260,823 research outputs found

    Towards Universal Speech Discrete Tokens: A Case Study for ASR and TTS

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    Self-supervised learning (SSL) proficiency in speech-related tasks has driven research into utilizing discrete tokens for speech tasks like recognition and translation, which offer lower storage requirements and great potential to employ natural language processing techniques. However, these studies, mainly single-task focused, faced challenges like overfitting and performance degradation in speech recognition tasks, often at the cost of sacrificing performance in multi-task scenarios. This study presents a comprehensive comparison and optimization of discrete tokens generated by various leading SSL models in speech recognition and synthesis tasks. We aim to explore the universality of speech discrete tokens across multiple speech tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that discrete tokens achieve comparable results against systems trained on FBank features in speech recognition tasks and outperform mel-spectrogram features in speech synthesis in subjective and objective metrics. These findings suggest that universal discrete tokens have enormous potential in various speech-related tasks. Our work is open-source and publicly available to facilitate research in this direction

    Evaluating raw waveforms with deep learning frameworks for speech emotion recognition

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    Speech emotion recognition is a challenging task in speech processing field. For this reason, feature extraction process has a crucial importance to demonstrate and process the speech signals. In this work, we represent a model, which feeds raw audio files directly into the deep neural networks without any feature extraction stage for the recognition of emotions utilizing six different data sets, EMO-DB, RAVDESS, TESS, CREMA, SAVEE, and TESS+RAVDESS. To demonstrate the contribution of proposed model, the performance of traditional feature extraction techniques namely, mel-scale spectogram, mel-frequency cepstral coefficients, are blended with machine learning algorithms, ensemble learning methods, deep and hybrid deep learning techniques. Support vector machine, decision tree, naive Bayes, random forests models are evaluated as machine learning algorithms while majority voting and stacking methods are assessed as ensemble learning techniques. Moreover, convolutional neural networks, long short-term memory networks, and hybrid CNN- LSTM model are evaluated as deep learning techniques and compared with machine learning and ensemble learning methods. To demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed model, the comparison with state-of-the-art studies are carried out. Based on the experiment results, CNN model excels existent approaches with 95.86% of accuracy for TESS+RAVDESS data set using raw audio files, thence determining the new state-of-the-art. The proposed model performs 90.34% of accuracy for EMO-DB with CNN model, 90.42% of accuracy for RAVDESS with CNN model, 99.48% of accuracy for TESS with LSTM model, 69.72% of accuracy for CREMA with CNN model, 85.76% of accuracy for SAVEE with CNN model in speaker-independent audio categorization problems.Comment: 14 pages, 6 Figures, 8 Table

    Subphonetic Modeling for Speech Recognition

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    How to capture important acoustic clues and estimate essential parameters reliably is one of the central issues in speech recognition, since we will never have sufficient training data to model various acoustic-phonetic phenomena. Successful examples include subword models with many smoothing techniques. In comparison with subword models, subphonetic modeling may provide a finer level of details. We propose to model subphonetic events with Markov states and treat the state in phonetic hidden Markov models as our basic subphonetic unit-- senone. A word model is a concatenation of state-dependent senones and senones can be shared across different word models. Senones not only allow parameter sharing, but also enable pronunciation optimization and new word learning, where the phonetic baseform is replaced by the senonic baseform. In this paper, we report preliminary subphonetic modeling results, which not only significantly reduced the word error rate for speaker-independent continuous speech recognition but also demonstrated a novel application for new word learning.

    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Is Perturbed Data better than Other Language augmentation for Low Resource Self-Supervised Speech Models

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    Self-supervised representation learning (SSRL) has improved the performance on downstream phoneme recognition versus supervised models. Training SSRL models requires a large amount of pre-training data and this poses a challenge for low resource languages. A common approach is transferring knowledge from other languages. Instead, we propose to use audio augmentation to pre-train SSRL models in a low resource condition and evaluate phoneme recognition as downstream task. We performed a systematic comparison of augmentation techniques, namely: pitch variation, noise addition, accented target-language speech and other language speech. We found combined augmentations (noise/pitch) was the best augmentation strategy outperforming accent and language knowledge transfer. We compared the performance with various quantities and types of pre-training data. We examined the scaling factor of augmented data to achieve equivalent performance to models pre-trained with target domain speech. Our findings suggest that for resource constrained languages, in-domain synthetic augmentation can outperform knowledge transfer from accented or other language speech.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, ICASSP2

