2,007 research outputs found

    A behavior based algorithm to detect spam bots

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    Satu daripada masalah utama dan serius dalam rangkaian pada masa ini ialah Spam. Spam merujuk kepada penyalahgunaan sistem mesej elektronik untuk menghantar mesej pukal yang tidak diminta secara rawak. Mengikut kajian terdahulu, Botnet didapati merupakan sumber utama spam. Botnet merujuk kepada satu kumpulan perisian yang dikenali sebagai bot. Fungsi bot ini adalah untuk menjalankan beberapa komputer yang terjejas secara autonomi dan automatik. Penspaman menyebabkan penggunaan haram sumber rangkaian secara amnya dan sistem mel secara khususnya. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengesan sumber spam dalam rangkaian dengan cara mengesan perlakuan tidak normal yang terhasil daripada aktiviti penspaman. Ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan suatu algoritma yang sesuai yang dapat mengenal pasti perlakuan tidak normal yang berkaitan dengan aktiviti spam. One of the major and recent serious problems on the networks is Spam. Spam refers to the abuse of electronic messaging system by sending unrequested bulk messages randomly. According to the previous researches Botnets are the main sources of spams. Botnet refers to a group of software called bots. The function of these bots is to run on several compromised computers autonomously and automatically. Spamming causes illegal consuming of network resources in general and mail system in particular. The objective of this research is to detect the source of spam on the network by detecting the abnormal behaviors that reflect spamming activities. This is performed by using a suitable algorithm that can identify the abnormal behaviors that related to the spam activity

    Better Safe Than Sorry: An Adversarial Approach to Improve Social Bot Detection

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    The arm race between spambots and spambot-detectors is made of several cycles (or generations): a new wave of spambots is created (and new spam is spread), new spambot filters are derived and old spambots mutate (or evolve) to new species. Recently, with the diffusion of the adversarial learning approach, a new practice is emerging: to manipulate on purpose target samples in order to make stronger detection models. Here, we manipulate generations of Twitter social bots, to obtain - and study - their possible future evolutions, with the aim of eventually deriving more effective detection techniques. In detail, we propose and experiment with a novel genetic algorithm for the synthesis of online accounts. The algorithm allows to create synthetic evolved versions of current state-of-the-art social bots. Results demonstrate that synthetic bots really escape current detection techniques. However, they give all the needed elements to improve such techniques, making possible a proactive approach for the design of social bot detection systems.Comment: This is the pre-final version of a paper accepted @ 11th ACM Conference on Web Science, June 30-July 3, 2019, Boston, U

    POISED: Spotting Twitter Spam Off the Beaten Paths

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    Cybercriminals have found in online social networks a propitious medium to spread spam and malicious content. Existing techniques for detecting spam include predicting the trustworthiness of accounts and analyzing the content of these messages. However, advanced attackers can still successfully evade these defenses. Online social networks bring people who have personal connections or share common interests to form communities. In this paper, we first show that users within a networked community share some topics of interest. Moreover, content shared on these social network tend to propagate according to the interests of people. Dissemination paths may emerge where some communities post similar messages, based on the interests of those communities. Spam and other malicious content, on the other hand, follow different spreading patterns. In this paper, we follow this insight and present POISED, a system that leverages the differences in propagation between benign and malicious messages on social networks to identify spam and other unwanted content. We test our system on a dataset of 1.3M tweets collected from 64K users, and we show that our approach is effective in detecting malicious messages, reaching 91% precision and 93% recall. We also show that POISED's detection is more comprehensive than previous systems, by comparing it to three state-of-the-art spam detection systems that have been proposed by the research community in the past. POISED significantly outperforms each of these systems. Moreover, through simulations, we show how POISED is effective in the early detection of spam messages and how it is resilient against two well-known adversarial machine learning attacks

    The paradigm-shift of social spambots: Evidence, theories, and tools for the arms race

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    Recent studies in social media spam and automation provide anecdotal argumentation of the rise of a new generation of spambots, so-called social spambots. Here, for the first time, we extensively study this novel phenomenon on Twitter and we provide quantitative evidence that a paradigm-shift exists in spambot design. First, we measure current Twitter's capabilities of detecting the new social spambots. Later, we assess the human performance in discriminating between genuine accounts, social spambots, and traditional spambots. Then, we benchmark several state-of-the-art techniques proposed by the academic literature. Results show that neither Twitter, nor humans, nor cutting-edge applications are currently capable of accurately detecting the new social spambots. Our results call for new approaches capable of turning the tide in the fight against this raising phenomenon. We conclude by reviewing the latest literature on spambots detection and we highlight an emerging common research trend based on the analysis of collective behaviors. Insights derived from both our extensive experimental campaign and survey shed light on the most promising directions of research and lay the foundations for the arms race against the novel social spambots. Finally, to foster research on this novel phenomenon, we make publicly available to the scientific community all the datasets used in this study.Comment: To appear in Proc. 26th WWW, 2017, Companion Volume (Web Science Track, Perth, Australia, 3-7 April, 2017

    Social Fingerprinting: detection of spambot groups through DNA-inspired behavioral modeling

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    Spambot detection in online social networks is a long-lasting challenge involving the study and design of detection techniques capable of efficiently identifying ever-evolving spammers. Recently, a new wave of social spambots has emerged, with advanced human-like characteristics that allow them to go undetected even by current state-of-the-art algorithms. In this paper, we show that efficient spambots detection can be achieved via an in-depth analysis of their collective behaviors exploiting the digital DNA technique for modeling the behaviors of social network users. Inspired by its biological counterpart, in the digital DNA representation the behavioral lifetime of a digital account is encoded in a sequence of characters. Then, we define a similarity measure for such digital DNA sequences. We build upon digital DNA and the similarity between groups of users to characterize both genuine accounts and spambots. Leveraging such characterization, we design the Social Fingerprinting technique, which is able to discriminate among spambots and genuine accounts in both a supervised and an unsupervised fashion. We finally evaluate the effectiveness of Social Fingerprinting and we compare it with three state-of-the-art detection algorithms. Among the peculiarities of our approach is the possibility to apply off-the-shelf DNA analysis techniques to study online users behaviors and to efficiently rely on a limited number of lightweight account characteristics