22,722 research outputs found

    Spatial intensity distribution analysis: studies of G Protein-coupled receptor oligomerization

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    Spatial intensity distribution analysis (SpIDA) is a recently developed approach for determining quaternary structure information on fluorophore-labelled proteins of interest in situ. It can be applied to live or fixed cells and native tissue. Using confocal images, SpIDA generates fluorescence intensity histograms that are analysed by super-Poissonian distribution functions to obtain density and quantal brightness values of the fluorophore-labelled protein of interest. This allows both expression level and oligomerisation state of the protein to be determined. We describe the application of SpIDA to investigate the oligomeric state of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) at steady state and following cellular challenge, and consider how SpIDA may be used to explore GPCR quaternary organisation in pathophysiology and to stratify medicines

    PRED-CLASS: cascading neural networks for generalized protein classification and genome-wide applications

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    A cascading system of hierarchical, artificial neural networks (named PRED-CLASS) is presented for the generalized classification of proteins into four distinct classes-transmembrane, fibrous, globular, and mixed-from information solely encoded in their amino acid sequences. The architecture of the individual component networks is kept very simple, reducing the number of free parameters (network synaptic weights) for faster training, improved generalization, and the avoidance of data overfitting. Capturing information from as few as 50 protein sequences spread among the four target classes (6 transmembrane, 10 fibrous, 13 globular, and 17 mixed), PRED-CLASS was able to obtain 371 correct predictions out of a set of 387 proteins (success rate approximately 96%) unambiguously assigned into one of the target classes. The application of PRED-CLASS to several test sets and complete proteomes of several organisms demonstrates that such a method could serve as a valuable tool in the annotation of genomic open reading frames with no functional assignment or as a preliminary step in fold recognition and ab initio structure prediction methods. Detailed results obtained for various data sets and completed genomes, along with a web sever running the PRED-CLASS algorithm, can be accessed over the World Wide Web at http://o2.biol.uoa.gr/PRED-CLAS

    Structural characterisation of outer membrane proteins from Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato by small-angle X-ray scattering

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    Forming the interface between the bacterial cell and the host, the outer membrane of Borrelia is known to play a key role in pathogenicity. Although Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato are considered to be Gram-negative, their outer membrane is unique, lacking liposaccharides and phosphatidylethanolamine. It contains a variety of glycolipids, surface exposed lipoproteins and a number of membrane-spanning β-barrels. BAPKO_0422, BB_0562 and BG_0408 are membrane proteins, theoretically predicted to form 8-stranded, membrane-spanning β-barrels. The aim of this work is to produce recombinant versions of these proteins, and determine molecular envelopes by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The β-barrel model can then be tested by comparing the experimental molecular envelope with the theoretical predictions. Three Borrelia proteins (BAPKO_0422, BB_0562 and BG_0408) were recombinantly expressed in the E. coli expression system using the pET-47 expression vector. The putative membrane proteins were purified by immobilised metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). The His tag of BAPKO_0422 was enzymatically removed to produce a native protein, and to allow for a visual comparison of the protein both with and without the His tag. SAXS data for each protein were collected and the overall shape was determined using ab initio methods. The pair-distance distribution function (P(r) function) of BAPKO_0422 with the His tag indicated a particle overlap potentially caused by the flexible 6-His tag at the N-terminus. Kratky plots of BAPKO_0422, BB_0562 and BG_0408 revealed the parabolic convergence for a folded particle. The low-resolution molecular envelopes of BAPKO_0422, BB_0562 and BG_0408 are consistent with the structure of an 8-stranded β-barrel. The filtered envelopes are in agreement with the shape and size of the E. coli homologue OmpX. The likely orientation of the protein within the outer membrane can be deduced by comparing molecular envelopes with and without the N-terminal His tag. The data suggest that BAPKO_0422, BB_0562 and BG_0408 are single-domain cylindrical-shaped molecules with no evidence of an internal pore. Several questions remain to be answered, such as the oligomeric state of BG_0408 and BAPKO_0422. The function of these 8-stranded β-barrels in the Borrelial outer membrane remains to be investigated

