3 research outputs found

    Optimal Reconfiguration of Complex Production Lines for Profit Maximization via Simulation Modeling

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    With the recent trend of re-shoring, transferring manufacturing systems from a workforce-intensive to a capital-intensive production environment becomes more common. One challenge multinational manufacturing companies may face in such an endeavor is reconfiguration of the transferred manufacturing system according to the availability of better machinery in the capital-intensive environment. In this dissertation, based on a real-life problem, I develop several simulation optimization methods for the problem of production line reconfiguration. The case is a reverse transfer of manufacturing system/technology, i.e. transfer from a workforce-intensive environment to a capital-intensive one. I investigate the performances of nine different simulation optimization approaches based on the real-life case in automotive industry to illustrate their relative strengths under different parameter scenarios. I also create a test-bed problem to determine the specifications of these methods, and further analyze their performances. Numerical results may guide the practitioners facing similar challenges in choosing a suitable solution approach depending on the problem size and solution time availability

    Simulation optimisation to inform economic evaluations of sequential therapies for chronic conditions: a case study in Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    This thesis investigates the problem of treatment sequencing within health economic evaluations. For some chronic conditions, sequences of treatments can be used. When there are a lot of alternative treatments, then the number of possible sequences becomes very large. When undertaking an economic evaluation, it may not be feasible to estimate the costs and benefits of every alternative treatment sequence. The objective of the thesis is to test the feasibility of simulation optimisation methods to find an optimal or set of near-optimal sequences of disease modifying treatments for rheumatoid arthritis in an economic evaluation framework. A large number of economic evaluations have been undertaken to estimate the costs and benefits associated with different treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. Many of these have not considered the downstream sequence of treatments provided, and no published study has considered identifying the best, or optimal, treatment sequence. The published evidence is therefore of limited applicability if the objective is to maximise patient benefit while constrained by a finite budget. It is plausible that decision-makers have developed sub-optimal guidance for rheumatoid arthritis, and this could extend to other chronic conditions. A simulation model can provide an expectation of the population mean costs and benefits for alternative treatment sequences. These models are routinely used to inform health economic evaluations. However, they can be computationally expensive to run, and therefore the evaluation of potentially millions of treatment sequences is not feasible. However, simulation optimisation methods exist to identify a good solution from a simulation model within a feasible period of time. Using these methods within an economic evaluation of treatment sequences has not previously been investigated. In this thesis I highlight the importance of the treatment sequencing problem, review and assess relevant simulation optimisation methods, and implement a simulated annealing algorithm to explore its feasibility and appropriateness. From the implementation case study within rheumatoid arthritis, simulation optimisation via simulated annealing appears to be a feasible method to identify a set of good treatment sequences. However, the method requires a significant amount of time to implement and execute, which may limit its appropriateness for health resource allocation decision making. Further research is required to investigate the generalisability of the method, and further consideration regarding its use in a decision-making context is important