8 research outputs found

    A Computational Model to Evaluate Honesty in Social Internet of Things

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    Trust in Social Internet of Things has allowed to open new horizons in collaborative networking, particularly by allowing objects to communicate with their service providers, based on their relationships analogy to human world. However, strengthening trust is a challenging task as it involves identifying several influential factors in each domain of social-cyber-physical systems in order to build a reliable system. In this paper, we address the issue of understanding and evaluating honesty that is an important trust metric in trustworthiness evaluation process in social networks. First, we identify and define several trust attributes, which affect directly to the honesty. Then, a subjective computational model is derived based on experiences of objects and opinions from friendly objects with respect to identified attributes. Based on the outputs of this model a final honest level is predicted using regression analysis. Finally, the effectiveness of our model is tested using simulations

    Data centric trust evaluation and prediction framework for IOT

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    © 2017 ITU. Application of trust principals in internet of things (IoT) has allowed to provide more trustworthy services among the corresponding stakeholders. The most common method of assessing trust in IoT applications is to estimate trust level of the end entities (entity-centric) relative to the trustor. In these systems, trust level of the data is assumed to be the same as the trust level of the data source. However, most of the IoT based systems are data centric and operate in dynamic environments, which need immediate actions without waiting for a trust report from end entities. We address this challenge by extending our previous proposals on trust establishment for entities based on their reputation, experience and knowledge, to trust estimation of data items [1-3]. First, we present a hybrid trust framework for evaluating both data trust and entity trust, which will be enhanced as a standardization for future data driven society. The modules including data trust metric extraction, data trust aggregation, evaluation and prediction are elaborated inside the proposed framework. Finally, a possible design model is described to implement the proposed ideas

    Data centric trust evaluation and predication framework for IoT

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    Application of trust principals in internet of things (IoT) has allowed to provide more trustworthy services among the corresponding stakeholders. The most common method of assessing trust in IoT applications is to estimate trust level of the end entities (entity-centric) relative to the trustor. In these systems, trust level of the data is assumed to be the same as the trust level of the data source. However, most of the IoT based systems are data centric and operate in dynamic environments, which need immediate actions without waiting for a trust report from end entities. We address this challenge by extending our previous proposals on trust establishment for entities based on their reputation, experience and knowledge, to trust estimation of data items [1-3]. First, we present a hybrid trust framework for evaluating both data trust and entity trust, which will be enhanced as a standardization for future data driven society. The modules including data trust metric extraction, data trust aggregation, evaluation and prediction are elaborated inside the proposed framework. Finally, a possible design model is described to implement the proposed ideas

    Machine Learning based Trust Computational Model for IoT Services

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    The Internet of Things has facilitated access to a large volume of sensitive information on each participating object in an ecosystem. This imposes many threats ranging from the risks of data management to the potential discrimination enabled by data analytics over delicate information such as locations, interests, and activities. To address these issues, the concept of trust is introduced as an important role in supporting both humans and services to overcome the perception of uncertainty and risks before making any decisions. However, establishing trust in a cyber world is a challenging task due to the volume of diversified influential factors from cyber-physical-systems. Hence, it is essential to have an intelligent trust computation model that is capable of generating accurate and intuitive trust values for prospective actors. Therefore, in this paper, a quantifiable trust assessment model is proposed. Built on this model, individual trust attributes are then calculated numerically. Moreover, a novel algorithm based on machine learning principles is devised to classify the extracted trust features and combine them to produce a final trust value to be used for decision making. Finally, our model’s effectiveness is verified through a simulation. The results show that our method has advantages over other aggregation methods

    TrustChain: A Privacy Preserving Blockchain with Edge Computing

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    Recent advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT) has enabled the collection, processing, and analysis of various forms of data including the personal data from billions of objects to generate valuable knowledge, making more innovative services for its stakeholders. Yet, this paradigm continuously suffers from numerous security and privacy concerns mainly due to its massive scale, distributed nature, and scarcity of resources towards the edge of IoT networks. Interestingly, blockchain based techniques offer strong countermeasures to protect data from tampering while supporting the distributed nature of the IoT. However, the enormous amount of energy consumption required to verify each block of data make it difficult to use with resource-constrained IoT devices, and with real-time IoT applications. Nevertheless, it can expose the privacy of the stakeholders due to its public ledger system even though it secures data from alterations. Edge computing approaches suggest a potential alternative to centralized processing in order to populate real-time applications at the edge and to reduce privacy concerns associated with cloud computing. Hence, this paper suggests the novel privacy preserving blockchain called TrustChain which combines the power of blockchains with trust concepts to eliminate issues associated with traditional blockchain architectures. This work investigates how TrustChain can be deployed in the edge computing environment with different levels of absorptions to eliminate delays and privacy concerns associated with centralized processing, and to preserve the resources in IoT networks

