6 research outputs found

    Performance characterization and acceleration of genome-mapping tools on HPC environments

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    Nowadays, the efficient analysis and exploitation of genomic information is paramount to future advancements in the healthcare sector, such as better diagnosis techniques and the development of improved disease treatments. In the past decades, the exponential increase in the biological data production has fostered the development of more efficient genomic pipelines. For that, modern genome analysis requires better and more scalable algorithms, and improved high-performance implementations that can exploit current hardware accelerators. For most genome analysis pipelines, sequence mapping is one of the most computationally intensive and time-consuming processing stages. The ultimate goal of this work is to propose techniques to accelerate read mapping, leveraging novel algorithms and hardware vector extensions. In this thesis, we present a thorough performance characterization of the most widely-used genome-mapping tools and propose acceleration techniques that can effectively improve the performance of these tools. To that end, first, we identify the most time-consuming kernels, their performance bottlenecks, and the underlying causes of inefficiency. Afterwards, we design and implement an accelerated version of one of the most time-consuming steps: pairwise sequence alignment. For that, we propose to replace the classical dynamic-programming algorithm, used within these tools, with the recently proposed wavefront alignment algorithm (WFA). Moreover, we design and implement the first fully-vectorized version of the WFA, leveraging Intel's AVX2 and AVX-512 instructions, to further accelerate sequence-to-sequence alignment. As a result, we demonstrate that our vectorized WFA implementation outperforms the original scalar WFA implementation between 1.1x-2.4x. In turn, this renders speedups from 2.4x up to 826.7x compared to the most widely-used alignment algorithm, KSW2 (used within Minimap2 and Bwa-Mem2). We conclude that these tools can be significantly accelerated by selecting better algorithms (like the WFA) and leveraging fine-tuned implementations that can exploit hardware resources available in current high performance computing (HPC) processors

    Computational methods for studying epigenomic regulation

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    In the nucleus, DNA is tightly wrapped around proteins in a structure called chromatin in order to protect it from degradation. Chromatin is composed of nucleosomes which are a structure of eight histones around which the DNA is wrapped. Nucleosomes can be modified by enzymes on amino acids located on their N-terminal tails. These modifications allow the chromatin to open and close in targeted regions, providing control over gene expression. At present, chromatin immuno-precipitation (ChIP) and assay of transposase-accessible chromatin (ATAC) combined with high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq) are the major high-throughput methods allowing the study of histone modifications and genome-wide chromatin openness, respectively. Typically, ChIP-seq targets one histone at a time by enriching the histone-bound regions of the genome using immuno-precipitation, while ATAC-seq uses a transposase enzyme to cut the open chromatin into fragments of DNA. The DNA fragments obtained from both techniques can be sequenced and aligned against a reference genome. Once the location of the fragments is determined, the genome is scanned for significant enrichment in a process called peak calling. Differential analysis is then used to compare local enrichment-level variations between different biological conditions. Combining ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq data with other information, such as RNA-seq–derived transcriptomics data, can further help to build a comprehensive picture of the complex underlying biology. This work therefore focuses on the development of computational tools to help with the analysis of epigenomics research data. In this thesis, a robust workflow for the differential analysis of ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq data is developed and evaluated against existing tools using one synthetic dataset, two biological ChIP-seq datasets and two biological ATAC-seq datasets. RNA-seq data is then further correlated with the detected peaks. An efficient replicate-driven visualisation tool is also proposed to visualise coverage of DNA fragments on the genome, which is compared to two existing tools, highlighting its efficiency. Lastly, two studies are presented showcasing the usefulness of the differential analysis approaches in extracting knowledge in a real-life biological setting

    A Comparison of Seed-and-Extend Techniques in Modern DNA Read Alignment Algorithms

