6 research outputs found

    Denoising using Self Adaptive Radial Basis Function

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    This paper presents an adaptive form of the Radial basis function neural network to correct the noisy image in a unified way without estimating the existing noise model in the image. Proposed method needs a single noisy image to train the adaptive radial basis function network to learn the correction of the noisy image. The gaussian kernel function is applied to reconstruct the local disturbance appeared because of the noise. The proposed adaptiveness in the radial basis function network is compared with the fixed form of spreadness and the center value of kernel function. The proposed solution can correct the image suffered from different varieties of noises like speckle noise, Gaussian noise, salt & pepper noise separately or combination of noises. Various standard test images are considered for test purpose with different levels of noise density and performance of proposed algorithm is compared with adaptive wiener filter

    A Novel Biometric Key Security System with Clustering and Convolutional Neural Network for WSN

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    Development in Wireless Communication technologies paves a way for the expansion of application and enhancement of security in Wireless Sensor Network using sensor nodes for communicating within the same or different clusters. In this work, a novel biometric key based security system is proposed with Optimized Convolutional Neural Network to differentiate authorized users from intruders to access network data and resources. Texture features are extracted from biometrics like Fingerprint, Retina and Facial expression to produce a biometric key, which is combined with pseudo random function for producing the secured private key for each user. Individually Adaptive Possibilistic C-Means Clustering and Kernel based Fuzzy C-Means Clustering are applied to the sensor nodes for grouping them into clusters based on the distance between the Cluster head and Cluster members. Group key obtained from fuzzy membership function of prime numbers is employed for packet transfer among groups. The three key security schemes proposed are Fingerprint Key based Security System, Retina Key based Security System, and Multibiometric Key based Security System with neural network for Wireless Sensor Networks. The results obtained from MATLAB Simulator indicates that the Multibiometric system with kernel clustering is highly secured and achieves simulation time less by 9%, energy consumption diminished by 20%, delay is reduced by 2%, Attack Detection Rate is improved by 5%, Packet Delivery Ratio increases by 6%, Packet Loss Ratio is decreased by 27%, Accuracy enhanced by 2%, and achieves 1% better precision compared to other methods