    Anomalous transport in the crowded world of biological cells

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    A ubiquitous observation in cell biology is that diffusion of macromolecules and organelles is anomalous, and a description simply based on the conventional diffusion equation with diffusion constants measured in dilute solution fails. This is commonly attributed to macromolecular crowding in the interior of cells and in cellular membranes, summarising their densely packed and heterogeneous structures. The most familiar phenomenon is a power-law increase of the MSD, but there are other manifestations like strongly reduced and time-dependent diffusion coefficients, persistent correlations, non-gaussian distributions of the displacements, heterogeneous diffusion, and immobile particles. After a general introduction to the statistical description of slow, anomalous transport, we summarise some widely used theoretical models: gaussian models like FBM and Langevin equations for visco-elastic media, the CTRW model, and the Lorentz model describing obstructed transport in a heterogeneous environment. Emphasis is put on the spatio-temporal properties of the transport in terms of 2-point correlation functions, dynamic scaling behaviour, and how the models are distinguished by their propagators even for identical MSDs. Then, we review the theory underlying common experimental techniques in the presence of anomalous transport: single-particle tracking, FCS, and FRAP. We report on the large body of recent experimental evidence for anomalous transport in crowded biological media: in cyto- and nucleoplasm as well as in cellular membranes, complemented by in vitro experiments where model systems mimic physiological crowding conditions. Finally, computer simulations play an important role in testing the theoretical models and corroborating the experimental findings. The review is completed by a synthesis of the theoretical and experimental progress identifying open questions for future investigation.Comment: review article, to appear in Rep. Prog. Phy

    Transmembrane helix dynamics of bacterial chemoreceptors supports a piston model of signalling.

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    Transmembrane α-helices play a key role in many receptors, transmitting a signal from one side to the other of the lipid bilayer membrane. Bacterial chemoreceptors are one of the best studied such systems, with a wealth of biophysical and mutational data indicating a key role for the TM2 helix in signalling. In particular, aromatic (Trp and Tyr) and basic (Arg) residues help to lock α-helices into a membrane. Mutants in TM2 of E. coli Tar and related chemoreceptors involving these residues implicate changes in helix location and/or orientation in signalling. We have investigated the detailed structural basis of this via high throughput coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CG-MD) of Tar TM2 and its mutants in lipid bilayers. We focus on the position (shift) and orientation (tilt, rotation) of TM2 relative to the bilayer and how these are perturbed in mutants relative to the wildtype. The simulations reveal a clear correlation between small (ca. 1.5 Å) shift in position of TM2 along the bilayer normal and downstream changes in signalling activity. Weaker correlations are seen with helix tilt, and little/none between signalling and helix twist. This analysis of relatively subtle changes was only possible because the high throughput simulation method allowed us to run large (n = 100) ensembles for substantial numbers of different helix sequences, amounting to ca. 2000 simulations in total. Overall, this analysis supports a swinging-piston model of transmembrane signalling by Tar and related chemoreceptors

    A two-domain elevator mechanism for sodium/proton antiport

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    Sodium/proton (Na+/H+) antiporters, located at the plasma membrane in every cell, are vital for cell homeostasis1. In humans, their dysfunction has been linked to diseases, such as hypertension, heart failure and epilepsy, and they are well-established drug targets2. The best understood model system for Na+/H+ antiport is NhaA from Escherichia coli1, 3, for which both electron microscopy and crystal structures are available4, 5, 6. NhaA is made up of two distinct domains: a core domain and a dimerization domain. In the NhaA crystal structure a cavity is located between the two domains, providing access to the ion-binding site from the inward-facing surface of the protein1, 4. Like many Na+/H+ antiporters, the activity of NhaA is regulated by pH, only becoming active above pH 6.5, at which point a conformational change is thought to occur7. The only reported NhaA crystal structure so far is of the low pH inactivated form4. Here we describe the active-state structure of a Na+/H+ antiporter, NapA from Thermus thermophilus, at 3 Å resolution, solved from crystals grown at pH 7.8. In the NapA structure, the core and dimerization domains are in different positions to those seen in NhaA, and a negatively charged cavity has now opened to the outside. The extracellular cavity allows access to a strictly conserved aspartate residue thought to coordinate ion binding1, 8, 9 directly, a role supported here by molecular dynamics simulations. To alternate access to this ion-binding site, however, requires a surprisingly large rotation of the core domain, some 20° against the dimerization interface. We conclude that despite their fast transport rates of up to 1,500 ions per second3, Na+/H+ antiporters operate by a two-domain rocking bundle model, revealing themes relevant to secondary-active transporters in general

    Amyloid-β acts as a regulator of neurotransmitter release disrupting the interaction between synaptophysin and VAMP2.

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    BACKGROUND: It is becoming increasingly evident that deficits in the cortex and hippocampus at early stages of dementia in Alzheimer's disease (AD) are associated with synaptic damage caused by oligomers of the toxic amyloid-β peptide (Aβ42). However, the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms behind these deficits are not fully understood. Here we provide evidence of a mechanism by which Aβ42 affects synaptic transmission regulating neurotransmitter release. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: We first showed that application of 50 nM Aβ42 in cultured neurones is followed by its internalisation and translocation to synaptic contacts. Interestingly, our results demonstrate that with time, Aβ42 can be detected at the presynaptic terminals where it interacts with Synaptophysin. Furthermore, data from dissociated hippocampal neurons as well as biochemical data provide evidence that Aβ42 disrupts the complex formed between Synaptophysin and VAMP2 increasing the amount of primed vesicles and exocytosis. Finally, electrophysiology recordings in brain slices confirmed that Aβ42 affects baseline transmission. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our observations provide a necessary and timely insight into cellular mechanisms that underlie the initial pathological events that lead to synaptic dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease. Our results demonstrate a new mechanism by which Aβ42 affects synaptic activity

