35,609 research outputs found

    Neural 3D Video Synthesis

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    We propose a novel approach for 3D video synthesis that is able to represent multi-view video recordings of a dynamic real-world scene in a compact, yet expressive representation that enables high-quality view synthesis and motion interpolation. Our approach takes the high quality and compactness of static neural radiance fields in a new direction: to a model-free, dynamic setting. At the core of our approach is a novel time-conditioned neural radiance fields that represents scene dynamics using a set of compact latent codes. To exploit the fact that changes between adjacent frames of a video are typically small and locally consistent, we propose two novel strategies for efficient training of our neural network: 1) An efficient hierarchical training scheme, and 2) an importance sampling strategy that selects the next rays for training based on the temporal variation of the input videos. In combination, these two strategies significantly boost the training speed, lead to fast convergence of the training process, and enable high quality results. Our learned representation is highly compact and able to represent a 10 second 30 FPS multi-view video recording by 18 cameras with a model size of just 28MB. We demonstrate that our method can render high-fidelity wide-angle novel views at over 1K resolution, even for highly complex and dynamic scenes. We perform an extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluation that shows that our approach outperforms the current state of the art. We include additional video and information at: https://neural-3d-video.github.io/Comment: Project website: https://neural-3d-video.github.io

    ConceptGraphs: Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Graphs for Perception and Planning

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    For robots to perform a wide variety of tasks, they require a 3D representation of the world that is semantically rich, yet compact and efficient for task-driven perception and planning. Recent approaches have attempted to leverage features from large vision-language models to encode semantics in 3D representations. However, these approaches tend to produce maps with per-point feature vectors, which do not scale well in larger environments, nor do they contain semantic spatial relationships between entities in the environment, which are useful for downstream planning. In this work, we propose ConceptGraphs, an open-vocabulary graph-structured representation for 3D scenes. ConceptGraphs is built by leveraging 2D foundation models and fusing their output to 3D by multi-view association. The resulting representations generalize to novel semantic classes, without the need to collect large 3D datasets or finetune models. We demonstrate the utility of this representation through a number of downstream planning tasks that are specified through abstract (language) prompts and require complex reasoning over spatial and semantic concepts. (Project page: https://concept-graphs.github.io/ Explainer video: https://youtu.be/mRhNkQwRYnc )Comment: Project page: https://concept-graphs.github.io/ Explainer video: https://youtu.be/mRhNkQwRYn

    VoxDet: Voxel Learning for Novel Instance Detection

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    Detecting unseen instances based on multi-view templates is a challenging problem due to its open-world nature. Traditional methodologies, which primarily rely on 2D representations and matching techniques, are often inadequate in handling pose variations and occlusions. To solve this, we introduce VoxDet, a pioneer 3D geometry-aware framework that fully utilizes the strong 3D voxel representation and reliable voxel matching mechanism. VoxDet first ingeniously proposes template voxel aggregation (TVA) module, effectively transforming multi-view 2D images into 3D voxel features. By leveraging associated camera poses, these features are aggregated into a compact 3D template voxel. In novel instance detection, this voxel representation demonstrates heightened resilience to occlusion and pose variations. We also discover that a 3D reconstruction objective helps to pre-train the 2D-3D mapping in TVA. Second, to quickly align with the template voxel, VoxDet incorporates a Query Voxel Matching (QVM) module. The 2D queries are first converted into their voxel representation with the learned 2D-3D mapping. We find that since the 3D voxel representations encode the geometry, we can first estimate the relative rotation and then compare the aligned voxels, leading to improved accuracy and efficiency. Exhaustive experiments are conducted on the demanding LineMod-Occlusion, YCB-video, and the newly built RoboTools benchmarks, where VoxDet outperforms various 2D baselines remarkably with 20% higher recall and faster speed. To the best of our knowledge, VoxDet is the first to incorporate implicit 3D knowledge for 2D tasks.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    UMIFormer: Mining the Correlations between Similar Tokens for Multi-View 3D Reconstruction

