3 research outputs found

    Dioptase: a distributed data streaming middleware for the future web of things

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    International audienceThe Internet of Things (IoT) is a promising concept toward pervasive computing as it may radically change the way people interact with the physical world, by connecting sensors to the Internet and, at a higher level, to the Web, thereby enacting a Web of Things (WoT). One of the challenges raised by the WoT is the in-network continuous processing of data streams presented by Things, which must be investigated urgently because it affects the future data models of the IoT, and is critical regarding the scalability and the sustainability required by the IoT. This cross-cutting concern has been previously studied in the context of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) given the focus on the acquisition and in-network processing of sensed data. However, proposed solutions feature various proprietary and highly specialized technologies that are difficult to integrate and complex to use, which represents a hurdle to their wide deployment. At the other end of the spectrum, cloud-based solutions introduce a too high energy cost for the envisioned IoT scale, considering the energy cost of communication over computation. There is thus a need for a distributed middleware solution for data stream management that leverages existing WSN work, while integrating it with today's Web technologies in order to support the required flexibility and the interoperability of the IoT.Toward that goal, this paper introduces Dioptase, a lightweight Data Stream Management System for the WoT, which aims to integrate the Things and their streams into today's Web by presenting sensors and actuators as Web services. The middleware specifically provides a way to describe complex fully-distributed stream-based mashups and to deploy them dynamically, at any time, as task graphs, over available Things of the network, including resource-constrained ones

    Final CHOReOS Architectural Style and its Relation with the CHOReOS Development Process and IDRE

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    This is Part b of Deliverable D1.4, which specifies the final CHOReOS architectural style, that is, the types of components, connectors, and configurations that are composed within the Future Internet of services, as enabled by the CHOReOS technologies developed in WP2 to WP4 and integrated in the WP5 IDRE. The definition of the CHOReOS architectural style is especially guided by the objective of meeting the challenges posed by the Future Internet, i.e.: (i) the ultra large base of services and of consumers, (ii) the high heterogeneity of the services that get composed, from the ones offered by tiny things to the ones hosted on powerful cloud computing infrastructures, (iii) the increasing predominance of mobile consumers and services, which take over the original fixed Inter- net, and (iv) the required awareness of, and related adaptation to, the continuous environmental changes. Another critical challenge posed by the Future Internet is that of security, trust and privacy. However, the study of technologies dedicated to enforcing security, privacy and trust is beyond the scope of the CHOReOS project; instead, state of the art technologies and possibly latest results from projects focused on security solutions are built upon for the development of CHOReOS use cases -if and when needed-. The CHOReOS architectural style that is presented in this deliverable refines the definition of the early style introduced in Deliverable D1.3. Key features of the CHOReOS architectural elements are as follows: (1) The CHOReOS service-based components are technology agnostic and allow for the abstraction of the large diversity of Future Internet services, and particularly traditional Business services as well as Thing-based services; a key contribution of the component formalization lies in the inference of service abstractions that allows grouping services that are functionally similar in a systematic way, and thereby contributes to facing the ULS of the Future Internet together with dealing with system adaptation through service substitution. (2) The CHOReOS middleware-layer connectors span the variety of interaction paradigms, both discrete and continuous, which are used in today's increasingly complex distributed systems, as opposed to enforcing a single interaction paradigm that is commonly undertaken in traditional SOA; a central contribution of the connector formalization is the introduction of a multi-paradigm connector type, which not solely allows having highly heterogeneous services composed in the Future Internet but also having those heterogeneous services interoperating even if based on distinct interaction paradigms. (3) The CHOReOS coordination protocols introduce the third and last type of architectural elements char- acterizing the CHOReOS style. They specifically define the structure and behavior of service-oriented systems within the Future Internet as the fully distributed composition of services, i.e., choreographies; the key contribution of the work lies in a systematic model-based solution to choreography realizability, which synthesizes dedicated coordination delegates that govern the coordination of services

    A Web Service Framework Supporting Multimedia Streaming

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    The transfer of streaming data is not well supported by current web services standards. To include multimedia streaming support in the web services domain, this paper presents a novel multimedia streaming web services framework for the transfer of streaming multimedia content. First, the framework includes an implementation of a query service for publishing a description of the multimedia content that is input to or output from a multimedia web service. This query service is specified in an extension of WSDL. Using MPEG-7 metadata, content descriptions can be queried before the invocation of a multimedia web service. Second, two new MEPs and their SOAP HTTP bindings are created for the exchange of streaming data between two SOAP endpoints. The implementations of these new MEPs use the MIME multipart/related structure and MTOM packaging when transferring the multimedia packets as SOAP messages. To reduce the transfer overhead introduced by the packaging method, this paper investigated extensively the application of various compression schemes for the SOAP messages as well as for the packaging of the binary packet data. Experiments show that the proposed framework can achieve a performance comparable to a simple HTTP multimedia streaming method