9 research outputs found

    A Causal Inference Approach for Constructing Transcriptional Regulatory Networks

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    Transcriptional regulatory networks specify the interactions among regulatory genes and between regulatory genes and their target genes. Discovering transcriptional regulatory networks helps us to understand the underlying mechanism of complex cellular processes and responses. In this paper, we describe a causal inference approach for constructing transcriptional regulatory networks using gene expression data, promoter sequences and information on transcription factor binding sites. The method rst identies active transcription factors under each individual experiment using a feature selection approach similar to Bussemaker et al. (2001), Keles et al. (2002) and Conlon et al. (2003). Transcription factors are viewed as `treatments\u27 and gene expression levels as `responses\u27. For every transcription factor and gene pair, a marginal structural model is built to estimate the causal eect of the transcription factor on the expression level of the gene. The model parameters can be estimated using either the G-estimation procedure or the IPTW estimator. The p-value associated with the causal parameter in each of these models is used to measure how strongly a transcription factor regulates a gene. These results are further used to infer the overall regulatory network structures. We carried out simulations to assess the performance of our method in the estimation of a ctitious regulatory network. Our analysis of yeast data suggests that the method is capable of identifying signicant transcriptional regulatory interactions and the corresponding regulatory networks

    iCR: a web tool to identify conserved targets of a regulatory protein across the multiple related prokaryotic species

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    Gene regulatory circuits are often commonly shared between two closely related organisms. Our web tool iCR (identify Conserved target of a Regulon) makes use of this fact and identify conserved targets of a regulatory protein. iCR is a special refined extension of our previous tool PredictRegulon- that predicts genome wide, the potential binding sites and target operons of a regulatory protein in a single user selected genome. Like PredictRegulon, the iCR accepts known binding sites of a regulatory protein as ungapped multiple sequence alignment and provides the potential binding sites. However important differences are that the user can select more than one genome at a time and the output reports the genes that are common in two or more species. In order to achieve this, iCR makes use of Cluster of Orthologous Group (COG) indices for the genes. This tool analyses the upstream region of all user-selected prokaryote genome and gives the output based on conservation target orthologs. iCR also reports the Functional class codes based on COG classification for the encoded proteins of downstream genes which helps user understand the nature of the co-regulated genes at the result page itself. iCR is freely accessible at

    Rough Set Soft Computing Cancer Classification and Network: One Stone, Two Birds

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    Gene expression profiling provides tremendous information to help unravel the complexity of cancer. The selection of the most informative genes from huge noise for cancer classification has taken centre stage, along with predicting the function of such identified genes and the construction of direct gene regulatory networks at different system levels with a tuneable parameter. A new study by Wang and Gotoh described a novel Variable Precision Rough Sets-rooted robust soft computing method to successfully address these problems and has yielded some new insights. The significance of this progress and its perspectives will be discussed in this article

    Influence of Statistical Estimators of Mutual Information and Data Heterogeneity on the Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks

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    The inference of gene regulatory networks from gene expression data is a difficult problem because the performance of the inference algorithms depends on a multitude of different factors. In this paper we study two of these. First, we investigate the influence of discrete mutual information (MI) estimators on the global and local network inference performance of the C3NET algorithm. More precisely, we study different MI estimators (Empirical, Miller-Madow, Shrink and Schürmann-Grassberger) in combination with discretization methods (equal frequency, equal width and global equal width discretization). We observe the best global and local inference performance of C3NET for the Miller-Madow estimator with an equal width discretization. Second, our numerical analysis can be considered as a systems approach because we simulate gene expression data from an underlying gene regulatory network, instead of making a distributional assumption to sample thereof. We demonstrate that despite the popularity of the latter approach, which is the traditional way of studying MI estimators, this is in fact not supported by simulated and biological expression data because of their heterogeneity. Hence, our study provides guidance for an efficient design of a simulation study in the context of network inference, supporting a systems approach

    Bagging Statistical Network Inference from Large-Scale Gene Expression Data

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    Modern biology and medicine aim at hunting molecular and cellular causes of biological functions and diseases. Gene regulatory networks (GRN) inferred from gene expression data are considered an important aid for this research by providing a map of molecular interactions. Hence, GRNs have the potential enabling and enhancing basic as well as applied research in the life sciences. In this paper, we introduce a new method called BC3NET for inferring causal gene regulatory networks from large-scale gene expression data. BC3NET is an ensemble method that is based on bagging the C3NET algorithm, which means it corresponds to a Bayesian approach with noninformative priors. In this study we demonstrate for a variety of simulated and biological gene expression data from S. cerevisiae that BC3NET is an important enhancement over other inference methods that is capable of capturing biochemical interactions from transcription regulation and protein-protein interaction sensibly. An implementation of BC3NET is freely available as an R package from the CRAN repository

    Parametric Construction of Episode Networks from Pseudoperiodic Time Series Based on Mutual Information

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    Recently, the construction of networks from time series data has gained widespread interest. In this paper, we develop this area further by introducing a network construction procedure for pseudoperiodic time series. We call such networks episode networks, in which an episode corresponds to a temporal interval of a time series, and which defines a node in the network. Our model includes a number of features which distinguish it from current methods. First, the proposed construction procedure is a parametric model which allows it to adapt to the characteristics of the data; the length of an episode being the parameter. As a direct consequence, networks of minimal size containing the maximal information about the time series can be obtained. In this paper, we provide an algorithm to determine the optimal value of this parameter. Second, we employ estimates of mutual information values to define the connectivity structure among the nodes in the network to exploit efficiently the nonlinearities in the time series. Finally, we apply our method to data from electroencephalogram (EEG) experiments and demonstrate that the constructed episode networks capture discriminative information from the underlying time series that may be useful for diagnostic purposes

    Integrated cellular network of transcription regulations and protein-protein interactions

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    [[abstract]]Background With the accumulation of increasing omics data, a key goal of systems biology is to construct networks at different cellular levels to investigate cellular machinery of the cell. However, there is currently no satisfactory method to construct an integrated cellular network that combines the gene regulatory network and the signaling regulatory pathway. Results In this study, we integrated different kinds of omics data and developed a systematic method to construct the integrated cellular network based on coupling dynamic models and statistical assessments. The proposed method was applied to S. cerevisiae stress responses, elucidating the stress response mechanism of the yeast. From the resulting integrated cellular network under hyperosmotic stress, the highly connected hubs which are functionally relevant to the stress response were identified. Beyond hyperosmotic stress, the integrated network under heat shock and oxidative stress were also constructed and the crosstalks of these networks were analyzed, specifying the significance of some transcription factors to serve as the decision-making devices at the center of the bow-tie structure and the crucial role for rapid adaptation scheme to respond to stress. In addition, the predictive power of the proposed method was also demonstrated. Conclusions We successfully construct the integrated cellular network which is validated by literature evidences. The integration of transcription regulations and protein-protein interactions gives more insight into the actual biological network and is more predictive than those without integration. The method is shown to be powerful and flexible and can be used under different conditions and for different species. The coupling dynamic models of the whole integrated cellular network are very useful for theoretical analyses and for further experiments in the fields of network biology and synthetic biology.[[fileno]]2030106010241[[department]]電機工程學