    Trust Evaluation in the IoT Environment

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    Along with the many benefits of IoT, its heterogeneity brings a new challenge to establish a trustworthy environment among the objects due to the absence of proper enforcement mechanisms. Further, it can be observed that often these encounters are addressed only concerning the security and privacy matters involved. However, such common network security measures are not adequate to preserve the integrity of information and services exchanged over the internet. Hence, they remain vulnerable to threats ranging from the risks of data management at the cyber-physical layers, to the potential discrimination at the social layer. Therefore, trust in IoT can be considered as a key property to enforce trust among objects to guarantee trustworthy services. Typically, trust revolves around assurance and confidence that people, data, entities, information, or processes will function or behave in expected ways. However, trust enforcement in an artificial society like IoT is far more difficult, as the things do not have an inherited judgmental ability to assess risks and other influencing factors to evaluate trust as humans do. Hence, it is important to quantify the perception of trust such that it can be understood by the artificial agents. In computer science, trust is considered as a computational value depicted by a relationship between trustor and trustee, described in a specific context, measured by trust metrics, and evaluated by a mechanism. Several mechanisms about trust evaluation can be found in the literature. Among them, most of the work has deviated towards security and privacy issues instead of considering the universal meaning of trust and its dynamic nature. Furthermore, they lack a proper trust evaluation model and management platform that addresses all aspects of trust establishment. Hence, it is almost impossible to bring all these solutions to one place and develop a common platform that resolves end-to-end trust issues in a digital environment. Therefore, this thesis takes an attempt to fill these spaces through the following research work. First, this work proposes concrete definitions to formally identify trust as a computational concept and its characteristics. Next, a well-defined trust evaluation model is proposed to identify, evaluate and create trust relationships among objects for calculating trust. Then a trust management platform is presented identifying the major tasks of trust enforcement process including trust data collection, trust data management, trust information analysis, dissemination of trust information and trust information lifecycle management. Next, the thesis proposes several approaches to assess trust attributes and thereby the trust metrics of the above model for trust evaluation. Further, to minimize dependencies with human interactions in evaluating trust, an adaptive trust evaluation model is presented based on the machine learning techniques. From a standardization point of view, the scope of the current standards on network security and cybersecurity needs to be expanded to take trust issues into consideration. Hence, this thesis has provided several inputs towards standardization on trust, including a computational definition of trust, a trust evaluation model targeting both object and data trust, and platform to manage the trust evaluation process

    Evaluation of Trust in the Internet Of Things: Models, Mechanisms And Applications

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    In the blooming era of the Internet of Things (IoT), trust has become a vital factor for provisioning reliable smart services without human intervention by reducing risk in autonomous decision making. However, the merging of physical objects, cyber components and humans in the IoT infrastructure has introduced new concerns for the evaluation of trust. Consequently, a large number of trust-related challenges have been unsolved yet due to the ambiguity of the concept of trust and the variety of divergent trust models and management mechanisms in different IoT scenarios. In this PhD thesis, my ultimate goal is to propose an efficient and practical trust evaluation mechanisms for any two entities in the IoT. To achieve this goal, the first important objective is to augment the generic trust concept and provide a conceptual model of trust in order to come up with a comprehensive understanding of trust, influencing factors and possible Trust Indicators (TI) in the context of IoT. Following the catalyst, as the second objective, a trust model called REK comprised of the triad Reputation, Experience and Knowledge TIs is proposed which covers multi-dimensional aspects of trust by incorporating heterogeneous information from direct observation, personal experiences to global opinions. The mathematical models and evaluation mechanisms for the three TIs in the REK trust model are proposed. Knowledge TI is as “direct trust” rendering a trustor’s understanding of a trustee in respective scenarios that can be obtained based on limited available information about characteristics of the trustee, environment and the trustor’s perspective using a variety of techniques. Experience and Reputation TIs are originated from social features and extracted based on previous interactions among entities in IoT. The mathematical models and calculation mechanisms for the Experience and Reputation TIs also proposed leveraging sociological behaviours of humans in the real-world; and being inspired by the Google PageRank in the web-ranking area, respectively. The REK Trust Model is also applied in variety of IoT scenarios such as Mobile Crowd-Sensing (MCS), Car Sharing service, Data Sharing and Exchange platform in Smart Cities and in Vehicular Networks; and for empowering Blockchain-based systems. The feasibility and effectiveness of the REK model and associated evaluation mechanisms are proved not only by the theoretical analysis but also by real-world applications deployed in our ongoing TII and Wise-IoT projects