9,620 research outputs found

    A genetic-algorithms based evolutionary computational neural network for modelling spatial interaction data

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    Building a feedforward computational neural network model (CNN) involves two distinct tasks: determination of the network topology and weight estimation. The specification of a problem adequate network topology is a key issue and the primary focus of this contribution. Up to now, this issue has been either completely neglected in spatial application domains, or tackled by search heuristics (see Fischer and Gopal 1994). With the view of modelling interactions over geographic space, this paper considers this problem as a global optimization problem and proposes a novel approach that embeds backpropagation learning into the evolutionary paradigm of genetic algorithms. This is accomplished by interweaving a genetic search for finding an optimal CNN topology with gradient-based backpropagation learning for determining the network parameters. Thus, the model builder will be relieved of the burden of identifying appropriate CNN-topologies that will allow a problem to be solved with simple, but powerful learning mechanisms, such as backpropagation of gradient descent errors. The approach has been applied to the family of three inputs, single hidden layer, single output feedforward CNN models using interregional telecommunication traffic data for Austria, to illustrate its performance and to evaluate its robustness.

    Connectionist Theory Refinement: Genetically Searching the Space of Network Topologies

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    An algorithm that learns from a set of examples should ideally be able to exploit the available resources of (a) abundant computing power and (b) domain-specific knowledge to improve its ability to generalize. Connectionist theory-refinement systems, which use background knowledge to select a neural network's topology and initial weights, have proven to be effective at exploiting domain-specific knowledge; however, most do not exploit available computing power. This weakness occurs because they lack the ability to refine the topology of the neural networks they produce, thereby limiting generalization, especially when given impoverished domain theories. We present the REGENT algorithm which uses (a) domain-specific knowledge to help create an initial population of knowledge-based neural networks and (b) genetic operators of crossover and mutation (specifically designed for knowledge-based networks) to continually search for better network topologies. Experiments on three real-world domains indicate that our new algorithm is able to significantly increase generalization compared to a standard connectionist theory-refinement system, as well as our previous algorithm for growing knowledge-based networks.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    Learning backward induction: a neural network agent approach

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    This paper addresses the question of whether neural networks (NNs), a realistic cognitive model of human information processing, can learn to backward induce in a two-stage game with a unique subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium. The NNs were found to predict the Nash equilibrium approximately 70% of the time in new games. Similarly to humans, the neural network agents are also found to suffer from subgame and truncation inconsistency, supporting the contention that they are appropriate models of general learning in humans. The agents were found to behave in a bounded rational manner as a result of the endogenous emergence of decision heuristics. In particular a very simple heuristic socialmax, that chooses the cell with the highest social payoff explains their behavior approximately 60% of the time, whereas the ownmax heuristic that simply chooses the cell with the maximum payoff for that agent fares worse explaining behavior roughly 38%, albeit still significantly better than chance. These two heuristics were found to be ecologically valid for the backward induction problem as they predicted the Nash equilibrium in 67% and 50% of the games respectively. Compared to various standard classification algorithms, the NNs were found to be only slightly more accurate than standard discriminant analyses. However, the latter do not model the dynamic learning process and have an ad hoc postulated functional form. In contrast, a NN agent’s behavior evolves with experience and is capable of taking on any functional form according to the universal approximation theorem.
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