5 research outputs found

    Intelligent Safety Transport Framework for Schools: A Review of Route Planning and Tracking Systems

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    This work presents a review of recent literature in intelligent school transportation frameworks, particularly focusing on route planning, real time vehicle and children tracking. The focus on route planning and tracking is to identify the hidden practical problems and threats present in school transportation, bearing in mind safety. Different methods and technologies used for route planning and vehicle as well as children tracking are reviewed. A discussion is provided on the current frameworks along with the challenges and future research direction

    Analysis of Feeder Bus Network Design and Scheduling Problems

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    A growing concern for public transit is its inability to shift passenger’s mode from private to public transport. In order to overcome this problem, a more developed feeder bus network and matched schedules will play important roles. The present paper aims to review some of the studies performed on Feeder Bus Network Design and Scheduling Problem (FNDSP) based on three distinctive parts of the FNDSP setup, namely, problem description, problem characteristics, and solution approaches. The problems consist of different subproblems including data preparation, feeder bus network design, route generation, and feeder bus scheduling. Subsequently, descriptive analysis and classification of previous works are presented to highlight the main characteristics and solution methods. Finally, some of the issues and trends for future research are identified. This paper is targeted at dealing with the FNDSP to exhibit strategic and tactical goals and also contributes to the unification of the field which might be a useful complement to the few existing reviews

    Modelo matemåtico para seleção de rotas de patrulhamento escolar: o caso da patrulha escolar de Ponta Grossa

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    Studies have shown that school violence produces harmful effects on victims and society alike. Police patrols have proved to me the most effective among the main forms of preventing school violence. School police patrols take place using squad cars that serve a network of schools and consist of placing vehicles at network schools for a given period of time (routine patrol). Nevertheless, during routine patrol police vehicles must immediately answer emergency calls at network schools that are not being patrolled at that moment (emergency patrolling). This work proposes a method based on mathematical models to assist the school patrol program in defining the routes for routine patrol and emergency routes. The approach used to solve the problem consisted of graph algorithms. Routine patrol was treated as a model of the Traveling Salesman Problem, and was solved using the Nearest Neighbor Heuristic and Tabu Search metaheuristic. The emergency situation was modeled using the Shortest Path Problem, and emergency routes were determined through the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. A case study was used to demonstrate the application of the method. Results show that the proposed method is effective to treat the problem of route selection for school patrols in cities with shortcomings in technological resources.CAPESEstudos mostram que a violĂȘncia nas escolas resulta em consequĂȘncias prejudiciais para as vĂ­timas e para a sociedade. Entre os principais meios de prevenção da violĂȘncia escolar tem-se o patrulhamento policial como o mais efetivo. O patrulhamento policial escolar Ă© realizado por viaturas policiais que atendem a uma rede de escolas e consiste na manutenção das viaturas em cada escola da rede por um determinado perĂ­odo de tempo (patrulhamento de rotina). Contudo, durante o patrulhamento de rotina, as viaturas devem prestar atendimento imediato a chamadas de emergĂȘncia em escolas da rede que nĂŁo estejam sendo patrulhadas naquele momento (patrulhamento emergencial). O presente trabalho propĂ”e um mĂ©todo baseado em modelos matemĂĄticos para auxiliar o programa de patrulha escolar na definição das rotas de patrulhamento de rotina e rotas emergenciais. A abordagem aplicada para resolver o problema foi a de algoritmos de grafos. O patrulhamento de rotina foi por meio do Problema do caixeiro viajante e solucionado por meio da heurĂ­stica do vizinho mais prĂłximo e da meta-heurĂ­stica de Busca tabu. A situação de emergĂȘncia foi modelada utilizando o Caminho mais curto e as rotas emergenciais foram determinadas por meio do algoritmo de Floyd-Warshall. Um estudo de caso em uma rede de escolas foi utilizado para demonstrar a utilização do mĂ©todo. Os resultados mostram que o mĂ©todo proposto Ă© efetivo para tratar o problema de seleção de rotas de patrulhamento escolar em cidades com restriçÔes de recursos tecnolĂłgicos