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    In recent years, many video tasks have achieved breakthroughs by utilizing the vision transformer and establishing spatial-temporal decoupling for feature extraction. Although multi-view 3D reconstruction also faces multiple images as input, it cannot immediately inherit their success due to completely ambiguous associations between unstructured views. There is not usable prior relationship, which is similar to the temporally-coherence property in a video. To solve this problem, we propose a novel transformer network for Unstructured Multiple Images (UMIFormer). It exploits transformer blocks for decoupled intra-view encoding and designed blocks for token rectification that mine the correlation between similar tokens from different views to achieve decoupled inter-view encoding. Afterward, all tokens acquired from various branches are compressed into a fixed-size compact representation while preserving rich information for reconstruction by leveraging the similarities between tokens. We empirically demonstrate on ShapeNet and confirm that our decoupled learning method is adaptable for unstructured multiple images. Meanwhile, the experiments also verify our model outperforms existing SOTA methods by a large margin. Code will be available at https://github.com/GaryZhu1996/UMIFormer.Comment: Accepted by ICCV 202

    Computer Vision and Image Understanding xxx

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    Abstract 12 A compact visual representation, called the 3D layered, adaptive-resolution, and multi-13 perspective panorama (LAMP), is proposed for representing large-scale 3D scenes with large 14 variations of depths and obvious occlusions. Two kinds of 3D LAMP representations are 15 proposed: the relief-like LAMP and the image-based LAMP. Both types of LAMPs con-16 cisely represent almost all the information from a long image sequence. Methods to con-17 struct LAMP representations from video sequences with dominant translation are 18 provided. The relief-like LAMP is basically a single extended multi-perspective panoramic 19 view image. Each pixel has a pair of texture and depth values, but each pixel may also have 20 multiple pairs of texture-depth values to represent occlusion in layers, in addition to adap-21 tive resolution changing with depth. The image-based LAMP, on the other hand, consists of 22 a set of multi-perspective layers, each of which has a pair of 2D texture and depth maps, 23 but with adaptive time-sampling scales depending on depths of scene points. Several exam-24 ples of 3D LAMP construction for real image sequences are given. The 3D LAMP is a con-25 cise and powerful representation for image-based rendering. 2

    LIDAR GAIT: Benchmarking 3D Gait Recognition with Point Clouds

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    Video-based gait recognition has achieved impressive results in constrained scenarios. However, visual cameras neglect human 3D structure information, which limits the feasibility of gait recognition in the 3D wild world. In this work, instead of extracting gait features from images, we explore precise 3D gait features from point clouds and propose a simple yet efficient 3D gait recognition framework, termed multi-view projection network (MVPNet). MVPNet first projects point clouds into multiple depth maps from different perspectives, and then fuse depth images together, to learn the compact representation with 3D geometry information. Due to the lack of point cloud datasets, we build the first large-scale Lidar-based gait recognition dataset, LIDAR GAIT, collected by a Lidar sensor and an RGB camera mounted on a robot. The dataset contains 25,279 sequences from 1,050 subjects and covers many different variations, including visibility, views, occlusions, clothing, carrying, and scenes. Extensive experiments show that, (1) 3D structure information serves as a significant feature for gait recognition. (2) MVPNet not only competes with five representative point-based methods, but it also outperforms existing camera-based methods by large margins. (3) The Lidar sensor is superior to the RGB camera for gait recognition in the wild. LIDAR GAIT dataset and MVPNet code will be publicly available.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, 3 table

    Neural View-Interpolation for Sparse Light Field Video

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    We suggest representing light field (LF) videos as "one-off" neural networks (NN), i.e., a learned mapping from view-plus-time coordinates to high-resolution color values, trained on sparse views. Initially, this sounds like a bad idea for three main reasons: First, a NN LF will likely have less quality than a same-sized pixel basis representation. Second, only few training data, e.g., 9 exemplars per frame are available for sparse LF videos. Third, there is no generalization across LFs, but across view and time instead. Consequently, a network needs to be trained for each LF video. Surprisingly, these problems can turn into substantial advantages: Other than the linear pixel basis, a NN has to come up with a compact, non-linear i.e., more intelligent, explanation of color, conditioned on the sparse view and time coordinates. As observed for many NN however, this representation now is interpolatable: if the image output for sparse view coordinates is plausible, it is for all intermediate, continuous coordinates as well. Our specific network architecture involves a differentiable occlusion-aware warping step, which leads to a compact set of trainable parameters and consequently fast learning and fast execution