4 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Performance Metrics of Heterogeneous Wireless Camera Sensor Network with Functionalization of Extensive Zonal Stable Election Protocol using Threshold Amplification and Residual Energy

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    We report a new improved energy competent and optimized data packet flow protocol with Hierarchical Clustering utilized in Wireless camera Sensor Network.The existing Extensive Zonal Stable Election Protocol has been modified along with the threshold parameters amplification and residual energy. It incorporates dynamic hybrid method with finite number of Member Sensor nodes (MSN) in proximity with the base station share their data directly , while the rest of the farther nodes form a cluster for data transference using Cluster Head. The performance metrics accompanied by heterogeneity, longer network survival and better throughput have been improved. The network field was divided into 4 zones with a gateway for defined region 2, 3, and 4. The criterion for zone division remained on the energy status (residual) of the MSNs and distance from the BS and the formulated field characteristics in the simulation were kept unknown. The obtained results demonstrate that our proposed modified version of EZSE protocol considerably performs better than existing EZ-SEP, Z-SEP, SEP, LEACH, Mod-Leach protocols during entire stability timeframe. The notable achievement is also reported in throughput as the same is enhanced more than  by ~ 39%, 43%, 49% ,56%, 53% while total packets communicated with base station has been increased more than by ~ 127%, 131%, 147%, 151%, 148% stability of the network is also improved more than by ~ 37%, 42%, 45%, 49%, 51% with the corresponding increase in the heterogeneity of networks

    Evaluación del rendimiento del protocolo 6LoWPAN sobre una plataforma de Hardware y Software libre /

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    Las redes de sensores inalámbricos (WSN – Wireless Sensor Networks) han ido evolucionando en los últimos años, siendo su uso más frecuente en soluciones para diversas áreas, dentro de las que se destacan el monitoreo industrial, el estudio de variables ambientales y climatológicas, la domótica y aplicaciones militares [1]. Estas redes brindan soluciones a los problemas en las áreas mencionadas, que no son ajenas a la actualidad que vive la Región Caribe Colombiana. Sin embargo, las WSN presentan diversas dificultades, siendo las más usuales las asociadas al consumo energético [2] y de recursos de procesamiento [3]. Por ello, este trabajo se centra en el estudio del rendimiento del direccionamiento IPV6 a través del protocolo 6LowPan [4], el cual direcciona estos dos aspectos entre otros, mediante la realización de pruebas de rendimiento sobre plataformas de hardware y software libre a través de escenarios con uno y dos nodos conectados a un sumidero que permita evaluar el tiempo de transmisión de paquetes con enrutamientos estáticos y dinámicos.Incluye referencias bibliográfica