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    This paper considers the generation of the origin-destination (OD) matrix, basic data in any vehicle routing or traveling salesman problem. An OD matrix must be generated by calculating the shortest paths between some nodes. Candidate methods for this are repetitive use of one-to-all shortest path algorithms such as Dijkstra's algorithm, use of all-to-all shortest path algorithms such as the Floyd-Warshall algorithm, and use of specifically designed some-to-some shortest path algorithms. This paper compares the performance of several shortest path algorithms in computing OD matrices on real road networks. Dijkstra's algorithm with approximate bucket data structure performed the best for most of the networks tested. This paper also proposes a grouping-based algorithm for OD matrix generation. Although it is an approximation approach, it has several good characteristics: it can find the exact shortest distances for most OD pairs; it guarantees that all the calculated shortest path distance values have corresponding paths; the deviation of any distance from the corresponding true shortest distance is small; and its computation time is short. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.X1111sciescopu

    Das CampusGIS der UniversitĂ€t zu Köln - webgestĂŒtzte Geodatendienste fĂŒr raumbezogene Anwendungen

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    Das CampusGIS der UniversitĂ€t zu Köln kann als Pilotprojekt fĂŒr raumbezogene Anwendungen im universitĂ€ren Umfeld verstanden werden. Es ist ein webgestĂŒtztes Geographisches Informationssystem (GIS), das die Online-Suche nach Personen, GebĂ€uden und Einrichtungen ermöglicht und die Abfrageergebnisse um raumbezogene Informationen erweitert. Mittels Geodatendiensten verbessert es die Orientierung auf dem UniversitĂ€tsgelĂ€nde. Neben Standard-GIS-Anwendungen wie der Attributabfrage und sowohl inhaltlicher als auch rĂ€umlicher Selektion bietet das CampusGIS Routenberechnungen fĂŒr FußgĂ€nger und Gehbehinderte. In Kombination mit Ortsbestimmungsmethoden kann das CampusGIS-Mobil ortsbezogene Dienste, location-based services (LBS), bereitstellen. FĂŒr das CampusGIS ist dies, insbesondere in Hinblick auf die steigende MobilitĂ€t unserer Gesellschaft und der AffinitĂ€t der jĂŒngeren Generation fĂŒr mobile EndgerĂ€te unverzichtbar. Als ortsbezogenes Dienstleistungsinstrument stellt das CampusGIS außerdem technische GebĂ€udeplĂ€ne bereit. Die Anwendung CampusGIS-3D visualisiert die UniversitĂ€tsgebĂ€ude dreidimensional. Das Modul CampusRundgĂ€nge prĂ€sentiert virtuelle RundgĂ€nge. Sie zeigen an jeweils etwa sieben bis zehn Standorten Hintergrundinformationen zu verschiedenen Themen ĂŒber die UniversitĂ€t zu Köln. Um die zahlreichen raumbezogenen Anwendungen anbieten zu können, wurden campusrelevante Geodaten erfasst. Sie ergĂ€nzen die amtlichen Geobasisdaten. Zusammen werden sie in einer Geodatenbank verwaltet und gepflegt. Seitens der UniversitĂ€tsverwaltung werden alphanumerische Daten ĂŒber Personen, GebĂ€ude und Einrichtungen in relationalen Datenbanken vorgehalten. Das CampusGIS verknĂŒpft diese Daten mit den Geodaten. Das System ist modular konzipiert, um die bestehenden Anwendungen jederzeit erweitern zu können. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Konzeption und Entwicklung des CampusGIS. Diese Dokumentation ist eingebettet in den wissenschaftlichen Kontext webgestĂŒtzter Geographischer Informationssysteme. Nach einer EinfĂŒhrung werden die Grundlagen von GIS, Internet und des daraus entstehenden WebGIS aufgezeigt. Darauf aufbauend werden die mithilfe von WebGIS angebotenen raumbezogenen Dienste betrachtet. Schwerpunkte sind dabei die Einsatzmöglichkeiten raumbezogener Anwendungen im universitĂ€ren Umfeld. Es folgen Informationen zur Erfassung, Speicherung und Verwaltung von campusrelevanten Geodaten. Anschließend werden die analytischen Methoden und mathematischen Algorithmen diskutiert, die zur Beantwortung der raumbezogenen Fragestellungen herangezogen werden. Außerdem wird aufgezeigt, wie die Ergebnisse visualisiert und webgestĂŒtzt prĂ€sentiert werden. Nach der detaillierten Darstellung der CampusGIS-Entwicklung wird das System mit Ă€hnlichen WebGIS anderer UniversitĂ€ten verglichen und die inhaltlichen sowie methodischen AnsĂ€tze diskutiert. Abschließend erfolgt eine Bewertung des CampusGIS auf Grundlage der Diskussion