7 research outputs found

    Turbo-coding and Bit-loading Algorithms for a HomePlug-like DMT PLC System

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    Estudio de un nuevo mecanismo de transmisión multicast en redes Homeplug AV

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    La aparición de las redes peer-to-peer y el rápido avance de las tecnologías utilizadas para el despliegue de redes in-home suponen la apertura de una gran cantidad de posibilidades tanto para los usuarios particulares como para las PYMES. De entre las diferentes tecnologías adecuadas para entornos in-home, una de las de mayor índice de penetración son las comunicaciones a través de la infraestructura de cableado eléctrico. Actualmente, el estándar más importante dentro de este tipo de comunicaciones, Homeplug AV, presenta un mecanismo ineficiente para la realización de transmisiones multicast, muy presentes en entornos in-home. Para solventar esta limitación, este trabajo propone un nuevo mecanismo para realizar transmisiones multicast en redes HomePlug AV que mejora notablemente el método utilizado actualmente en este tipo de redes.Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores de Cartagena, (AJICT). Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial UPCT, (ETSII). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, (ETSIA), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (ETSIT). Escuela de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales, y Puertos y de Ingeniería de Minas, (EICM). Fundación Séneca, Agencia Regional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Álamo. Grupo Aquilin

    Powerline Communication in Home-Building Automation Systems

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    Domotics, Smart Home Systems, Ambient Intelligence are all terms that describe the intelligent cooperation of several different equipments to manage the home environment in an intelligent, safe and comfortable way. The same idea is also applicable to bigger constructions, and in that case it takes the name of Building Automation. Whatever term one wants to use, it refers to a multidisciplinary field that includes informatics, electronics, automation and telecommunication, and also touches fields like building constructions and architecture. In fact, during the process of designing a building, people have to consider appropriate spaces for the electric plant, and if the presence of a domotic system is planned, it is better to take it into account during the design phase, just to optimize spaces, the amount of used wires, the position of the modules and so on. There are really many home system producers in the world (Smart Home Systems, EIB-Konnex, Lonworks, Bticino, Vimar, Duemmegi, EasyDom Corporation, Futurware, Digital Cybermasters, Hills Home Systems, Intellihome etc, just to mention a few) , and their products differ from each others in many characteristics, such as functionality, dimension, weight, typology of installation, materials, net topology, power consumes, aesthetic appearance, communication protocol and communication mean. Regarding this last point, the majority of the domotic systems, especially in Europe, tend to use a dedicated bus cable to exchange data among modules, to make the communication link more robust and reliable. Lately, using radio communication is in fashion, but radio modules, respect to their equivalent standard ones, are more expensive, and in the bargain many people don’t want to use them due to the fear of radio signals (even if it were proved that they are completely harmless). Another communication mean, that is often not taken into account, is the powerline. In point of fact, using the installed poweline wires to send information is a very smart idea: there is no additional cost to install other dozens of meters of wires, there is not the necessity to break the walls and to do building works at home, there are no interferences with other devices (like in the radio communication case) or reflection problems (like in the infrared case), there is the possibility to put the modules in every place (it is sufficient to have an electrical socket in the nearness, or to use an extension cable), there is no need to have an extra power source (usually, in a bus cable domotic system, there is a direct voltage generated by a power supply and distribuited on the whole domotic net). Moreover, powerline communication (PLC, also called BPL in the USA, where the acronym stays for Broadband over Power Line, or NPL, Narroband over Power Line) is not only used in a home environment to create a virtual net among domotic modules, but is also used on the power distribution net to perform actions like reading the electricity meter, monitoring the power consumes and the state of a building, finding faults along the net, detecting illegal electricity usages and to solve the so-called last mile problem , that is the problem related to the final leg of delivering connectivity from a communications provider to a customer. In fact a cheap possibility to cover this final leg is using powerline communication. The intent of this work is therefore to illustrate, going into more details, advantages and disadvantages of the powerline communication systems (PLCS), to show the differences between PLCS for power distribution net and PLCS for home and building environments, to indagate the methods to send data over the powerline, to explain which are the automations that is possible to connect and to control in a powerline domotic system and to show some case studies tackled by the authors

    OFDM Receiver Performance with Measured Channel Model in Power Line Communications

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    본 논문에서는 홈 네트워크의 중요한 구성 요소인 전력선 통신을 위한 채널 측정 방법을 소개하고 측정된 채널을 기반으로 하는 전력선 시스템의 성능 분석을 수행한다. 먼저 전력선 통신의 표준화 동향을 살펴보고, 다음으로 전력선 채널을 측정하기 위한 방법을 소개한 후, 전력선 채널 모델을 제시한다. 측정된 채널을 기반으로 OFDM 방식의 HomePlug 1.0 표준과 전송 속도 향상을 위해 제안된 전송 기술의 성능을 분석한다. 이러한 기술들은 전력선 통신을 위한 표준에 적용되어 전력선 통신 용량 증대 및 커버리지 확대에 기여할 것으로 예상된다.This paper reports the results of wideband channel measurements conducted on in house outlets. Two kinds of channel measurements were performed: impulse response measurements and noise signal measurements. In measure based channel model, preamble assisted orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing access (OFDM) receiver scheme is proposed for differential phase shift keying (DPSK) and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). Timing synchronization and channel estimation is performed using the preamble. We provide numerical results to illustrate the performance of OFDM receiver in measure based channel model.대학 IT연구센터 육성, 지원사