    Speaker gender recognition system

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    Abstract. Automatic gender recognition through speech is one of the fundamental mechanisms in human-machine interaction. Typical application areas of this technology range from gender-targeted advertising to gender-specific IoT (Internet of Things) applications. It can also be used to narrow down the scope of investigations in crime scenarios. There are many possible methods of recognizing the gender of a speaker. In machine learning applications, the first step is to acquire and convert the natural human voice into a form of machine understandable signal. Useful voice features then could be extracted and labelled with gender information so that are then trained by machines. After that, new input voice can be captured and processed and the machine is able to extract the features by pattern modelling. In this thesis, a real-time speaker gender recognition system was designed within Matlab environment. This system could automatically identify the gender of a speaker by voice. The implementation work utilized voice processing and feature extraction techniques to deal with an input speech coming from a microphone or a recorded speech file. The response features are extracted and classified. Then the machine learning classification method (Naïve Bayes Classifier) is used to distinguish the gender features. The recognition result with gender information is then finally displayed. The evaluation of the speaker gender recognition systems was done in an experiment with 40 participants (half male and half female) in a quite small room. The experiment recorded 400 speech samples by speakers from 16 countries in 17 languages. These 400 speech samples were tested by the gender recognition system and showed a considerably good performance, with only 29 errors of recognition (92.75% accuracy). In comparison with previous speaker gender recognition systems, most of them obtained the accuracy no more than 90% and only one obtained 100% accuracy with very limited testers. We can then conclude that the performance of the speaker gender recognition system designed in this thesis is reliable

    Speech recognition based on spectrograms by using deep learning

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    Speech Recognition is widely being used and it has become part of our day to day. Several massive and popular applications have taken its use to another level. Most of the existing systems use machine learning techniques such as artificial neural networks or fuzzy logic, whereas others may just be based in a comparative analysis of the sound signals with a large lookup tables that contain possible realizations of voice commands. These models base their speech recognition algorithms on the analysis or comparison of the analog acoustic signal itself. The sound has particular characteristics that can not be seen through the representation of its propagation wave in time. This project proposes speech recognition through an innovative model that analyzes the graphic representation of the acustic signal, its spectrogram. Therefore the model does not classify the speech through its acoustic signal but its graphical representation. This leads the research to an approximation of the problem through the use of image classification techniques. Image clasification was considered a task only the humans can do, with the devoloping of machine learning techniques this perception has drastically changed. This project covers several techniques and shows the potential of Deep Learning for objects classification and within this field presents the convolutional neural networks as the most suitable algorithim for the classifcation of spectrograms. As a method to clearly illustrate the efficacy of the proposed model, the used alorithim was trained with two self-obtained datasets. Several experiments were conducted to make a detailed comparison of the system throughput and its levels of accuracy

    Perceptual Evaluation of Video-Realistic Speech

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    abstract With many visual speech animation techniques now available, there is a clear need for systematic perceptual evaluation schemes. We describe here our scheme and its application to a new video-realistic (potentially indistinguishable from real recorded video) visual-speech animation system, called Mary 101. Two types of experiments were performed: a) distinguishing visually between real and synthetic image- sequences of the same utterances, ("Turing tests") and b) gauging visual speech recognition by comparing lip-reading performance of the real and synthetic image-sequences of the same utterances ("Intelligibility tests"). Subjects that were presented randomly with either real or synthetic image-sequences could not tell the synthetic from the real sequences above chance level. The same subjects when asked to lip-read the utterances from the same image-sequences recognized speech from real image-sequences significantly better than from synthetic ones. However, performance for both, real and synthetic, were at levels suggested in the literature on lip-reading. We conclude from the two experiments that the animation of Mary 101 is adequate for providing a percept of a talking head. However, additional effort is required to improve the animation for lip-reading purposes like rehabilitation and language learning. In addition, these two tasks could be considered as explicit and implicit perceptual discrimination tasks. In the explicit task (a), each stimulus is classified directly as a synthetic or real image-sequence by detecting a possible difference between the synthetic and the real image-sequences. The implicit perceptual discrimination task (b) consists of a comparison between visual recognition of speech of real and synthetic image-sequences. Our results suggest that implicit perceptual discrimination is a more sensitive method for discrimination between synthetic and real image-sequences than explicit perceptual discrimination