    Comparative genomics of Shiga toxin encoding bacteriophages

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    Background Stx bacteriophages are responsible for driving the dissemination of Stx toxin genes (stx) across their bacterial host range. Lysogens carrying Stx phages can cause severe, lifethreatening disease and Stx toxin is an integral virulence factor. The Stx-bacteriophage vB_EcoP-24B, commonly referred to as 24B, is capable of multiply infecting a single bacterial host cell at a high frequency, with secondary infection increasing the rate at which subsequent bacteriophage infections can occur. This is biologically unusual, therefore determining the genomic content and context of 24B compared to other lambdoid Stx phages is important to understanding the factors controlling this phenomenon and determining whether they occur in other Stx phages. Results The genome of the Stx2 encoding phage, 24B was sequenced and annotated. The genomic organisation and general features are similar to other sequenced Stx bacteriophages induced from Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), however 24B possesses significant regions of heterogeneity, with implications for phage biology and behaviour. The 24B genome was compared to other sequenced Stx phages and the archetypal lambdoid phage, lambda, using the Circos genome comparison tool and a PCR-based multi-loci comparison system. Conclusions The data support the hypothesis that Stx phages are mosaic, and recombination events between the host, phages and their remnants within the same infected bacterial cell will continue to drive the evolution of Stx phage variants and the subsequent dissemination of shigatoxigenic potentia

    Structure analysis of biologically important prokaryotic glycopolymers

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    Of the many post-translational modifications organisms can undertake, glycosylation is the most prevalent and the most diverse. The research in this thesis focuses on the structural characterisation of glycosylation in two classes of glycopolymer (lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and glycoprotein) in two domains of life (bacteria and archaea). The common theme linking these subprojects is the development and application of high sensitivity analytical techniques, primarily mass spectrometry (MS), for studying prokaryotic glycosylation. Many prokaryotes produce glycan arrangements with extraordinary variety in composition and structure. A further challenge is posed by additional functionalities such as lipids whose characterisation is not always straightforward. Glycosylation in prokaryotes has a variety of different biological functions, including their important roles in the mediation of interactions between pathogens and hosts. Thus enhanced knowledge of bacterial glycosylation may be of therapeutic value, whilst a better understanding of archaeal protein glycosylation will provide further targets for industrial applications, as well as insight into this post- translational modification across evolution and protein processing under extreme conditions. The first sub-project focused on the S-layer glycoprotein of the halophilic archeaon Haloferax volcanii, which has been reported to be modified by both glycans and lipids. Glycoproteomic and associated MS technologies were employed to characterise the N- and O-linked glycosylation and to explore putative lipid modifications. Approximately 90% of the S-layer was mapped and N-glycans were identified at all the mapped consensus sites, decorated with a pentasaccharide consisting of two hexoses, two hexuronic acids and a methylated hexuronic acid. The O-glycans are homogeneously identified as a disaccharide consisting of galactose and glucose. Unexpectedly it was found that membrane-derived lipids were present in the S- layer samples despite extensive purification, calling into question the predicted presence of covalently linked lipid. The H. volcanii N-glycosylation is mediated by the products of the agl gene cluster and the functional characterisation of members of the agl gene cluster was investigated by MS analysis of agl-mutant strains of the S-layer. Burkholderia pseudomallei is the causative agent of melioidosis, a serious and often fatal disease in humans which is endemic in South-East Asia and other equatorial regions. Its LPS is vital for serum resistance and the O-antigen repeat structures are of interest as vaccine targets. B. pseudomallei is reported to produce several polysaccharides, amongst which the already characterised ‘typical’ O-antigen of K96243 represents 97% of the strains. The serologically distinct ‘atypical’ strain 576 produces a different LPS, whose characterisation is the subject of this research project. MS strategies coupled with various hydrolytic and chemical derivatisation methodologies were employed to define the composition and potential sequences of the O-antigen repeat unit. These MS strategies were complemented by a novel NMR technique involving embedding of the LPS into micelles. Taken together the MS and NMR data have revealed a highly unusual O-antigen structure for atypical LPS which is remarkably different from the typical O-antigen. The development of structural analysis tools in MS and NMR applicable to the illustrated types of glycosylation in these prokaryotes will give a more consistent approach to sugar characterisation and their modifications thus providing more informative results for pathogenicity and immunological studies as well as pathway comparisons.Open Acces
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