory called the combinatorial A_2 spider. The other basis is the dual canonical basis, the dual of the basis defined by Lusztig and Kashiwara. For sl(2) or A_1, the web bases have been discovered many times and were recently shown to be dual canonical by Frenkel and Khovanov. We prove that for sl(3), the two bases eventually diverge even though they agree in many small cases. The first disagreement comes in the invariant space Inv((V^+ tensor V^+ tensor V^- tensor V^-)^{tensor 3}), where V^+ and V^- are the two 3-dimensional representations of sl(3). If the tensor factors are listed in the indicated order, only 511 of the 512 invariant basis vectors coincide.Comment: 18 pages. This version has very minor correction

    The still-Life density problem and its generalizations

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    A "still Life" is a subset S of the square lattice Z^2 fixed under the transition rule of Conway's Game of Life, i.e. a subset satisfying the following three conditions: 1. No element of Z^2-S has exactly three neighbors in S; 2. Every element of S has at least two neighbors in S; 3. Every element of S has at most three neighbors in S. Here a ``neighbor'' of any x \in Z^2 is one of the eight lattice points closest to x other than x itself. The "still-Life conjecture" is the assertion that a still Life cannot have density greater than 1/2 (a bound easily attained, for instance by {(x,y): x is even}). We prove this conjecture, showing that in fact condition 3 alone ensures that S has density at most 1/2. We then consider variations of the problem such as changing the number of allowed neighbors or the definition of neighborhoods; using a variety of methods we find some partial results and many new open problems and conjectures.Comment: 29 pages, including many figures drawn as LaTeX "pictures
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