7 research outputs found

    Активность и кооперация университета, бизнеса и государства в Акмолинской области Республики Казахстан

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    The paper is aimed at studying the interaction of regional universities with the environment (enterprises and regional authorities) in the regions of Kazakhstan with the mining and metallurgical industries. Regional universities and their surroundings are studied using webometric methods. Universities with large Internet sites are more inclined to cooperate in their innovation activities but are inert in terms of activity. At the same time, smaller universities are more active. Less cooperation or activity in the educational field, for example, may indicate that the university in the preparation and implementation of educational programs is more focused on its preferences and requirements of the state (which allocates grants for education), rather than on the market and the wishes of employers. Therefore, small universities focused on the local market are naturally more active. There are correlations between webometric data and data from enterprise reporting, for example, a direct relationship between innovation potential and the number of employees in an enterprise. The activity and innovative potential of enterprises correlate well with the number of employees, and the degree of popularity on the websites of the region and universities correlates well with the amount of income and tax paid. Regional universities should strengthen their structural flexibility (cooperation of factors within themselves) and as well as to establish broad interaction with enterprises in the region. The results of the study will analyze the current industrial policy and consider several management decisions facing both authorized bodies, in particular the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development Republic of Kazakhstan and associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs

    Produção e fluxos de conhecimento na área da saúde humana : evidências da interação entre hospitais, universidades e institutos de pesquisa no Brasil

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    Esta tese traz novos elementos para a compreensão do Sistema Nacional de Inovação brasileiro a partir da análise da colaboração entre hospitais e universidades por meio da investigação quantitativa dos relacionamentos estabelecidos entre esses dois agentes. Constitui-se, assim, como objetivo principal analisar a colaboração entre duas lógicas institucionais específicas: aquela que envolve os hospitais (cuidados em saúde) e aquela que envolve a ciência (universidades) e pretende desvendar as características das organizações hospitalares envolvidas nessas colaborações. Além disso, este estudo possui como objetivo específico (a) identificar, a partir da base de dados do DGP/CNPq do ano de 2016, as interações estabelecidas entre os hospitais, os grupos de pesquisa e os institutos de pesquisa, com o propósito de desvendar a geração e os fluxos de conhecimento no território nacional, no contexto das ciências da saúde; (b) investigar quais características estruturais da organização hospitalar agem como direcionadoras da colaboração com grupos de pesquisa (filiados a universidades e institutos de pesquisa) através da base de dados do DGP/CNPq de 2016; e (c) explorar a relação existente entre a distância geográfica e institucional na colaboração entre hospitais e grupos de pesquisa (filiados a universidades e institutos de pesquisa) através da base de dados do DGP/CNPq de 2016 do setor da saúde. Tomando como base as informações do Diretório dos Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Censo 2016) e o Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimento de Saúde, dois modelos Binomial Negativo tipo II truncados em zero foram utilizados para explorar as características estruturais que são capazes de direcionar a interação entre hospitais e universidades. Esta tese também utilizou ferramentas exploratórias estatísticas com a finalidade de elucidar a relação existente entre a distância geográfica e institucional nas colaborações. Os resultados dos modelos de regressão mostram que o porte e a associação à atividade de ensino são características capazes de facilitar as interações dos hospitais com as universidades, implicando o aumento das interações estabelecidas. Adicionalmente, o teste E-I Index evidencia que a distância institucional é relevante para o estabelecimento de interações, e o aumento da distância geográfica é acompanhado pelo aumento da proximidade institucional.This study brings new elements to the Brazilian National Innovation System from the analysis of the collaboration between hospitals and universities through the quantitative investigation of the relationships established between two agents. Its main objective is to analyze the collaboration between two specific institutional logics: those that involve hospitals (health care) and those that involve science (universities) and it intends to unveil the characteristics of the hospital organizations involved in these collaborations. In addition, it has the specific objective (a) to identify, from the DGP/CNPq database for the year 2016, the interactions established between hospitals, research groups and research institutes, in order to unravel the generation and flows of knowledge in the national territory, in the context of health sciences; (b) investigate which structural characteristics of the hospital organization act as drivers of collaboration with research groups (affiliated to universities and Research Institutes) through the 2016 DGP/CNPq database; and (c) explore the relationship between geographic and institutional distance in collaboration between hospitals and research groups (affiliated to universities and Research Institutes) through the 2016 DGP/CNPq database of the health sector. Based on information from the Directory of Research Groups in Brazil of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (2016 Census) and the National Registry of Health Establishments, two Binomial Negative Type II models truncated to zero were used to explore the structural characteristics that are able to direct the interaction between hospitals and universities. This thesis also used bivariate exploratory tools in order to elucidate the relationship between geographic and institutional distance in collaborations. The results of the regression models show that the size and association with the teaching activity are characteristics capable of facilitating interactions between hospitals and universities, implying an increase in established interactions. Additionally, the Chi-square associative test shows that institutional distance is relevant for the establishment of interactions and the increase in geographic distance is accompanied by an increase in institutional proximity