47 research outputs found

    Multitaper Estimation of the Coherence Spectrum in low SNR

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    A pseudo coherence estimate using multitapers is presented. The estimate has better localization for sinusoids and is shown to have lower variance for disturbances compared to the usual coherence estimator. This makes it superior in terms of finding coherent frequencies between two sinusoidal signals; even when observed in low SNR. Different sets of multitapers are investigated and the weights of the final coherence estimate are adjusted for a low-biased estimate of a single sinusoid. The proposed method is more computationally efficient than data dependent methods, and does still give comparable results

    Spectral Analysis for Signal Detection and Classification : Reducing Variance and Extracting Features

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    Spectral analysis encompasses several powerful signal processing methods. The papers in this thesis present methods for finding good spectral representations, and methods both for stationary and non-stationary signals are considered. Stationary methods can be used for real-time evaluation, analysing shorter segments of an incoming signal, while non-stationary methods can be used to analyse the instantaneous frequencies of fully recorded signals. All the presented methods aim to produce spectral representations that have high resolution and are easy to interpret. Such representations allow for detection of individual signal components in multi-component signals, as well as separation of close signal components. This makes feature extraction in the spectral representation possible, relevant features include the frequency or instantaneous frequency of components, the number of components in the signal, and the time duration of the components. Two methods that extract some of these features automatically for two types of signals are presented in this thesis. One adapted to signals with two longer duration frequency modulated components that detects the instantaneous frequencies and cross-terms in the Wigner-Ville distribution, the other for signals with an unknown number of short duration oscillations that detects the instantaneous frequencies in a reassigned spectrogram. This thesis also presents two multitaper methods that reduce the influence of noise on the spectral representations. One is designed for stationary signals and the other for non-stationary signals with multiple short duration oscillations. Applications for the methods presented in this thesis include several within medicine, e.g. diagnosis from analysis of heart rate variability, improved ultrasound resolution, and interpretation of brain activity from the electroencephalogram

    Modeling and fault diagnosis of broken rotor bar faults in induction motors

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    Due to vast industrial applications, induction motors are often referred to as the “workhorse” of the industry. To detect incipient faults and improve reliability, condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of induction motors are very important. In this thesis, the focus is to model and detect broken rotor bar (BRB) faults in induction motors through the finite element analysis and machine learning approach. The most successfully deployed method for the BRB fault detection is Motor Current Signature Analysis (MSCA) due to its non-invasive, easy to implement, lower cost, reliable and effective nature. However, MSCA has its own limitations. To overcome such limitations, fault diagnosis using machine learning attracts more research interests lately. Feature selection is an important part of machine learning techniques. The main contributions of the thesis include: 1) model a healthy motor and a motor with different number of BRBs using finite element analysis software ANSYS; 2) analyze BRB faults of induction motors using various spectral analysis algorithms (parametric and non-parametric) by processing stator current signals obtained from the finite element analysis; 3) conduct feature selection and classification of BRB faults using support vector machine (SVM) and artificial neural network (ANN); 4) analyze neighbouring and spaced BRB faults using Burg and Welch PSD analysis

    Searching data for periodic signals

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    We present two statistical tests for periodicities in the time series. We apply the two tests to the data taken from Glasgow prototype interferometer in March 1996. We find that the data contain several very narrow spectral features. We investigate whether these features can be confused with gravitational wave signals from pulsars.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure