8 research outputs found

    Multi-objective model for the location of distribution centres with cost evaluation, road access and insecurity

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    This paper presents an alternative to the location of distribution centres considering a multi-objective model minimising insecurity cost and road access for a case study in the City of Barranquilla (Colombia). For the solution of the model, 15 different scenarios of variation of the importance of the proposed objectives are considered. As a basis for the design of the modelling, the characterisation and classification of the variables with the highest incidence in the location of distribution centres or warehouses are posed. It is possible to demonstrate the impact of the evaluation and analysis of the mathematical model for the location of this type of facility


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    Uncertainty is unavoidable and addressing the same is inevitable. That everything is available at our doorstep is due to a well-managed modern global supply chain, which takes place despite its efficiency and effectiveness being threatened by various sources of uncertainty originating from the demand side, supply side, manufacturing process, and planning and control systems. This paper addresses the demand- and supply-rooted uncertainty. In order to cope with uncertainty within the constrained multi-objective supply chain network, this paper develops a fuzzy goal programming methodology, with solution procedures. The probabilistic fuzzy goal multi-objective supply chain network (PFG-MOSCN) problem is thus formulated and then solved by three different approaches, namely, simple additive goal programming approach, weighted goal programming approach, and pre-emptive goal programming approach, to obtain the optimal solution. The proposed work links fuzziness in transportation cost and delivery time with randomness in demand and supply parameters. The results may prove to be important for operational managers in manufacturing units, interested in optimizing transportation costs and delivery time, and implicitly, in optimizing profits. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the proposed model

    Advancing Consumer Behavior: The Role of Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Knowledge Sharing

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    The increasing use of digital technologies has significantly reshaped marketing and consumer behavior (CB) as online communities and cutting-edge innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI) disrupt and advance consumer attitudes on specific products and services. As such, online communities that are supported by AI technologies creating new knowledge from consumer interactions through platforms like social media as consumers share experiences on specific products or services. Since AI is designed to “learn” and improve with data generated from digital technologies linked to consumer interactions, AI relies on consumer knowledge-sharing (KS) activities to replicate new knowledge for product and service improvement. However, given the knowledge gap in this area, this article applies the fsQCA technique to data generated from 291 participants to develop CB metaframework predicted on the concepts of AI, CB, and KS. Our results suggest that AI advances consumer attitudes and behaviors when knowledge is acquired while online communities promote curiosity and engage consumers to learn by sharing experiences about specific products or services. Furthermore, understanding the causality between AI, CB, and KS concepts offers critical decision-making insights to marketing experts across the industry

    A hybrid multi-objective approach to capacitated facility location with flexible store allocation for green logistics modeling

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    We propose an efficient evolutionary multi-objective optimization approach to the capacitated facility location–allocation problem (CFLP) for solving large instances that considers flexibility at the allocation level, where financial costs and CO2 emissions are considered simultaneously. Our approach utilizes suitably adapted Lagrangian Relaxation models for dealing with costs and CO2 emissions at the allocation level, within a multi-objective evolutionary framework at the location level. Thus our method assesses the robustness of each location solution with respect to our two objectives for customer allocation. We extend our exploration of selected solutions by considering a range of trade-offs for customer allocation

    Network Flexibility for Recourse Considerations in Bi-Criteria Facility Location

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    What is the best set of facility location decisions for the establishment of a logistics network when it is uncertain how a company’s distribution strategy will evolve? What is the best configuration of a distribution network that will most likely have to be altered in the future? Today’s business environment is turbulent, and operating conditions for firms can take a turn for the worse at any moment. This fact can and often does influence companies to occasionally expand or contract their distribution networks. For most companies operating in this chaotic business environment, there is a continuous struggle between staying cost efficient and supplying adequate service. Establishing a distribution network which is flexible or easily adaptable is the key to survival under these conditions. This research begins to address the problem of locating facilities in a logistics network in the face of an evolving strategic focus through the implicit consideration of the uncertainty of parameters. The trade-off of cost and customer service is thoroughly examined in a series of multi-criteria location problems. Modeling techniques for incorporating service restrictions for facility location in strategic network design are investigated. A flexibility metric is derived for the purposes of quantifying the similarity of a set of non-dominated solutions in strategic network design. Finally, a multi-objective greedy random adaptive search (MOG) metaheuristic is applied to solve a series of bi-criteria, multi-level facility location problems

    An integrated framework for improving supply chain performance

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    In 2009, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants [Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, (2009). Global SCM excellence study., p.5.] reported that 40% of 234 companies had the wrong priorities in regard to efficiency vs. responsiveness. In 2014, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS) [PwC and APICS, Sustainable supply chains: Making value the priority 2014] found that 76% of 500 supply chain executives identified sustainability as an important aspect of their supply chain. The results highlight the importance of achieving consistency between customer expectations, in terms of cost and service level, and supply chain performance in today’s competitive business environment. Despite this, however, no integrated supply chain design framework exists to control majority of the important functions related to supply chain strategy, structure, process and performance. The literature review showed that simulation is rarely considered at the strategic level, but the research experiments highlighted a number of ways in which simulation tools might be useful at this level, such as exploring the impact of strategic fit and decoupling points, and assessing different supply chain network configurations and policies. This research contributes to knowledge by designing and developing a framework that integrates strategy, process and resources, and allows the use of simulation tools to consider the three dimensions of efficiency, responsiveness and sustainability concurrently during the design process. The proposed framework is validated using a hypothetical supply chain network. Simulation allows performance to be assessed under a range of scenarios. The simulation experiments showed that under the suggested policies, efficiency improved from 25.38% to 30.58% and responsiveness rose from 18.37% to 32.78%. However, they also indicated that while policies oriented towards improving responsiveness had a positive impact on sustainability, those oriented towards improving efficiency had a negative impact. The significance of the research lies in its development of a supply chain design framework that could assist companies in achieving the optimum configuration of supply chain resources, thereby helping them reduce inventory, lower costs, enhance responsiveness and improve strategic focus in terms of design, execution and capital investments

    Prospects for Research in Transport and Logistics on a Regional: Global Perspective (I: February 2009: İstanbul: Turkey)

