5 research outputs found

    A Controlled Experiment to Evaluate the Effects of Mindfulness in Software Engineering

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    Context. Many reports support the fact that some psycho--social aspects of software engineers are key factors for the quality of the software development process and its resulting products. Based on the experience of some of the authors after more than a year of practising mindfulness---a meditation technique aimed to increase clearness of mind and awareness---we guessed that it could be interesting to empirically evaluate whether mindfulness affects positively not only the behaviour but also the professional performance of software engineers. Goal. In this paper, we present a quasi--experiment carried out at the University of Seville to evaluate whether Software Engineering & Information Systems students enhance their conceptual modelling skills after the continued daily practice of mindfulness during four weeks. Method. Students were divided into two groups: one group practised mindfulness, and the other---the control group---were trained in public speaking. In order to study the possible cause--and--effect relationship, effectiveness (the rate of model elements correctly identified) and efficiency (the number of model elements correctly identified per unit of time) of the students developing conceptual modelling exercises were measured before and after taking the mindfulness and public speaking sessions. Results. The experiment results have revealed that the students who practised mindfulness have become more efficient in developing conceptual models than those who attended the public speaking sessions. With respect to effectiveness, some enhancement have been observed, although not as significant as in the case of efficiency. Conclusions. This rising trend in effectiveness suggests that the number of sessions could have been insufficient and that a longer period of sessions could have also enhanced effectiveness significantly.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad TIN2012-32273Junta de AndalucĂ­a P12-TIC-1867Junta de AndalucĂ­a TIC-590

    A Family of Experiments to Evaluate the Effects of Mindfulness on Software Engineering Students: The MetaMind Dataset

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    Context: Software Engineering students are often excellent developers although they may occasionally encounter difficulties with certain tasks such as conceptual modelling, in which mental clarity plays an essential role. With several years of experience in practising mindfulness (a meditation technique that calm the mind to see with clarity), we hypothesise that several weeks of continued mindfulness practise may increase the performance of students regarding conceptual modelling since the proven benefits of mindfulness include increased concentration and mental clarity. In order to ascertain this hypothesis, a family of controlled experiments, involving 130 students, has been carried out at the University of Seville over three consecutive academic years. Subsequent to the analysis of the individual experiments, a meta—analysis was conducted. Aim: This chapter helps understand how various datasets have been generated and traces their evolution across the family of experiments and the resulting meta—analysis. Not only does the process include the integration of datasets into a single target dataset with the complete set of data, but it also improves the structure of the dataset and adapts it to several statistical analysis tools. Method: Data collection was manually carried out during the individual experiments by means of gathering the scores of the students attained in conceptual modelling exercises. In order to obtain the complete but also simple dataset of the family of experiments, certain dataset columns were necessarily selected and renamed. New relevant information was also added to form a conclusive meta—analysis. The dataset was adapted to the type and format of SPSS for the execution of a further analysis, complementary to the main study in R. The MetaMind dataset is the set of datasets involved in the present research. The MetaMind dataset has become a helpful resource for the independent reproducibility of the results, to ascertain the evolution of the process across a family of experiments, and to enable external replications of the controlled experiment.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación HORATIO (RTI2018-101204–B–C21)Junta de Andalucía APOLO (US-1264651)Junta de Andalucía EKIPMENTPLUS (P18–FR–2895

    Mindfulness and technology: traces of a middle way

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    We contemplate paths between form and formlessness as a middle way between digital technology for mindfulness, and mindfulness without digital technology, thereby inviting alternative departure points with interactive systems. In doing so, we step into a contested yet potentially fertile arena to challenge the handling, analysis and reporting of the relationship between mindfulness and technology and the methods used to interrogate it. Through the documenting of the authors’ own creative practices (video, photography, and gardening), material traces and written vignettes of our experiments are presented to stimulate resonances and evoke mindfulness with readers. We also question the form of conference papers to consider how we can best share formless states of being in discussing their relevance for design

    Where attention goes, energy flows : enhancing individual sustainability in software engineering

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    Software engineers are plagued by the same troubles as many others in highly skilled jobs and digitized environments: Ever-expanding to-do lists, time to market pressure from management, deadline- driven development, continuous interruption during working tasks, and the juggle of balancing that with other areas of life (physical, mental and emotional health, family, household, finance, friends, hobbies and community service). These demands of life in combina- tion with a seemingly ever-increasing pace wear or burn out many people in the long run. Specifically, as software engineers, this also leads to decreased creativity and less efficiency in problem-solving. Generally offered solutions are reducing screen time and spending more time outdoors, both of which are hard to do within the work of a software engineer. On a meta level, if the developers of the systems that run most of our world do not develop individual sus- tainability with a balanced pace of life, that imbalance propagates into the systems we develop (similar to Conway’s Law). We argue that mindfulness practices like yoga poses (asanas), breathing prac- tices, and meditation exercises can help individually, and even more effectively in combination. In this exploratory paper, we discuss related work that explores the application of these mitigations in other application domains and propose a research agenda to explore their use within software engineering education and practice.Engaging with mindfulness practices in the context of software engineering promises to enhance creativity and cognitive problem- solving skills, leading to more efficiency and effectiveness during software development and increased individual sustainability. This, in turn, leads to better team spirit as well as increased economic profit, both in terms of maintaining human capital and customer contract deliverables