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    DNA read alignment is a major step in genome analysis. However, as DNA reads continue to become longer, new approaches need to be developed to effectively use these longer reads in the alignment process. Modern aligners commonly use a two-step approach for read alignment: 1. seeding, 2. extension. In this paper, we have investigated various seeding and extension techniques used in modern DNA read alignment algorithms to find the best seeding and extension combinations. We developed an open source generic DNA read aligner that can be used to compare the alignment accuracy and total execution time of different combinations of seeding and extension algorithms. For extension, our results show that local alignment is the best extension approach, achieving up to 3.6x more accuracy than other extension techniques, for longer reads. For seeding, if BLAST-like seed extension is used, the best seeding approach is identifying all SMEMs in the DNA read (e.g., approach used by BWA-MEM). This combination is up to 6x more accurate than other seeding techniques, for longer reads. With local alignment, we observed that the seeding technique does not impact the alignment accuracy. Furthermore, we showed that an optimized implementation of local alignment using vector instructions, enabling 4.5x speedup, makes it the fastest of all extension techniques. Overall, we show that using local alignment with non-overlapping maximal exact matching seeds is the best seeding-extension combination due to its high accuracy and higher potential for optimization/acceleration for future DNA reads.Computer EngineeringQuantum & Computer EngineeringFTQC/Bertels La

    A Comparison of Seed-and-Extend Techniques in Modern DNA Read Alignment Algorithms

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    DNA read alignment is a major step in genome analysis. However, as DNA reads continue to become longer, new approaches need to be developed to effectively use these longer reads in the alignment process. Modern aligners commonly use a two-step approach for read alignment: 1. seeding, 2. extension. In this paper, we have investigated various seeding and extension techniques used in modern DNA read alignment algorithms to find the best seeding and extension combinations. We developed an open source generic DNA read aligner that can be used to compare the alignment accuracy and total execution time of different combinations of seeding and extension algorithms. For extension, our results show that local alignment is the best extension approach, achieving up to 3.6x more accuracy than other extension techniques, for longer reads. For seeding, if BLAST-like seed extension is used, the best seeding approach is identifying all SMEMs in the DNA read (e.g., approach used by BWA-MEM). This combination is up to 6x more accurate than other seeding techniques, for longer reads. With local alignment, we observed that the seeding technique does not impact the alignment accuracy. Furthermore, we showed that an optimized implementation of local alignment using vector instructions, enabling 4.5x speedup, makes it the fastest of all extension techniques. Overall, we show that using local alignment with non-overlapping maximal exact matching seeds is the best seeding-extension combination due to its high accuracy and higher potential for optimization/acceleration for future DNA reads

    DAMOV: A New Methodology and Benchmark Suite for Evaluating Data Movement Bottlenecks

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    Data movement between the CPU and main memory is a first-order obstacle against improving performance, scalability, and energy efficiency in modern systems. Computer systems employ a range of techniques to reduce overheads tied to data movement, spanning from traditional mechanisms (e.g., deep multi-level cache hierarchies, aggressive hardware prefetchers) to emerging techniques such as Near-Data Processing (NDP), where some computation is moved close to memory. Our goal is to methodically identify potential sources of data movement over a broad set of applications and to comprehensively compare traditional compute-centric data movement mitigation techniques to more memory-centric techniques, thereby developing a rigorous understanding of the best techniques to mitigate each source of data movement. With this goal in mind, we perform the first large-scale characterization of a wide variety of applications, across a wide range of application domains, to identify fundamental program properties that lead to data movement to/from main memory. We develop the first systematic methodology to classify applications based on the sources contributing to data movement bottlenecks. From our large-scale characterization of 77K functions across 345 applications, we select 144 functions to form the first open-source benchmark suite (DAMOV) for main memory data movement studies. We select a diverse range of functions that (1) represent different types of data movement bottlenecks, and (2) come from a wide range of application domains. Using NDP as a case study, we identify new insights about the different data movement bottlenecks and use these insights to determine the most suitable data movement mitigation mechanism for a particular application. We open-source DAMOV and the complete source code for our new characterization methodology at https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/DAMOV.Comment: Our open source software is available at https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/DAMO