102 research outputs found

    Solving periodic semilinear stiff PDEs in 1D, 2D and 3D with exponential integrators

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    Dozens of exponential integration formulas have been proposed for the high-accuracy solution of stiff PDEs such as the Allen-Cahn, Korteweg-de Vries and Ginzburg-Landau equations. We report the results of extensive comparisons in MATLAB and Chebfun of such formulas in 1D, 2D and 3D, focusing on fourth and higher order methods, and periodic semilinear stiff PDEs with constant coefficients. Our conclusion is that it is hard to do much better than one of the simplest of these formulas, the ETDRK4 scheme of Cox and Matthews

    Evaluating matrix functions for exponential integrators via Carathéodory-Fejér approximation and contour integrals

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    Among the fastest methods for solving stiff PDE are exponential integrators, which require the evaluation of f(A)f(A), where AA is a negative definite matrix and ff is the exponential function or one of the related ``φ\varphi functions'' such as φ1(z)=(ez−1)/z\varphi_1(z) = (e^z-1)/z. Building on previous work by Trefethen and Gutknecht, Gonchar and Rakhmanov, and Lu, we propose two methods for the fast evaluation of f(A)f(A) that are especially useful when shifted systems (A+zI)x=b(A+zI)x=b can be solved efficiently, e.g. by a sparse direct solver. The first method method is based on best rational approximations to ff on the negative real axis computed via the Carathéodory-Fejér procedure, and we conjecture that the accuracy scales as (9.28903… )−2n(9.28903\dots)^{-2n}, where nn is the number of complex matrix solves. In particular, three matrix solves suffice to evaluate f(A)f(A) to approximately six digits of accuracy. The second method is an application of the trapezoid rule on a Talbot-type contour

    Rush-Larsen time-stepping methods of high order for stiff problems in cardiac electrophysiology

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    To address the issues of stability and accuracy for reaction-diffusion equations, the development of high order and stable time-stepping methods is necessary. This is particularly true in the context of cardiac electrophysiology, where reaction-diffusion equations are coupled with stiff ODE systems. Many research have been led in that way in the past 15 years concerning implicit-explicit methods and exponential integrators. In 2009, Perego and Veneziani proposed an innovative time-stepping method of order 2. In this paper we present the extension of this method to the orders 3 and 4 and introduce the Rush-Larsen schemes of order k (shortly denoted RL\_k). The RL\_k schemes are explicit multistep exponential integrators. They display a simple general formulation and an easy implementation. The RL\_k schemes are shown to be stable under perturbation and convergent of order k. Their Dahlquist stability analysis is performed. They have a very large stability domain provided that the stabilizer associated with the method captures well enough the stiff modes of the problem. The RL\_k method is numerically studied as applied to the membrane equation in cardiac electrophysiology. The RL k schemes are shown to be stable under perturbation and convergent oforder k. Their Dahlquist stability analysis is performed. They have a very large stability domain provided that the stabilizer associated with the method captures well enough the stiff modes of the problem. The RL k method is numerically studied as applied to the membrane equation in cardiac electrophysiology

    Exponential integrators for second-order in time partial differential equations

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    Two types of second-order in time partial differential equations (PDEs), namely semilinear wave equations and semilinear beam equations are considered. To solve these equations with exponential integrators, we present an approach to compute efficiently the action of the matrix exponential as well as those of related matrix functions. Various numerical simulations are presented that illustrate this approach.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Fourth-order time-stepping for stiff PDEs on the sphere

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    We present in this paper algorithms for solving stiff PDEs on the unit sphere with spectral accuracy in space and fourth-order accuracy in time. These are based on a variant of the double Fourier sphere method in coefficient space with multiplication matrices that differ from the usual ones, and implicit-explicit time-stepping schemes. Operating in coefficient space with these new matrices allows one to use a sparse direct solver, avoids the coordinate singularity and maintains smoothness at the poles, while implicit-explicit schemes circumvent severe restrictions on the time-steps due to stiffness. A comparison is made against exponential integrators and it is found that implicit-explicit schemes perform best. Implementations in MATLAB and Chebfun make it possible to compute the solution of many PDEs to high accuracy in a very convenient fashion

    Full discretization error analysis of exponential integrators for semilinear wave equations

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    In this article we prove full discretization error bounds for semilinear second-order evolution equations. We consider exponential integrators in time applied to an abstract nonconforming semi discretization in space. Since the fully discrete schemes involve the spatially discretized semigroup, a crucial point in the error analysis is to eliminate the continuous semigroup in the representation of the exact solution. Hence, we derive a modified variation-of-constants formula driven by the spatially discretized semigroup which holds up to a discretization error. Our main results provide bounds for the full discretization errors for exponential Adams and explicit exponential Runge–Kutta methods. We show convergence with the stiff order of the corresponding exponential integrator in time, and errors stemming from the spatial discretization. As an application of the abstract theory, we consider an acoustic wave equation with kinetic boundary conditions, for which we also present some numerical experiments to illustrate our results
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