26 research outputs found

    Word Activation Forces Map Word Networks

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    Words associate with each other in a manner of intricate clusters^1-3^. Yet the brain capably encodes the complex relations into workable networks^4-7^ such that the onset of a word in the brain automatically and selectively activates its associates, facilitating language understanding and generation^8-10^. One believes that the activation strength from one word to another forges and accounts for the latent structures of the word networks. This implies that mapping the word networks from brains to computers^11,12^, which is necessary for various purposes^1,2,13-15^, may be achieved through modeling the activation strengths. However, although a lot of investigations on word activation effects have been carried out^8-10,16-20^, modeling the activation strengths remains open. Consequently, huge labor is required to do the mappings^11,12^. Here we show that our found word activation forces, statistically defined by a formula in the same form of the universal gravitation, capture essential information on the word networks, leading to a superior approach to the mappings. The approach compatibly encodes syntactical and semantic information into sparse coding directed networks, comprehensively highlights the features of individual words. We find that based on the directed networks, sensible word clusters and hierarchies can be efficiently discovered. Our striking results strongly suggest that the word activation forces might reveal the encoding of word networks in the brain

    How to combine visual features with tags to improve movie recommendation accuracy?

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    Previous works have shown the effectiveness of using stylistic visual features, indicative of the movie style, in content-based movie recommendation. However, they have mainly focused on a particular recommendation scenario, i.e., when a new movie is added to the catalogue and no information is available for that movie (New Item scenario). However, the stylistic visual features can be also used when other sources of information is available (Existing Item scenario). In this work, we address the second scenario and propose a hybrid technique that exploits not only the typical content available for the movies (e.g., tags), but also the stylistic visual content extracted form the movie files and fuse them by applying a fusion method called Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). Our experiments on a large catalogue of 13K movies have shown very promising results which indicates a considerable improvement of the recommendation quality by using a proper fusion of the stylistic visual features with other type of features

    User contribution measurement model for web-based discussion forums

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    The success of social software depends on contributions made by two key entities; the infrastructure provider(s) and the content providers (users). Currently, social software providers do not possess a powerful and generic approach to measure the contributions of their users. The ability of measuring user contributions will allow social software providers to accurately identify, acknowledge and reward their content contributors. As a result, content providers may become motivated to contribute content more regularly. This paper proposes a user contribution measurement model which is validated against an operational web-based discussion forum


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    The use of machine learning algorithms in recommender systems: A systematic review

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2017.12.020 © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Recommender systems use algorithms to provide users with product or service recommendations. Recently, these systems have been using machine learning algorithms from the field of artificial intelligence. However, choosing a suitable machine learning algorithm for a recommender system is difficult because of the number of algorithms described in the literature. Researchers and practitioners developing recommender systems are left with little information about the current approaches in algorithm usage. Moreover, the development of recommender systems using machine learning algorithms often faces problems and raises questions that must be resolved. This paper presents a systematic review of the literature that analyzes the use of machine learning algorithms in recommender systems and identifies new research opportunities. The goals of this study are to (i) identify trends in the use or research of machine learning algorithms in recommender systems; (ii) identify open questions in the use or research of machine learning algorithms; and (iii) assist new researchers to position new research activity in this domain appropriately. The results of this study identify existing classes of recommender systems, characterize adopted machine learning approaches, discuss the use of big data technologies, identify types of machine learning algorithms and their application domains, and analyzes both main and alternative performance metrics.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Ontario Research Fund of the Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Scienc

    Combining Content with User Preferences for Non-Fiction Multimedia Recommendation: A Study on TED Lectures

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    This paper introduces a new dataset and compares several methods for the recommendation of non-fiction audio visual material, namely lectures from the TED website. The TED dataset contains 1,149 talks and 69,023 profiles of users, who have made more than 100,000 ratings and 200,000 comments. The corresponding metadata, which we make available, can be used for training and testing generic or personalized recommender systems. We define content-based, collaborative, and methods (LSI, LDA, RP, and ESA). We compare these methods on a personalized recommendation task in two settings, a cold-start and a non-cold-start one. In the cold-start setting, semantic vector spaces perform better than keywords. In the non-cold-start setting, where collaborative information can be exploited, content-based methods are outperformed by collaborative filtering ones, but the proposed combined method shows acceptable performances, and can be used in both settings. For the generic recommendation task, LSI and RP again outperform TF-IDF