    Model to evaluate the performance of a LAN on PLC in video transmission under the standard Homeplug AV

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    Debido a la demanda en el ancho de banda de servicios en las telecomunicaciones, hacen que se presenten nuevas oportunidades a otras tecnologías, entre ellas la posibilidad de transmisión de datos y video a través de la red eléctrica en los hogares. Este proyecto presenta los resultados de pruebas de campo frente a consideraciones tales como el retraso en la llegada de paquetes y el ancho de banda, con el fin de evaluar el desempeño de una red de datos utilizando la red eléctrica domiciliaria existente para la transmisión de servicios de video y los protocolos utilizados por estas aplicaciones. La gran favorabilidad de esta tecnología es que los medios que ella utiliza son aquellos que se ecuentran en todas las zonas de nuestro país (residencial, empresarial y rural), se esta hablando del tendido eléctrico municipal, departamental y nacional permitiendo llegar casi a cualquier sitio de la geografía nacional. El crecimiento de la banda ancha se requiere para llegar no solo a zona residenciales sino rurales, empresariales y educativas; siendo de gran importancia la trasmisión de las tres señales: datos, voz y video de nuevo es aquí donde juega un papel importante la tecnología PLC.INTRODUCCIÓN 18 1. GLOSARIO 21 2. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 22 3. HIPÓTESIS 24 4. OBJETIVOS 25 4.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 25 4.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS 25 5. MARCO REFERENCIAL 26 5.1 ANTECEDENTES 26 5.2 ESTADO DEL ARTE 30 5.3 MARCO TEÓRICO 35 5.3.1 Características de la red eléctrica como canal de transmisión 37 5.3.2 Características del canal 38 5.3.3 Multiplexación por División de Frecuencia Ortogonal (OFDM) 49 5.3.4 Funcionamiento de PLC 55 5.3.5 PLC y el modelo OSI 61 5.3.6 HomePlug AV 63 5.3.7 Red Eléctrica 69 Conformación de una red eléctrica 69 Líneas de distribución de baja tensión 69 Equipos de medida 69 5.3.8 Participación Eléctrica en Colombia 69 5.3.9 Fundamentos técnicos de video digital sobre redes IP 70 Sistemas de Transmisión de Video Digital 70 El Estándar MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) de la ISO (International Standards Organization) 75 5.3.10 Almacenamiento y Transmisión 77 5.4 TRANSMISIÓN DE VIDEO EN UNA RED IP 81 5.4.1 IPTV sobre las redes IP 90 5.4.2 Requerimientos de QoS para IPTV en redes IP-PLT 92 5.4.3 Factores que afectan la entrega de servicios IPTV 97 5.4.4 Sistemas de Medición de QoE para IPTV 102 5.4.5 Perspectivas para IPTV 107 6. METODOLOGÍA 111 6.1 MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS 111 6.2 DISEÑO DEL EXPERIMENTO 112 6.3 PLANEACIÓN 115 6.3.1 Variables y Factores de la investigación 115 6.3.2 Dispositivos y especificaciones 118 6.3.3 Softwares utilizados 120 6.3.4 Consideraciones adicionales 126 6.3.5 Tamaño de la muestra 127 6.4 DESCRIPCIÓN DEL EXPERIMENTO 129 6.5 RESULTADOS DEL EXPERIMENTO 134 7. RESULTADOS 138 7.1 ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 138 7.2 MODELO ESTADÍSTICO Y ANÁLISIS DE VARIANZA PARA THROUGHPUT 139 7.3 EVALUACIÓN DE LOS RESULTADOS OBTENIDOS A PARTIR DE LA EXPERIMENTACIÓN 145 7.3.1 Supuesto de Varianza Constante 146 7.3.2 Supuesto de Normalidad 147 7.3.3 Supuesto de Independencia 147 7.4 MODELO ESTADÍSTICO Y ANÁLISIS DE VARIANZA PARA EL RETARDO 149 7.5 EVALUACIÓN DE LOS RESULTADOS OBTENIDOS A PARTIR DE LA EXPERIMENTACIÓN 155 7.5.1 Supuesto de Varianza Constante 156 7.5.2 Supuesto de Normalidad 157 7.5.3 Supuesto de Independencia 157 7.6 MODELO ESTADÍSTICO Y ANÁLISIS DE VARIANZA PARA EL JITTER 159 7.7 EVALUACIÓN DE LOS RESULTADOS OBTENIDOS A PARTIR DE LA EXPERIMENTACIÓN 165 7.7.1 Supuesto de Varianza Constante 166 7.7.2 Supuesto de Normalidad 167 7.7.3 Supuesto de Independencia 167 8. CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES 169 8.1 CONCLUSIONES 169 8.2 RECOMENDACIONES 173 BIBLIOGRAFÍA 175 ANEXOS 182MaestríaDue to the demand in the bandwidth of services in the telecommunications, new opportunities are opened for other technologies. The possibility of transmission of information and video across the electrical net for level of the homes, among others. The project presents the complete results of field trials in contrast of considerations such as the delay of packages and the bandwidth, in order to evaluate the performance of a network for the transmission of services of video and the protocols used by these applications. The high favorability of this technology is that the means that it use are those that are found in all zones of our country (residential, business and rural), is spoken electrical line networking, departmental and national enabling reach almost anywhere of the national territory. He growth of broadband is required to reach not only residential but rurals, business and educational zones; being of great importance the transmission of the three signals: data, voice and video, again, is here where the PLC technology plays an important role