1,563 research outputs found

    A web services architecture for learning object discovery and assembly

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    Courseware systems are often based on an assembly of different components, addressing the different needs of storage and delivery functionality. The Learning Technology Standard Architecture LTSA provides a generic architectural framework for these systems. Recent developments in Web technology – e.g. the Web services framework – have greatly enhanced the flexible and interoperable implementation of courseware architectures. We argue that in order to make the Web services philosophy work, two enhancements to the LTSA approach are required. Firstly, a combination with metadata annotation is needed to support the discovery of educational Web services. Secondly, if these components are to be provided in form of services, more support is needed for their assembly. Architectural patterns of a finer degree of granularity shall satisfy this need


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    Technology‐based Learning Environments: Psychological and Educational Foundations edited by S. Vosniadou, E. De Corte and H. Mandl, volume 137 in NATO ASI Series F (Computer and Systems Sciences), Berlin, Springer‐Verlag, ISBN: 0–387–58253–3, 1994

    SMIL State: an architecture and implementation for adaptive time-based web applications

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    In this paper we examine adaptive time-based web applications (or presentations). These are interactive presentations where time dictates which parts of the application are presented (providing the major structuring paradigm), and that require interactivity and other dynamic adaptation. We investigate the current technologies available to create such presentations and their shortcomings, and suggest a mechanism for addressing these shortcomings. This mechanism, SMIL State, can be used to add user-defined state to declarative time-based languages such as SMIL or SVG animation, thereby enabling the author to create control flows that are difficult to realize within the temporal containment model of the host languages. In addition, SMIL State can be used as a bridging mechanism between languages, enabling easy integration of external components into the web application. Finally, SMIL State enables richer expressions for content control. This paper defines SMIL State in terms of an introductory example, followed by a detailed specification of the State model. Next, the implementation of this model is discussed. We conclude with a set of potential use cases, including dynamic content adaptation and delayed insertion of custom content such as advertisements. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    A Review of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Movement: Achievements, Challenges, and New Opportunities

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    Examines the state of the foundation's efforts to improve educational opportunities worldwide through universal access to and use of high-quality academic content

    Metrology as part and parcel of training programmes for science and engineering

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    At many universities and training institutes education in metrology or measurement science is in strong competition with upcoming disciplines. Its importance for science and engineering remains, however, evident. Advanced instruments make measuring almost a routine activity, but it is shown that a critical approach when performing and evaluating measurements is still of vital importance.\u

    Developing Online Learning Materials for Higher Education: An Overview of Current Issues

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    The changing roles and challenges for higher education and the increased productivity required of faculty are driving forces for the development of more diverse and efficient teaching methods. Educational trends are toward more learner-centered materials. In response to these trends, colleges and universities are now offering courses at a distance and in forms other than traditional delivery. Online courseware materials may be a viable means of fulfilling these numerous requirements but are very resource-intensive to develop. Multiple approaches to developing online learning have been tried, with limited success. The primary approach has been for faculty to enter their own course materials into the computer. To maximize university resources, the most effective approach for developing online learning materials must be determined and institutionalized. While faculty are the most logical persons to provide course content and design, faculty should not be expected to complete the technical tasks associated with developing online learning materials

    Interactive Edification: The Effectual Approach for Apprentices

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    This paper focuses axis of concentration on the brunt of the interactive edification and the preferences for the recent astuteness in educational associations. In seeking to expand the lenient, indulgent, constraint and understanding of interactive edification strategy on the apprentices, it assesses the affiliation between the regular and effectual measures. Students in a fully interactive based learning surroundings achieved better performance and higher levels of contentment than those in a traditional classroom and those in a less interactive learning atmosphere. The fallout of study designate that there are impacts of an interactive edification and its progression is exceedingly esteemed by the recent world to steadiness the superiority and antagonism in terms of individual advancement and the career elucidation. The study activated by the triangulation of the data derivation and undeviating surveillance of the newest features under succession of students’ acceptances. Keywords: Interaction, Education, Interactive Edification, Apprentic

    Proceedings of the 1993 Conference on Intelligent Computer-Aided Training and Virtual Environment Technology, Volume 1

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    These proceedings are organized in the same manner as the conference's contributed sessions, with the papers grouped by topic area. These areas are as follows: VE (virtual environment) training for Space Flight, Virtual Environment Hardware, Knowledge Aquisition for ICAT (Intelligent Computer-Aided Training) & VE, Multimedia in ICAT Systems, VE in Training & Education (1 & 2), Virtual Environment Software (1 & 2), Models in ICAT systems, ICAT Commercial Applications, ICAT Architectures & Authoring Systems, ICAT Education & Medical Applications, Assessing VE for Training, VE & Human Systems (1 & 2), ICAT Theory & Natural Language, ICAT Applications in the Military, VE Applications in Engineering, Knowledge Acquisition for ICAT, and ICAT Applications in Aerospace