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    "International Conference on Prospects for Research in Transport and Logistics on a Global - Regional Perspective" has undertaken the challenge to host very important experts and practitioners of Transport and Logistics from a large spectrum of countries. In our opinion, the conference has fulfilled the purpose of establishing an International Society; "Eurasian and Eastern Mediterranean Institute of Transportation and Logistics Association (EMIT)" that is expected to have a very promising role in the Eurasian and Eastern Mediterranean countries. The purpose of the Association is to contribute to establishing and developing the exchange of research work between all parts of the world in all fields of transportation and logistics. This proceedings book consists of 13 chapters, grouping the contributed papers into the following categories: Global Issues in Logistics and Transportation (3 papers), Regional Issues in Logistics and Transportation (2 papers), Education and Training in Logistics and Transportation (2 papers), Supply Chain Management (3 papers), Sustainable Transport Policies, Traffic Engineering (4 papers), Evaluation of Public Policies, Network Models and Environment (4 papers), Contemporary Topics in Transport and Logistics (7 papers), Transport Planning and Economics (3 papers), Planning, Operations, Management and Control of Transport and Logistics (3 papers), Transport Modeling (5 papers), Freight Transportation and Logistics Management (7 papers), Transport and Land Use (3 papers), Transport Infrastructure and Investment Appraisal (2 papers) It can be readily seen from this volume of selected papers that all papers do elaborate on rather timely problems in the fields of expertise related to Transport and Logistics, which have a considerable global importance.TÜBİTAK; Doğuş Üniversitesi ; Uluslararası Nakliyeciler Derneği ; İDO ; Tırsan ; Türk Hava YollarıCommittees, i -- Words of Welcome and Gratitude, ii -- Introduction, iii -- Chapter 1 Global Issues in Logistics and Transportation, 1 -- Potential to Reduce GHG through Efficient Logistic Concepts, 3 -- Werner Rothengatter -- A methodological framework for the evaluation and prioritisation of multinational transport projects: the Case of euro-asian transport linkages, 21 / Dimitrios TSAMBOULAS, Angeliki KOPSACHEILI -- Container port throughput performance - case study: Far east, north west european and mediterranean ports, 29 / Vesna DRAGOVIC-RADINOVIC, Branislav DRAGOVIC, Maja SKURIC, EmirĞIKMIROVlC and Ivan KRAPOVIC -- Chapter 2 Regional Issues in Logistics and Transportation, 35 -- Logistics service providers in turkey: A panel data analysis, 37 / Emel AKTAŞ, Füsun ÜLENGİN, Berrin AĞARAN, Şule ÖNSEL -- Milestones in the process of survey preparation for the logistics sector: case study for Istanbul, Turkey, 43 / Evren POSACI, Darçın AKIN -- Chapter 3 Education and Training in Logistics and Transportation, 51 -- Education in transport and logistics in an age of global economy, 53 / Yücel Candemlr -- The role of education and training in the supply chain sector, 59 / David Maunder -- Chapter 4 Supply Chain Management, 64 -- Modeling reverse flows in a closed -loop supply chain network, 67 / Vildan ÖZKIR, Önder ÖNDEMİR and Hüseyin BAŞLIGİL -- Strategic analysis of green supply chain management practices in T urkish automotive industry, 73 / Gülçin BÜYÜKÖZKAN and Alişan ÇAPAN -- A new framework for port competitiveness: the network approach, 79 / Marcella DE MARTINO, Alfonso MORVILLO -- Chapter 5 Sustainable Transport Policies, Traffic Engineering, 87 -- Clean transport: innovative solutions to the creation of a more sustainable urban transport system, 89 / Ela BABALIK-SUTCLIFFE -- Effects of urban bottlenecks on highway traffic congestion: case study of Istanbul, Turkey, 95 / Darçın AKIN and Mehtap ÇELİK -- Establishing an effective training module for IMDG code in MET institutions, 105 / Kadir CICEK, Metin CELIK -- An investment decision aid proposal towards choice of container terminal operating systems based on information axioms, 109 / Metin CELIK, Selcuk CEBI -- Chapter 6 Evaluation of Public Policies, Network Models and Environment, 115 -- Possibilistic linear programming approach for strategic resource planning, 117 / Özgür KABAK, Füsun ÜLENGİN -- A structural equation model for measuring service quality in passenger transportation, 125 / G.Nilay YÜCENUR and Nihan ÇETİN DEMİREL -- Analysis of potential gain from using hybrid