321 research outputs found

    A Bochner Theorem for Dunkl Polynomials

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    We establish an analogue of the Bochner theorem for first order operators of Dunkl type, that is we classify all such operators having polynomial solutions. Under natural conditions it is seen that the only families of orthogonal polynomials in this category are limits of little and big qq-Jacobi polynomials as q=1q=-1

    A "Continuous" Limit of the Complementary Bannai-Ito Polynomials: Chihara Polynomials

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    A novel family of 1-1 orthogonal polynomials called the Chihara polynomials is characterized. The polynomials are obtained from a "continuous" limit of the complementary Bannai-Ito polynomials, which are the kernel partners of the Bannai-Ito polynomials. The three-term recurrence relation and the explicit expression in terms of Gauss hypergeometric functions are obtained through a limit process. A one-parameter family of second-order differential Dunkl operators having these polynomials as eigenfunctions is also exhibited. The quadratic algebra with involution encoding this bispectrality is obtained. The orthogonality measure is derived in two different ways: by using Chihara's method for kernel polynomials and, by obtaining the symmetry factor for the one-parameter family of Dunkl operators. It is shown that the polynomials are related to the big 1-1 Jacobi polynomials by a Christoffel transformation and that they can be obtained from the big qq-Jacobi by a q1q\rightarrow -1 limit. The generalized Gegenbauer/Hermite polynomials are respectively seen to be special/limiting cases of the Chihara polynomials. A one-parameter extension of the generalized Hermite polynomials is proposed

    Generalized Hermite Polynomials and the Heat Equation for Dunkl Operators

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    Based on the theory of Dunkl operators, this paper presents a general concept of multivariable Hermite polynomials and Hermite functions which are associated with finite reflection groups on \b R^N. The definition and properties of these generalized Hermite systems extend naturally those of their classical counterparts; partial derivatives and the usual exponential kernel are here replaced by Dunkl operators and the generalized exponential kernel K of the Dunkl transform. In case of the symmetric group SNS_N, our setting includes the polynomial eigenfunctions of certain Calogero-Sutherland type operators. The second part of this paper is devoted to the heat equation associated with Dunkl's Laplacian. As in the classical case, the corresponding Cauchy problem is governed by a positive one-parameter semigroup; this is assured by a maximum principle for the generalized Laplacian. The explicit solution to the Cauchy problem involves again the kernel K, which is, on the way, proven to be nonnegative for real arguments.Comment: 24 pages, AMS-LaTe

    A "missing" family of classical orthogonal polynomials

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    We study a family of "classical" orthogonal polynomials which satisfy (apart from a 3-term recurrence relation) an eigenvalue problem with a differential operator of Dunkl-type. These polynomials can be obtained from the little qq-Jacobi polynomials in the limit q=1q=-1. We also show that these polynomials provide a nontrivial realization of the Askey-Wilson algebra for q=1q=-1.Comment: 20 page

    Bispectrality of the Complementary Bannai-Ito Polynomials

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    A one-parameter family of operators that have the complementary Bannai-Ito (CBI) polynomials as eigenfunctions is obtained. The CBI polynomials are the kernel partners of the Bannai-Ito polynomials and also correspond to a q1q\rightarrow-1 limit of the Askey-Wilson polynomials. The eigenvalue equations for the CBI polynomials are found to involve second order Dunkl shift operators with reflections and exhibit quadratic spectra. The algebra associated to the CBI polynomials is given and seen to be a deformation of the Askey-Wilson algebra with an involution. The relation between the CBI polynomials and the recently discovered dual -1 Hahn and para-Krawtchouk polynomials, as well as their relation with the symmetric Hahn polynomials, is also discussed