9,879 research outputs found

    The vertex-transitive TLF-planar graphs

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    We consider the class of the topologically locally finite (in short TLF) planar vertex-transitive graphs, a class containing in particular all the one-ended planar Cayley graphs and the normal transitive tilings. We characterize these graphs with a finite local representation and a special kind of finite state automaton named labeling scheme. As a result, we are able to enumerate and describe all TLF-planar vertex-transitive graphs of any given degree. Also, we are able decide to whether any TLF-planar transitive graph is Cayley or not.Comment: Article : 23 pages, 15 figures Appendix : 13 pages, 72 figures Submitted to Discrete Mathematics The appendix is accessible at http://www.labri.fr/~renault/research/research.htm

    Simpler, faster and shorter labels for distances in graphs

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    We consider how to assign labels to any undirected graph with n nodes such that, given the labels of two nodes and no other information regarding the graph, it is possible to determine the distance between the two nodes. The challenge in such a distance labeling scheme is primarily to minimize the maximum label lenght and secondarily to minimize the time needed to answer distance queries (decoding). Previous schemes have offered different trade-offs between label lengths and query time. This paper presents a simple algorithm with shorter labels and shorter query time than any previous solution, thereby improving the state-of-the-art with respect to both label length and query time in one single algorithm. Our solution addresses several open problems concerning label length and decoding time and is the first improvement of label length for more than three decades. More specifically, we present a distance labeling scheme with label size (log 3)/2 + o(n) (logarithms are in base 2) and O(1) decoding time. This outperforms all existing results with respect to both size and decoding time, including Winkler's (Combinatorica 1983) decade-old result, which uses labels of size (log 3)n and O(n/log n) decoding time, and Gavoille et al. (SODA'01), which uses labels of size 11n + o(n) and O(loglog n) decoding time. In addition, our algorithm is simpler than the previous ones. In the case of integral edge weights of size at most W, we present almost matching upper and lower bounds for label sizes. For r-additive approximation schemes, where distances can be off by an additive constant r, we give both upper and lower bounds. In particular, we present an upper bound for 1-additive approximation schemes which, in the unweighted case, has the same size (ignoring second order terms) as an adjacency scheme: n/2. We also give results for bipartite graphs and for exact and 1-additive distance oracles

    Near-optimal labeling schemes for nearest common ancestors

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    We consider NCA labeling schemes: given a rooted tree TT, label the nodes of TT with binary strings such that, given the labels of any two nodes, one can determine, by looking only at the labels, the label of their nearest common ancestor. For trees with nn nodes we present upper and lower bounds establishing that labels of size (2±ϵ)logn(2\pm \epsilon)\log n, ϵ<1\epsilon<1 are both sufficient and necessary. (All logarithms in this paper are in base 2.) Alstrup, Bille, and Rauhe (SIDMA'05) showed that ancestor and NCA labeling schemes have labels of size logn+Ω(loglogn)\log n +\Omega(\log \log n). Our lower bound increases this to logn+Ω(logn)\log n + \Omega(\log n) for NCA labeling schemes. Since Fraigniaud and Korman (STOC'10) established that labels in ancestor labeling schemes have size logn+Θ(loglogn)\log n +\Theta(\log \log n), our new lower bound separates ancestor and NCA labeling schemes. Our upper bound improves the 10logn10 \log n upper bound by Alstrup, Gavoille, Kaplan and Rauhe (TOCS'04), and our theoretical result even outperforms some recent experimental studies by Fischer (ESA'09) where variants of the same NCA labeling scheme are shown to all have labels of size approximately 8logn8 \log n

    Polynomial-Time Space-Optimal Silent Self-Stabilizing Minimum-Degree Spanning Tree Construction

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    Motivated by applications to sensor networks, as well as to many other areas, this paper studies the construction of minimum-degree spanning trees. We consider the classical node-register state model, with a weakly fair scheduler, and we present a space-optimal \emph{silent} self-stabilizing construction of minimum-degree spanning trees in this model. Computing a spanning tree with minimum degree is NP-hard. Therefore, we actually focus on constructing a spanning tree whose degree is within one from the optimal. Our algorithm uses registers on O(logn)O(\log n) bits, converges in a polynomial number of rounds, and performs polynomial-time computation at each node. Specifically, the algorithm constructs and stabilizes on a special class of spanning trees, with degree at most OPT+1OPT+1. Indeed, we prove that, unless NP == coNP, there are no proof-labeling schemes involving polynomial-time computation at each node for the whole family of spanning trees with degree at most OPT+1OPT+1. Up to our knowledge, this is the first example of the design of a compact silent self-stabilizing algorithm constructing, and stabilizing on a subset of optimal solutions to a natural problem for which there are no time-efficient proof-labeling schemes. On our way to design our algorithm, we establish a set of independent results that may have interest on their own. In particular, we describe a new space-optimal silent self-stabilizing spanning tree construction, stabilizing on \emph{any} spanning tree, in O(n)O(n) rounds, and using just \emph{one} additional bit compared to the size of the labels used to certify trees. We also design a silent loop-free self-stabilizing algorithm for transforming a tree into another tree. Last but not least, we provide a silent self-stabilizing algorithm for computing and certifying the labels of a NCA-labeling scheme

    Adjacency labeling schemes and induced-universal graphs

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    We describe a way of assigning labels to the vertices of any undirected graph on up to nn vertices, each composed of n/2+O(1)n/2+O(1) bits, such that given the labels of two vertices, and no other information regarding the graph, it is possible to decide whether or not the vertices are adjacent in the graph. This is optimal, up to an additive constant, and constitutes the first improvement in almost 50 years of an n/2+O(logn)n/2+O(\log n) bound of Moon. As a consequence, we obtain an induced-universal graph for nn-vertex graphs containing only O(2n/2)O(2^{n/2}) vertices, which is optimal up to a multiplicative constant, solving an open problem of Vizing from 1968. We obtain similar tight results for directed graphs, tournaments and bipartite graphs

    Answering Regular Path Queries on Workflow Provenance

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    This paper proposes a novel approach for efficiently evaluating regular path queries over provenance graphs of workflows that may include recursion. The approach assumes that an execution g of a workflow G is labeled with query-agnostic reachability labels using an existing technique. At query time, given g, G and a regular path query R, the approach decomposes R into a set of subqueries R1, ..., Rk that are safe for G. For each safe subquery Ri, G is rewritten so that, using the reachability labels of nodes in g, whether or not there is a path which matches Ri between two nodes can be decided in constant time. The results of each safe subquery are then composed, possibly with some small unsafe remainder, to produce an answer to R. The approach results in an algorithm that significantly reduces the number of subqueries k over existing techniques by increasing their size and complexity, and that evaluates each subquery in time bounded by its input and output size. Experimental results demonstrate the benefit of this approach

    Near-Optimal Induced Universal Graphs for Bounded Degree Graphs

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    A graph UU is an induced universal graph for a family FF of graphs if every graph in FF is a vertex-induced subgraph of UU. For the family of all undirected graphs on nn vertices Alstrup, Kaplan, Thorup, and Zwick [STOC 2015] give an induced universal graph with O ⁣(2n/2)O\!\left(2^{n/2}\right) vertices, matching a lower bound by Moon [Proc. Glasgow Math. Assoc. 1965]. Let k=D/2k= \lceil D/2 \rceil. Improving asymptotically on previous results by Butler [Graphs and Combinatorics 2009] and Esperet, Arnaud and Ochem [IPL 2008], we give an induced universal graph with O ⁣(k2kk!nk)O\!\left(\frac{k2^k}{k!}n^k \right) vertices for the family of graphs with nn vertices of maximum degree DD. For constant DD, Butler gives a lower bound of Ω ⁣(nD/2)\Omega\!\left(n^{D/2}\right). For an odd constant D3D\geq 3, Esperet et al. and Alon and Capalbo [SODA 2008] give a graph with O ⁣(nk1D)O\!\left(n^{k-\frac{1}{D}}\right) vertices. Using their techniques for any (including constant) even values of DD gives asymptotically worse bounds than we present. For large DD, i.e. when D=Ω(log3n)D = \Omega\left(\log^3 n\right), the previous best upper bound was (nD/2)nO(1){n\choose\lceil D/2\rceil} n^{O(1)} due to Adjiashvili and Rotbart [ICALP 2014]. We give upper and lower bounds showing that the size is (n/2D/2)2±O~(D){\lfloor n/2\rfloor\choose\lfloor D/2 \rfloor}2^{\pm\tilde{O}\left(\sqrt{D}\right)}. Hence the optimal size is 2O~(D)2^{\tilde{O}(D)} and our construction is within a factor of 2O~(D)2^{\tilde{O}\left(\sqrt{D}\right)} from this. The previous results were larger by at least a factor of 2Ω(D)2^{\Omega(D)}. As a part of the above, proving a conjecture by Esperet et al., we construct an induced universal graph with 2n12n-1 vertices for the family of graphs with max degree 22. In addition, we give results for acyclic graphs with max degree 22 and cycle graphs. Our results imply the first labeling schemes that for any DD are at most o(n)o(n) bits from optimal

    Route Planning in Transportation Networks

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    We survey recent advances in algorithms for route planning in transportation networks. For road networks, we show that one can compute driving directions in milliseconds or less even at continental scale. A variety of techniques provide different trade-offs between preprocessing effort, space requirements, and query time. Some algorithms can answer queries in a fraction of a microsecond, while others can deal efficiently with real-time traffic. Journey planning on public transportation systems, although conceptually similar, is a significantly harder problem due to its inherent time-dependent and multicriteria nature. Although exact algorithms are fast enough for interactive queries on metropolitan transit systems, dealing with continent-sized instances requires simplifications or heavy preprocessing. The multimodal route planning problem, which seeks journeys combining schedule-based transportation (buses, trains) with unrestricted modes (walking, driving), is even harder, relying on approximate solutions even for metropolitan inputs.Comment: This is an updated version of the technical report MSR-TR-2014-4, previously published by Microsoft Research. This work was mostly done while the authors Daniel Delling, Andrew Goldberg, and Renato F. Werneck were at Microsoft Research Silicon Valle