vehicles in public transportation, 133 / İrem DÜZDAR and Özay ÖZAYDIN -- Optimization of e-waste management in Marmara region - Turkey, 141 / İlke BEREKETLİ, Müjde EROL GENEVOIS -- Chapter 7 Contemporary Topics in Transport and Logistics, 147 -- Future prospects on urban logistic research, 149 / Rosârio MACÂRIO, Vasco REIS -- An analyze of relationship between container ships and ports development, 155 / Branislav DRAGOVIC, Vesna Dragovic-Radinovic, Dusanka Jovovic, Romeo Mestrovic and Emir Ğikmirovic -- A holistic framework for performance measurement in logistics management, 161 / Yasemin Claire ERENSAL -- Heuristics for a generalization of tsp in the context of PCB assembly, 167 / Ali Fuat ALKAYA and Ekrem DUMAN -- Premium e-grocery: Exploring value in logistics integrated service solutions, 173 / Burçin BOZKAYA, Ronan De KERVENOAEL and D. Selcen Ö. AYKAÇ -- T ravelers response to VMS in the Athens area, 179 / Athena TSIRIMPA and Amalia POLYDOROPOULOU -- Regional airports and local development: the challenging balance between sustainability and economic growth, 189 / Rosârio MACÂRIO and Jorge SILVA -- Chapter 8 Transport Planning and Economics, 195 -- How financial constraints and non-optimal pricing affect the design of public transport services, 197 / Sergio R. Jara-Diaz and Antonio Gschwender -- Revenue management for returned products in reverse logistics, 203 / Mesut KUMRU -- Intra-city bus planning using computer simulation, 211 / Reza AZIMI and Amin ALVANCHI -- Chapter 9 Planning, Operations, Management and Control of Transport and Logistics, 217 -- A review of timetabling and resource allocation models for light-rail transportation systems, 219 / Selmin D. ÖNCÜL, D. Selcen Ö. AYKAÇ, Demet BAYRAKTAR and Dilay ÇELEBİ -- An approach of integrated logistics HMMS model under environment constraints and an application of time scale, 225 / Fahriye Uysal, Ömür Tosun, Orhan Kuruüzüm -- Freight transport planning with genetic algorithm based projected demand, 231 / Soner HALDENBILEN, Ozgur BASKAN, Huseyin CEYLAN and Halim CEYLAN -- Chapter 10 Transport Modeling, 239 -- Inverse model to estimate o-d matrix from link traffic counts using ant colony optimization, 241 / Halim CEYLAN, Soner HALDENBILEN, Huseyin CEYLAN, Ozgur BASKAN -- The impact of logistics on modelling commercial freight traffic, 251 / Ute IDDINK and Uwe CLAUSEN -- A comparative reviewof simulation-based behavior modeling for travel demand generation, 257 / Seda Yanık, Mehmet Tanyaş -- An efficiency analysis of turkish container ports using the analytic network process, 269 / Senay OĞUZTİMUR, Umut Rıfat TUZKAYA -- A multi-objective approach to designing a multicommudity supply chain distribution network with multiple capacities, 277 / Gholam Reza Nasiri, Hamid Davoudpour and B.Karimi -- Chapter 11 Freight Transportation and Logistics Management, 283 -- Evaluation of turkey’s freight transportation, 285 / Burcu KULELİ PAKand BaharSENNAROĞLU -- Short sea shipping, intermodality and parameters influencing pricing policies in the Mediterranean region: The Italian context, 291 / Monica GROSSO, Ana-Rita LYNCE, Anne SILLA, Georgios K. VAGGELAS -- Relevant strategic criteria when choosing a container port - the case of the port of Genoa, 299 / Monica Grosso, Feliciana Monteiro -- Determination of optimum fleet size and composition - A case study of retailer in Thailand, 307 / Terdsak RONGVIRIYAPANICH and Kawee SRIMUANG -- New container port development: forecasting future container throughput, 313 / Dimitrios TSAMBOULAS, Panayota MORAITI -- Sea port hinterland flows and opening hours: the way forward to make them match better 319 / Marjan BEELEN, Hilde MEERSMAN, Evy ONGHENA, Eddy VAN DE VOORDE and Thierry VANELSLANDER -- International road freight transport in Germany and the Netherlands driver costs analysis and French perspectives, 327 / Laurent GUIHERY -- Chapter 12 Transport and Land Use, 335 -- Land rent and new transport infrastructure: How to manage this relationship?, 337 / Elena SCOPEL -- Effects of pavement characteristics on the traffic noise levels, 345 / Aybike ONGEL and John HARVEY -- Fuzzy medical waste disposal facility location problem, 351 / Yeşim KOP, Müjde EROL GENEVOIS and H. Ziya ULUKAN -- Chapter 13 T ransport Infrastructure and Investment Appraisal, 357 -- Agents’ behavior in financing Italian transport infrastructures, 359 / Paolo BERIA -- Free trade agreements in the mediterranean region: a box-cox analysis, 367 / Matthew KARLAFTIS, Konstantinos KEPAPTSOGLOU and Dimitrios TSAMBOULA