34,354 research outputs found

    Minimax Structured Normal Means Inference

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    We provide a unified treatment of a broad class of noisy structure recovery problems, known as structured normal means problems. In this setting, the goal is to identify, from a finite collection of Gaussian distributions with different means, the distribution that produced some observed data. Recent work has studied several special cases including sparse vectors, biclusters, and graph-based structures. We establish nearly matching upper and lower bounds on the minimax probability of error for any structured normal means problem, and we derive an optimality certificate for the maximum likelihood estimator, which can be applied to many instantiations. We also consider an experimental design setting, where we generalize our minimax bounds and derive an algorithm for computing a design strategy with a certain optimality property. We show that our results give tight minimax bounds for many structure recovery problems and consider some consequences for interactive sampling

    An ADMM Based Framework for AutoML Pipeline Configuration

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    We study the AutoML problem of automatically configuring machine learning pipelines by jointly selecting algorithms and their appropriate hyper-parameters for all steps in supervised learning pipelines. This black-box (gradient-free) optimization with mixed integer & continuous variables is a challenging problem. We propose a novel AutoML scheme by leveraging the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). The proposed framework is able to (i) decompose the optimization problem into easier sub-problems that have a reduced number of variables and circumvent the challenge of mixed variable categories, and (ii) incorporate black-box constraints along-side the black-box optimization objective. We empirically evaluate the flexibility (in utilizing existing AutoML techniques), effectiveness (against open source AutoML toolkits),and unique capability (of executing AutoML with practically motivated black-box constraints) of our proposed scheme on a collection of binary classification data sets from UCI ML& OpenML repositories. We observe that on an average our framework provides significant gains in comparison to other AutoML frameworks (Auto-sklearn & TPOT), highlighting the practical advantages of this framework

    Training Gaussian Mixture Models at Scale via Coresets

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    How can we train a statistical mixture model on a massive data set? In this work we show how to construct coresets for mixtures of Gaussians. A coreset is a weighted subset of the data, which guarantees that models fitting the coreset also provide a good fit for the original data set. We show that, perhaps surprisingly, Gaussian mixtures admit coresets of size polynomial in dimension and the number of mixture components, while being independent of the data set size. Hence, one can harness computationally intensive algorithms to compute a good approximation on a significantly smaller data set. More importantly, such coresets can be efficiently constructed both in distributed and streaming settings and do not impose restrictions on the data generating process. Our results rely on a novel reduction of statistical estimation to problems in computational geometry and new combinatorial complexity results for mixtures of Gaussians. Empirical evaluation on several real-world datasets suggests that our coreset-based approach enables significant reduction in training-time with negligible approximation error
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