831 research outputs found

    Constrained trajectory optimization for kinematically redundant arms

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    Two velocity optimization schemes for resolving redundant joint configurations are compared. The Extended Moore-Penrose Technique minimizes the joint velocities and avoids obstacles indirectly by adjoining a cost gradient to the solution. A new method can incorporate inequality constraints directly to avoid obstacles and singularities in the workspace. A four-link arm example is used to illustrate singularity avoidance while tracking desired end-effector paths

    Trajectory generation of space telerobots

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    The purpose is to review a variety of trajectory generation techniques which may be applied to space telerobots and to identify problems which need to be addressed in future telerobot motion control systems. As a starting point for the development of motion generation systems for space telerobots, the operation and limitations of traditional path-oriented trajectory generation approaches are discussed. This discussion leads to a description of more advanced techniques which have been demonstrated in research laboratories, and their potential applicability to space telerobots. Examples of this work include systems that incorporate sensory-interactive motion capability and optimal motion planning. Additional considerations which need to be addressed for motion control of a space telerobot are described, such as redundancy resolution and the description and generation of constrained and multi-armed cooperative motions. A task decomposition module for a hierarchical telerobot control system which will serve as a testbed for trajectory generation approaches which address these issues is also discussed briefly

    A General Numerical Method for Hyper-Redundant Manipulator Inverse Kinematics

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    Hyper-redundant robots have a very large or infinite degree of kinematic redundancy. A generalized resolved-rate technique for solving hyper-redundant manipulator inverse kinematics using a backbone curve is introduced. This method is applicable even in cases when explicit representation of the backbone curve intrinsic geometry cannot be written in closed form. Problems of end-effector trajectory tracking which were previously intractable can now be handled with this technique. Examples include configurations generated using the calculus of variations. The method is naturally parallelizable for fast digital and/or analog computation

    Learning Singularity Avoidance

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    With the increase in complexity of robotic systems and the rise in non-expert users, it can be assumed that task constraints are not explicitly known. In tasks where avoiding singularity is critical to its success, this paper provides an approach, especially for non-expert users, for the system to learn the constraints contained in a set of demonstrations, such that they can be used to optimise an autonomous controller to avoid singularity, without having to explicitly know the task constraints. The proposed approach avoids singularity, and thereby unpredictable behaviour when carrying out a task, by maximising the learnt manipulability throughout the motion of the constrained system, and is not limited to kinematic systems. Its benefits are demonstrated through comparisons with other control policies which show that the constrained manipulability of a system learnt through demonstration can be used to avoid singularities in cases where these other policies would fail. In the absence of the systems manipulability subject to a tasks constraints, the proposed approach can be used instead to infer these with results showing errors less than 10^-5 in 3DOF simulated systems as well as 10^-2 using a 7DOF real world robotic system

    Cartesian control of redundant robots

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    A Cartesian-space position/force controller is presented for redundant robots. The proposed control structure partitions the control problem into a nonredundant position/force trajectory tracking problem and a redundant mapping problem between Cartesian control input F is a set member of the set R(sup m) and robot actuator torque T is a set member of the set R(sup n) (for redundant robots, m is less than n). The underdetermined nature of the F yields T map is exploited so that the robot redundancy is utilized to improve the dynamic response of the robot. This dynamically optimal F yields T map is implemented locally (in time) so that it is computationally efficient for on-line control; however, it is shown that the map possesses globally optimal characteristics. Additionally, it is demonstrated that the dynamically optimal F yields T map can be modified so that the robot redundancy is used to simultaneously improve the dynamic response and realize any specified kinematic performance objective (e.g., manipulability maximization or obstacle avoidance). Computer simulation results are given for a four degree of freedom planar redundant robot under Cartesian control, and demonstrate that position/force trajectory tracking and effective redundancy utilization can be achieved simultaneously with the proposed controller

    A lightweight, high strength dexterous manipulator for commercial applications

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    The concept, design, and features are described of a lightweight, high strength, modular robot manipulator being developed for space and commercial applications. The manipulator has seven fully active degrees of freedom and is fully operational in 1 G. Each of the seven joints incorporates a unique drivetrain design which provides zero backlash operation, is insensitive to wear, and is single fault tolerant to motor or servo amplifier failure. Feedback sensors provide position, velocity, torque, and motor winding temperature information at each joint. This sensing system is also designed to be single fault tolerant. The manipulator consists of five modules (not including gripper). These modules join via simple quick-disconnect couplings and self-mating connectors which allow rapid assembly and/or disassembly for reconfiguration, transport, or servicing. The manipulator is a completely enclosed assembly, with no exposed components or wires. Although the initial prototype will not be space qualified, the design is well suited to meeting space requirements. The control system provides dexterous motion by controlling the endpoint location and arm pose simultaneously. Potential applications are discussed

    Method and apparatus for configuration control of redundant robots

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    A method and apparatus to control a robot or manipulator configuration over the entire motion based on augmentation of the manipulator forward kinematics is disclosed. A set of kinematic functions is defined in Cartesian or joint space to reflect the desirable configuration that will be achieved in addition to the specified end-effector motion. The user-defined kinematic functions and the end-effector Cartesian coordinates are combined to form a set of task-related configuration variables as generalized coordinates for the manipulator. A task-based adaptive scheme is then utilized to directly control the configuration variables so as to achieve tracking of some desired reference trajectories throughout the robot motion. This accomplishes the basic task of desired end-effector motion, while utilizing the redundancy to achieve any additional task through the desired time variation of the kinematic functions. The present invention can also be used for optimization of any kinematic objective function, or for satisfaction of a set of kinematic inequality constraints, as in an obstacle avoidance problem. In contrast to pseudoinverse-based methods, the configuration control scheme ensures cyclic motion of the manipulator, which is an essential requirement for repetitive operations. The control law is simple and computationally very fast, and does not require either the complex manipulator dynamic model or the complicated inverse kinematic transformation. The configuration control scheme can alternatively be implemented in joint space

    Man-machine cooperation in advanced teleoperation

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    Teleoperation experiments at JPL have shown that advanced features in a telerobotic system are a necessary condition for good results, but that they are not sufficient to assure consistently good performance by the operators. Two or three operators are normally used during training and experiments to maintain the desired performance. An alternative to this multi-operator control station is a man-machine interface embedding computer programs that can perform some of the operator's functions. In this paper we present our first experiments with these concepts, in which we focused on the areas of real-time task monitoring and interactive path planning. In the first case, when performing a known task, the operator has an automatic aid for setting control parameters and camera views. In the second case, an interactive path planner will rank different path alternatives so that the operator will make the correct control decision. The monitoring function has been implemented with a neural network doing the real-time task segmentation. The interactive path planner was implemented for redundant manipulators to specify arm configurations across the desired path and satisfy geometric, task, and performance constraints