21 research outputs found

    A Polynomial Kernel for Deletion to Ptolemaic Graphs

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    For a family of graphs F, given a graph G and an integer k, the F-Deletion problem asks whether we can delete at most k vertices from G to obtain a graph in the family F. The F-Deletion problems for all non-trivial families F that satisfy the hereditary property on induced subgraphs are known to be NP-hard by a result of Yannakakis (STOC\u2778). Ptolemaic graphs are the graphs that satisfy the Ptolemy inequality, and they are the intersection of chordal graphs and distance-hereditary graphs. Equivalently, they form the set of graphs that do not contain any chordless cycles or a gem as an induced subgraph. (A gem is the graph on 5 vertices, where four vertices form an induced path, and the fifth vertex is adjacent to all the vertices of this induced path.) The Ptolemaic Deletion problem is the F-Deletion problem, where F is the family of Ptolemaic graphs. In this paper we study Ptolemaic Deletion from the viewpoint of Kernelization Complexity, and obtain a kernel with ?(k?) vertices for the problem

    Decycling a graph by the removal of a matching: new algorithmic and structural aspects in some classes of graphs

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    A graph GG is {\em matching-decyclable} if it has a matching MM such that GMG-M is acyclic. Deciding whether GG is matching-decyclable is an NP-complete problem even if GG is 2-connected, planar, and subcubic. In this work we present results on matching-decyclability in the following classes: Hamiltonian subcubic graphs, chordal graphs, and distance-hereditary graphs. In Hamiltonian subcubic graphs we show that deciding matching-decyclability is NP-complete even if there are exactly two vertices of degree two. For chordal and distance-hereditary graphs, we present characterizations of matching-decyclability that lead to O(n)O(n)-time recognition algorithms

    On the Galois Lattice of Bipartite Distance Hereditary Graphs

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    We give a complete characterization of bipartite graphs hav- ing tree-like Galois lattices. We prove that the poset obtained by deleting bottom and top elements from the Galois lattice of a bipartite graph is tree-like if and only if the graph is a Bipartite Distance Hereditary graph. We show that the lattice can be realized as the containment relation among directed paths in an arborescence. Moreover, a compact encoding of Bipartite Distance Hereditary graphs is proposed, that allows optimal time computation of neighborhood intersections and maximal bicliques

    Clique graphs and Helly graphs

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    AbstractAmong the graphs for which the system of cliques has the Helly property those are characterized which are clique-convergent to the one-vertex graph. These graphs, also known as the so-called absolute retracts of reflexive graphs, are the line graphs of conformal Helly hypergraphs possessing a certain elimination scheme. From particular classes of such hypergraphs one can readily construct various classes G of graphs such that each member of G has its clique graph in G and is itself the clique graph of some other member of G. Examples include the classes of strongly chordal graphs and Ptolemaic graphs, respectively

    A note on path domination

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    We study domination between different types of walks connecting two non-adjacent vertices u and v of a graph (shortest paths, induced paths, paths, tolled walks). We succeeded in characterizing those graphs in which every uv-walk of one particular kind dominates every uv-walk of other specific kind. We thereby obtained new characterizations of standard graph classes like chordal, interval and superfragile graphs.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta